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The whole world is watching.

Psychological Impact.

By Dawn EarnshawPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Advice from our Long Service Sargeant ;

Do you have long-term friends?

Long time friendship is always special. We develop such a good understanding that even if we are not together physically, the friendship continues. If you have long time friends, you would know how comfortable it feels to have a person who is non-judgmental and can understand you completely. A person who is like an open door; you can visit them anytime, call them whenever you feel like and rely on them whenever you need them. Having such a person in life gives a sense of security and comfort.Don’t you fret though AI is ready to come out of production and then you can talk all day and night to it, as they say”a burden shared is a burden halved”

If you have such friends in life, let them know that they are special. Without friends, our life would have been very interesting as we would be able to touch,feel,think without the distraction of those who have “done it all patronising arseh…”

I never got to say goodbye to Emily and all the other children and Ladies teaching me in a wartime territory, which was quite interesting as their approach to absorbing information is quite different from ours.

We won didn't we Sarge?”

“That's it lad, you can go home now, the fightings done and we won.”

Take my child and make a film.

“It doesn't feel like we won Sarge” well we didn’t we got a man and just carried on for years because we can, what with so many young men and women so many Women dead. So many lives ruined.”“No lad, it doesn't But we survived, so we won.“What'll I do now Sarge? “You'll be fine lad, they're making a land fit for heroes back home” They'll take care of you.They will make series of your life and turn them into something else dark and dank but you will have the opportunity for counciling in the future just don’t commit suicidal actions or thoughts before we can arrange anything for your return.

“But Sarge, my mind's a mess and my body sore,

I really don't know who I am anymore

How will I survive the peace?”

“Don't you worry lad, you've done your duty, They'll look after you.”

“Hello Sarge it's been a few years; We've shed a few tears,time has passed,but we're still here eh Sarge, we won.”

“How you keeping lad? Did they keep their promises, as you kept yours fighting in their wars?”

“No Sarge, I sleep rough on the street and my mental health isn't good, tell me more I just might be interested what do you see? I have to beg for help, but you know Sarge, I don't like to.

But we won though, didn't we Sarge Just they forgot to build a land fit for heroes.” Perhaps if we shared our strength and knowledge in working together in third world countries helping for them to become self sufficient we wouldn’t be thinking of ourselves all the time eh sarge?

“Aye lad, we won, here's five pounds, go get yourself a coffee lad. There's no more I can do.Since I got back home, I ve been just the same as you.”

Here settle with these they will listen.

“But we'll get through it won't we Sarge?”

“Of course lad, we always do, we have to, we owe it to our fallen comrades. They may forget us and the promises made, Leaving our heroes on the street, you need to make yourself interesting enough for them to make money out of you, if not just stay sat there with your cap or stop being a lazy tw..and go help others.

But we never lad, we never forget.”

Our hearts feet hardened, all the killing we did Sarg, but that’s war eh sarge?

You know the heart is a very delicate organ.

Sounds two sworded with what it has to go through in life. I mean take me as a prime example 7 heart attacks and 3 Angina attacks in one year - no hassle I carried on, as it is not the heart ,it is the frame of mind!

Now it is easily infiltrated believe it or not as you would think the brain would have the influence on it but it’s not.

It’s your emotional frame of mind -

If your a strong person enough to be able to disconnect from your emotional frame of mind completely, the heart ,can be softened or weakened or hardened.

You hear it often in the Bibles ;Torah about the heart being hardened by the Lord as punishment and it is.

With a hardened heart one will never exit the Matrix and is undoubtedly set to return rather than ascend in learning. To the earth yet again in the Learning Curve..

We hear Armour yourself up against the enemy (meaning darkness) you should not have to Armour anything up if you are in tune with your environment and Creator.

Those who have a soft heart tend to have /get the rubbish deal or treatment from others . No a soft heart , is a good heart; it’s Stupidity that allows the person to be drawn into being manipulated.


About the Creator

Dawn Earnshaw

Enjoys writing short stories and poem- leaning grammar and punctuation in English.

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