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6,000 light-years away, a black hole is heading towards Earth, and humans can only escape if they want to survive

Astronomers explore the universe

By SukkningPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

Many people think that astronomers explore the universe out of curiosity, but in fact, humans explore the universe for various purposes, such as searching for extraterrestrial life, finding habitable planets to prepare humans for future interstellar migration, finding resource-rich planets to solve the problem of energy depletion on Earth, and so on. In addition, another important reason for scientists to explore the universe is to find out what factors in space could pose a threat to the security of the Earth.

As the saying goes, "if you know your enemy, you can win a hundred battles", and the vastness of the universe, the Earth is small compared to negligible, not to mention any kind of life on Earth. Therefore, in the face of the unknown universe, human beings should take the initiative to explore the mysteries of the unknown, these mysteries can allow us to increase our understanding of the universe, galaxies, and planets, from which we can analyze the future of the Earth may encounter the external environment will be like.

Humans are creatures of imagination and reasoning and can predict what will happen in the future based on existing clues. So the question is, from the available detection information, the future of the Earth may encounter what kind of external security problems? Here's a look at it.

Will the Earth still encounter an asteroid impact?

First of all, the future external security problem for the Earth may be an asteroid impact. The last large-scale event led to the fifth biological extinction, more than 80% of the world's creatures have disappeared, and even the dinosaurs that ruled the biosphere for more than 100 million years could not survive, so some scientists believe that if the future Earth staged another asteroid impact event of similar scale, humans will repeat the same mistake.

Some time ago, Musk, the founder of the world-famous electric car company Tesla, made a prediction on social media that eventually a huge asteroid will hit the earth and wipe out the earth's civilization once again. After the analysis of American netizens, Musk's prediction should be in response to the British newspaper "Daily Express" warning about the arrival of the "God of Chaos" asteroid. Some netizens also said in the comments section that Musk was alarmist, Musk then returned a sentence, meaning that if things happen, the human race can not do anything now.

So what is the origin of this asteroid that Musk is worried about? According to the Daily Express, the "God of Chaos" is also known as Apophis, the Death Star. The asteroid was discovered by scientists in 2004 and is estimated to have a diameter of about 415 meters and a mass of at least 46 billion kilograms. Such an asteroid will release 114,000 times the power of the Hiroshima bomb when it hits the Earth, enough to destroy the world's largest cities and thus cause a global chain reaction.

An asteroid does not have to be half the size of the Earth to have a global impact, because the impact caused by the impact is a chain of events, just as an asteroid just hit the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico today 65 million years ago, triggering the fifth biological extinction. Scientists have previously predicted a 2.9 percent probability of Apophis hitting Earth in 2029, the highest probability of any detected asteroid to date.

NASA held an anomalous planetary defense conference in April, at which top officials raised the importance of Apophis, indicating that the asteroid is a potential threat to Earth. The good news is that NASA has entered into a partnership with SPACE X, which will develop a kinetic impactor, attempt to be carried into space by a Falcon 9 rocket, and then use it to alter the trajectory of an asteroid called Didymus.

The sun will eventually become a hidden danger even if it sends warmth silently.

The sun is the central object of the solar system, and without it, the solar system would cease to exist. The importance of the Sun is not only that it is the core component of the stellar system, but also that it delivers light and heat to the surrounding objects every hour of every day. Without the sun's billions of years of silent delivery of "warmth" and "light", the Earth would not have been able to produce life in the first place, and even if there was life would not have developed to such a prosperous scene today.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. The reason is that the sun will continue to expand and swallow up the earth in the later stages. The sun we see now is in the main sequence star stage, which is equivalent to the middle age stage of a person's life. The Sun at this stage maintains stability for the longest time, up to about 9 billion years. As nuclear fusion reactions continue inside the Sun, heavy elements are being produced, causing the Sun to expand day by day.

When the Sun begins to expand significantly, this means that it enters the red giant stage, which is equivalent to the old age stage of life. The fusion reactions inside the Sun become more and more intense during the expansion process, resulting in the release of more and more radiation, which causes a huge impact on the surrounding planets. Therefore the Earth will be violently attacked by solar radiation before it is swallowed by the sun, the most serious consequences may lead to the disappearance of the Earth's atmosphere which leads to the consequences can be imagined.

Even if the Earth survives this period, when the Sun gradually expanded to the extent that it swallowed Mercury and Venus, the Earth in its current position can not escape. The high temperature of the sun's surface directly bakes the surface of the earth, then the surface of the earth will probably become no grass, evaporation of the oceans on a large scale, and finally, the earth becomes a dry planet like Mars. Of course, these scenarios will emerge at least a billion years later, so at this stage, we do not have to worry too much.

What has given scientists new concerns about the safety of the Earth?

In addition to the Sun and the godforsaken asteroids, there is one object that has raised the concerns of scientists in recent years: black holes. According to long-term monitoring data from some foreign astronomical research institutions, a black hole is approaching the solar system. I believe we have all heard of this object, the first impression of it is the invisible "Taotie", one because it really can not be observed through the naked eye, two because its gravitational force is very strong, any object near can not escape its attraction.

Foreign scientists for the black hole are running towards the solar system to develop the number GRO J1655-40, it is understood that this small black hole is currently about 6000 light-years away from the Earth, but it is moving at a speed of 112 kilometers per second. According to this speed, assuming that it is not disturbed too much during its movement, it will come to the vicinity of the solar system in about 9 to 11 million years. In case a black hole appears near the solar system, whether it is a small black hole or a large black hole, the solar system will be destroyed.

Why is GRO J1655-40 so fast?

I believe there is a question about GRO J1655-40, why is it so fast? What is the concept of 112 kilometers per kilometer? It is understood that the fastest human probe is the Juno probe, which has a speed of 73 kilometers per second, while the speed of the asteroid black hole is almost twice as fast as Juno. Juno is just a small probe, small black holes may have more mass than the entire solar system.

According to the kinetic energy theorem, the kinetic energy of an object is obtained by multiplying the mass and speed of the object, and GRO J1655-40 is not only fast but also has a very large mass, which means its kinetic energy is beyond the existing knowledge. So where did it get its kinetic energy from? According to existing celestial theories, almost all galaxies have a massive black hole at their center, and the gravitational force it exerts on its surroundings keeps all objects in relative balance with each other.

However, there are two kinds of objects that are naturally naughty and like to break the balance rules of the universe: neutron stars and black holes. According to the research, black holes have incalculable kinetic energy because they form in a special form, very different from other celestial bodies.

If a black hole appears, can mankind escape from this disaster?

If the observations and calculations of foreign scientists are realistic, what will be the effect when the black hole comes close to the solar system? First of all, the gravitational force of the black hole will cause the inner solar system to fall into chaos. The gravitational force of the Sun can no longer maintain internal stability, and the major planets will be attracted to fly out of the solar system, and even the Sun itself will be sucked away. In the process of being attracted, celestial bodies are likely to collide with each other, resulting in some objects being hit and disintegrated before being swallowed by the black hole.

The Earth, as a small object in the solar system, may also experience this situation. Secondly, even if the Earth will not be smashed to pieces, it will eventually be swallowed by a black hole. So is there a way to prevent this from happening? There are indeed ways, but they are all still in the hypothetical stage. According to estimates, GRO J1655-40 appears in the vicinity of the solar system in about 9 million years, and humans can avoid being destroyed if they can use these 9 million years to fly out of the solar system.

This reminds me of the story set in the Chinese science fiction movie benchmark production "Wandering Planet", in which humans unite to prevent the Earth from being destroyed by the expanding sun and unite to install a planetary engine on one side of the Earth, then synchronize the engine to generate thrust in the opposite direction of the sun's gravity to propel the Earth toward the outer solar system. While we think this scene from a science fiction movie is unlikely to play out in reality, who can predict what will happen in the next few million years?

Just like ancient humans a million years ago, if they could already thought at that time, they would never have imagined that humans are now able to leave the earth. So the key to the problem is to give humans enough time to keep pushing space technology forward, and one day can create astonishing space technology. Therefore, if the black hole appeared, if humans can live to that point in time, they will not sit still, even if the probability of success is very small, but also fight out of the solar system.


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Science will give mankind's greatest gift is? Is to make the power of humans believe that truth。

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    SukkningWritten by Sukkning

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