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An illusion Created by Newton

What if it isn't the force of gravity that attracts you to Earth?

By Macy BrooklynPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
An illusion Created by Newton
Photo by Hassaan Qaiser on Unsplash

In 1907, in the patent office in Bern, the capital of Switzerland, a young man was sitting at his desk, seeming to be thinking about a dilemma haunting him, and he saw from the opposite window some workers, working on the opposite building, and imagined them falling from the roof of the house to the ground. Although this idea is painful, our friend described it in his own words:

"It was the happiest idea of ​​my life"

How not, the punch that struck Isaac Newton's theory in the killing, and the general theory of relativity that was announced in 1915 was born. That young man was the genius physicist Albert Einstein, who was not convinced by Newton's idea of ​​gravity. If you ask you, you see What makes you fall to the ground when you try to jump? Of course, the answer will come immediately: “It is the force of gravity that Newton discovered several centuries ago.” This is the answer that most people know, but now I want to ask a somewhat suspicious question: “What if what attracts you is not the force of gravity?”. Well, don't let your intellect lead you into the underworld and get freaked out, let's find a more convincing scientific answer through our topic.

Between Newton's apple and Einstein's tissue

According to Newton's theory, any body that has mass, generates a force of attraction towards other bodies, and the body of less mass is usually attracted to the higher mass, which explains why the planets revolve around the sun, and the greater the mass and the smaller the distance between the two bodies, the greater the force of attraction. This explains what happens when you leave an object in your hands, such as an apple or any object around you, and it quickly falls to the ground, in what is known as "free fall". Newton was widely attacked by scholars, accused of making unfounded assumptions, however, he was recorded as one of history's greats.

Newton left, but his theory left many question marks, but people knew gravity as the most powerful force in nature, and many scientists tried to solve the puzzles that Newton left mysterious, until a feat came, called "Albert Einstein", and developed his famous theory that woven The story of the universe again, but more tightly and precisely than Newton, is "general relativity".

We usually feel around us in three dimensions, namely: length, width and height. Einstein added a fourth dimension, which is time, and made the universe look like a fabric - he called it space-time - over which celestial bodies move towards other larger bodies, the latter has the ability to distort the cosmic fabric, So that other bodies move towards it, just like a big ball placed on top of a piece of cloth, when you put other smaller balls, you find that it moves towards the bigger ball, not because of a force of gravity rushing from it, but as a result of the deformation of the piece of cloth at the ball, which creates bends, making the small balls move towards it , and remain at specified distances from them.

That is simply Einstein's general relativity. John Wheeler, the first scientist to come up with the term black hole, summed it up in his famous phrase:

“Matter tells space-time how to bend, space-time tells matter how to move.”

Space-time consists of a group of curvatures that move in space like sea waves, as a result of the collision of galaxies or the rapid movement of neutron stars around each other. On September 14, 2015, after working for many years, the observatory sensed gravitational waves in space-time, which are caused by the collision of two Black holes are together at a distance of 1.3 billion light-years (I would like to point out that these two holes collided together 1.3 billion years ago), and their discoveries about those waves continued, and with each time, the certainty of the correctness of Einstein's general theory of relativity increased.

Yes, gravity is an illusion!

The theory of general relativity has escaped all criticism of it, with regard to gravity, and gravity has become an illusion, that is, it is not a force, and if we consider it a fundamental force, it is the weakest. Here is an important question: “If gravity is an illusion, what is it that attracts us to Earth?” There must be another force working in the dark. In fact, it's not a force, but concepts that we didn't understand, even though Einstein told us about it a long time ago.

Do you know why Einstein was so happy when he imagined a worker falling off a building? It is not abnormal, of course, but he assumed that the person fell freely from the building without weight, that is, he did not feel his own weight, and anything falling next to him, would appear to be fixed in place, because the two were moving toward the ground with equal speed and in the same direction.

Einstein imagined the dilemma of the space traveller, linking the idea of falling to the astronaut who is sailing his vehicle in space, and feels weightless most of the time, not because of the lack of gravity, but for another reason, which is the lack of what is called "acceleration". In that case, if the space traveller moved anything around it, it would move in a straight line. (It seems hard to imagine I know, but focus on the following)


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Macy Brooklyn

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