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A special sighting of something outdoors

A special sighting of something outdoors

By Rosan PandeyPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
A special sighting of something outdoors
Photo by WILLIAN REIS on Unsplash

Mountains travel long distances, by force along the road or by footpath in nature. The word "mountain climbing" is used in Britain when it comes to mountains, but the old word "mountain climbing" lacks "mountain climbing," a term used in northern England when referring to mountains. A fun walk made in Europe in the 18th century.

The term bushwalking is common in Australia and was coined by the Sydney Bush Walkers Club in 1927. In a previous post, I talked about how famous writers can go and share great quotes about famous writers like J. K. Rowling and Charles Dickens.

In general, writers love to travel, not only because it is an easy and fun way to exercise, but also because it encourages new ideas for news and solutions.

In other words, walking vigorously every day can lead to a longer, healthier life, and that means more time to improve our writing skills, contribute to the world and spend time with our loved ones. As Ralph Waldo Emerson noted, Nero promoted the new luxury of walking in the woods. When you get up in the morning and walk for days, you are doing something good for yourself.

In addition to the obvious health benefits, travel also makes us smarter. According to a Stanford study, creative performance exceeds 60 percent when you travel. By making a simple change in your travel style, you can take advantage of it.

In addition, it did not matter whether the participants walked or not. It was the movement of the body that made the strategy of choosing and knowing the way to go down.

In recent years, The New York Times, The Atlantic, Psychology Today, and The Washington Post published articles in which cognitive benefits are praised, including improved memory function, spatial relationships, and the speed of cognitive processing. Even if you are not a creative person or a composer, in many ways you can pretend to walk as a kind of creative is in your best interests.

Studies also suggest that walking can help prevent cognitive decline, including dementia. A 2011 study found that older adults who traveled 40 minutes a year three times a week showed an increase in the size of the brain area called the hippocampus that improves memory.

Recent research has shown that our art grows by 60% as we go. Some studies have found that moving home enhances creative motivation. In fact, an exciting new study conducted by Stanford University has shown that creative thinking develops when one goes outside.

While walking on the Missouri Ozark farm, I recently conducted a public road workshop in North Easton, Massachusetts at the Ames Free Library while working as a writer. After I left, finding myself energized and able to concentrate, I returned home to write. The amount of travel in the city or town that nature inspires ideas and supports the writing process.

In these areas, Oppezzo and Schwartz found that walking improves participants '"creative thinking after returning to their desks. Some even found that walking reduces students' performance in activities that require laser thinking. as it helps to dispel thoughts during the day.

As we walk, the pace of our feet may change with our emotions, the power of our inner tongue, and the pace of our thoughts at the same time. While daily commute is an effective way to take a break from a difficult manuscript, some authors use it as an open-ended exercise solution in the hope that the museum will present creative insights. The relationship between mobility and creative understanding is not guaranteed, but many authors encounter this situation as if it were solving the author's blocking problem.

This type of concept was researched and linked to new ideas, strokes and insights. I don’t plan to do that but think about your story, your characters as you go, and start talking and thinking for yourself.

I remember climbing a sand dune in Death Valley National Park while writing a chapter on the dunes of the novel, and seeing the sand and sunlight reflected in it. It reminded me of how hard it is to walk on sand dunes, how soft the sand is beneath your feet, how slippery from one step to another, how you feel the whistling and dust and grains of sand as they pass through every step.

When Laura Disilverio finds a box, she looks for a solution: take a walk. Whether it’s wind, rain, sun, or snow, you take a long trip out of the big. He says he often breaks down barriers in his writing.

When Mrs. Dalloway leaves, she can't see the city around her. At least since the days of the Greek philosopher on this subject, many other writers have found deep and accurate communication between movement, thinking, and writing. Thomas De Quincey recounts that William Wordsworth traveled a hundred and eighty kilometers in his lifetime from the age of five, about six and a half miles a day, his poems abound on foot, in forests, and on public roads.


About the Creator

Rosan Pandey

[email protected]

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