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into spirit

By Raquel Teixeira Published 3 months ago 3 min read

feel. mother holding us fiercely as we walk back home. our ancestors dancing to every sacred fire we sit around, every souvereign breath we take, every foot we put on the earth. great spirit’s voice guiding our every move. unplugging us from matrix cords back into the grid lines of Truth. anchoring our roots down deep so that we can wildly shake away the fear & claim our soul’s infinity power. the ego might think power is money, or things, or status. but self limitation is the delusion of being separate. power is belonging. is being looked after by serpents & eagles as we care for all bodies of pachamama. which is to say we care for all bodies of ourselves. the moon reflecting bright orange & blind trust. the sun coding divine action. connecting us to our cosmic stories. in our remembering, we bring about gentle breezes, piercing hurricanes, earthquakes, thunderstorms & soft rain. standing for what our hearts know to be real. seeing clearly, speaking passionately. in surrender devotion rapture. from a place somewhere in our sacred sacral grail. pure clarity veil. blood bleeding distortions of lust, greed, grief. we might try to kill every spider cockroach mosquito that crawls our way, every centipede scorpion jellyfish bite. but She loves us too much. She will infiltrate every corner of Dreamtime, keeping it alive. whispering the secrets of the dragon lines & golden rhymes.

in the land where rainforest

meets pindan dirt

laid dormant a route

sweet bridging bird

it echoed dreams

of untouched treasure

a smell of wilderness

beyond measure

spirit writing

divine poetry

a rainbow breathing circle

it is pure alchemy

once upon a golden dream, mankind woke up from a matrix stream. there was a collective big yawn, a scratching of the eyes worn & a moment of pause for a long deep moan, as if we were breathing anew conscious blue. colours were brighter, sounds more musical. time still & eternal, space & form no thing but a norm & inside a central storm, overall seeing an undeniable eternity of being. we felt straight away there was a lot of coughing to do, a lot of crying, a lot of screaming. so much tension stored in our holy bodies we knew only the ocean could help us. & she did. she washed all things clean in a beam. emotions ran wild like hurricanes, but we were anchored strong in the remembering of who we are. dusty star. diamond ray. “whatever it takes”, we would pray. the purging felt chaotic catastrophic diabolic holographic enigmatic dramatic poetic magnetic electric & we stood tall, in a crystal ball. pearled. tuned to our Mother’s whispers to see in clarity our divine blisters. every cell so alive & a bell like a hive. the upside down world earthquaked its way to the surface & we could barely believe the madness. but that was also when we could better hear the goddess, & great spirit’s bless. it was a wholesome cosmic mess. all the spells of darker tells fell away on salty swells & oh my lord the flower smells. in every space there blossomed an altar & in our hearts a Love affair. capital T love. of truth from above. in our throats celestial tones, in our bodies atlantian bones. in our wombs an infinity umbilical cord, in our minds no more knots. unicorn trots. our feet on the ground & up our heads a lotus crown. an eye connected to its rye & an energy source that does not exhaust. for every glimpse of immeasurable grace there was a seed unfolding trace & as a tribe not a race we walked together a glowing face. sacred fires in a blaze. dancing circles drumming pace. whales singing magic beaming & we bowing to the dreaming. on our knees to the trees & the bees. gratitude for the seas. in our cups, teas.



About the Creator

Raquel Teixeira

My mission is to spread LOVE! Dancing my dance of freedom in this beautiful flow of the energy we are. One with the Universe, co-creating a New Earth: Fairyland, Atlantis, Heaven, The Great Awakening; however we want to dream it. So it is!

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  • Alex H Mittelman 3 months ago

    Very intense! This reminds me of Ernest Hemmingway! ❤️ nice work!

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