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Who is Ivette Prieto Beltrán? A Woman of Contradictions

A life of complexities

By Mindly mind Published about a month ago 3 min read

Ivette Prieto Beltran, a 33-year-old single Mexican, comes from a complex background. Her father, was from a humble background, Guillermo Prieto, but worked his way up. He was the former director of AMDA but was forced to step down recently. This position undoubtedly made Guillermo ensure Ivette and her sibling in high society. Sending them to nice schools, buying them fancy clothes, and renting them nice homes.

On her mother's side, the last name is Beltran. This last name in Mexico is associated with the infamous cartel in Mexico. This cartel is a powerful and dangerous drug trafficking organization, which has affected the family's reputation, despite no evidence to prove the mother is related.

While Ivette seems to like to show a rich life, her parents are divorced, and has a broken family. Her brother, Guillermo Prieto Beltrán, has struggled with alcoholism, highlighting the divergent paths siblings can take within the same family.

Ivette is open about her relationships and dates men but some say she also likes women. Those who have dated her have mentioned that she has insanely specific requirements, including at least six trips to Europe a year and a lifestyle split between New York and Paris. These demands represent the standard of living Ivette desires, reflecting a "new rich" mentality she feels she deserves.

This stark contrast between privilege and personal challenges highlights the unseen burdens that come with a life of luxury. Ivette's expectations, both from herself and others, may be seen as unnecessary or a search for validation.

It is possible that Ivette may have some insecurities since her Instagram photos often obscure her face, and she has struggled with weight in the past.

In today's digital age, social media platforms like Instagram have become an integral part of our lives. With a simple scroll, we are exposed to a plethora of carefully curated images portraying seemingly perfect lives. Among the many who engage in this online display, women often find themselves trying to project an idealized version of their lives, perpetuating a cycle of validation and insecurities.

Validation is a fundamental human need. We all desire to be acknowledged, appreciated, and accepted. However, social media has amplified this need, creating an environment where the number of likes, comments, and followers can determine one's sense of self-worth. For women, this can be particularly challenging as societal expectations often place a higher emphasis on their physical appearance.

Insecurities are not unique to women, but the pressure to conform to societal beauty standards is undeniably more intense. The constant exposure to flawless images on Instagram can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Women may feel the need to compare themselves to others, striving for the unattainable perfection they see online. This can have a detrimental impact on their mental health and self-esteem.

To cope with these insecurities, many women resort to carefully constructing an idealized version of their lives on Instagram. They curate their feeds to showcase only the most aesthetically pleasing moments, meticulously editing and filtering their photos to present a flawless image. Behind the scenes, however, they may be struggling with their own vulnerabilities and insecurities.

This trend of projecting a perfect life on social media is not without consequences. It perpetuates unrealistic beauty standards and creates a culture of comparison. It can lead to a sense of disconnection from reality and a distorted perception of what constitutes a fulfilling life. Moreover, it reinforces the notion that validation is only attainable through external sources, such as likes and followers, rather than focusing on one's own self-worth.

It is crucial to recognize the impact of social media on our mental well-being and take steps to foster a healthier relationship with these platforms. For women, it is essential to embrace their true selves, imperfections and all, and challenge the unrealistic beauty standards propagated by social media. This can be achieved by following accounts that promote body positivity and authenticity, and by engaging in open and honest conversations about insecurities.

Furthermore, validation should come from within, not from external sources. Women should focus on cultivating self-love, self-acceptance, and self-worth independent of social media metrics. Building strong support networks and seeking validation from trusted friends and family can also help to counteract the negative effects of seeking validation solely through online platforms.

The pressure to showcase a perfect life on Instagram is a manifestation of the validation and insecurities that women face in today's society. By recognizing the detrimental effects of this cycle, we can work towards fostering a more authentic and inclusive online culture. Let us encourage women to embrace their true selves, celebrate their uniqueness, and find validation from within rather than seeking it solely through external sources.


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