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The Tragic Case of Alexi Treviso

A Teen's Hidden Pregnancy Ends in Horrific Consequences

By Aafreen AliPublished 24 days ago 8 min read
The Tragic Case of Alexi Treviso
Photo by niu niu on Unsplash

Alexi Treviso

The girl you see in this picture is Alexi Treviso. She went to the hospital complaining of back problems, but what she did in the bathroom would leave everyone completely horrified.

"There was blood on the floor, on the wall actually, it was all over the place. Alexi had given birth and dumped her newborn in the trash."

Now, what happened in the bathroom? Was the baby alive? Why did Alexi throw him in the trash when she could have gotten help at the hospital? Let's take a look at the case of Alexi Treviso, the teen who threw her newborn baby in a bin.

In the early morning of January 27, 2023, Lila Lewis, a housekeeper at Artesia General Hospital in New Mexico, went to clean the women's restroom near the emergency room. But before she even began her job, she could tell that something was horribly wrong, saying, "I noticed there were big footprints outside the door before I entered the bathroom. I didn't know what to expect when I entered."

When she stepped into the bathroom, she was met by a horrific scene. It would later be described to the police as a gory, bloody massacre mess. "There was blood on the floor, on the wall it was all over the place, right, all over the floor because even when I was going into the bathroom, there was blood coming out of that."

Although she didn't understand what had happened, Lila decided to do her job.

Lila was almost done cleaning when she got to the plastic trash can in the bathroom. When she went to move it, she noticed that it felt heavier than normal. Lila said she began to rummage through the bin to see what was making it so hard to move. She said that cleaning staff would normally store new garbage bags at the bottom of the bin so the liners could be easily replaced when the trash is removed. At first, she had thought the extra weight was a result of someone storing too many empty liners at the bottom of the can. But when she reached the bottom, what she found would leave her completely traumatized.

"Yeah, nineteen-year-old Alexi Treviso was a senior and cheerleader at Artesia High School in New Mexico. She was doing well in school and was even set to graduate before heading off to college. But on January 27, 2023, Alexi started having terrible back pains. She was taken to the hospital by her mother, where the doctor decided to carry out some tests to see what was wrong with her. To their shock, they found out that Alexia was pregnant and that what she was experiencing was labor pains. Alexi completely denied being pregnant, saying that she had never been intimate with a guy and had regular periods. At some point, she excused herself, saying that she wanted to go to the restroom. She was there for quite some time, causing her mom and the doctors to go check on her.

What none of them would have imagined was that Alexi was giving birth alone in the bathroom.

Alexi was in that bathroom for about 20 minutes, and when she finally walked out, she left a gory scene. She left the bathroom and walked back to her hospital room as if nothing happened.

There was a mess of blood.

"That she tried to wipe up in places."

At the time, the doctors and nurses thought that Alexi had suffered a miscarriage, and they were mostly concerned about her safety. It was not until Lila checked the trash bag that the true horror of what had happened in the bathroom was unveiled.

Shocked and traumatized, Lila immediately alerted the nurses, who rushed to the bathroom took the baby to the trauma center, and desperately tried to revive him. Sadly, there was nothing they could do for the poor baby boy, and he was pronounced dead soon after. One of the nurses would later describe the horrific condition that the baby was in, saying, "I've dealt with death before, but never like this. The umbilical cord looked like an animal had torn it apart, like, have you ever eaten string cheese when you twisted it? That's how the bottom of the umbilical cord looked, and I was like, 'Wow, this chick ripped this thing apart because they are hard to cut.'"

The police were immediately called to the scene and told everything that happened.

"The doctor said that they were concerned that she might have done something to herself to terminate the pregnancy."

"Oh wow, okay, so when they looked in there, it looked like there was no trash in there but it's underneath the clean bag."

After talking to the doctor, the police went to Alexi's room to talk to her and her mother.

"You can imagine just how shocked the mom was to learn of the extreme lengths that her daughter had gone to to hide her pregnancy. 'Being about the bathroom, oh my gosh Lexi, I told you about this, if I just asked you, baby, to tell me the troubles.'

Alexi immediately started crying, claiming that the baby had fallen off and didn't cry when it was born. 'What did you do to it, right here? The number one priority, guys, number one priority is she just had a baby. I don't know if she's delivered the placenta; she's bleeding significantly.'"

Alexi's mom wanted to know how old the baby was, and when she found out, she was horrified.

"What about nine months?"

"Nothing was crying, Lexi! Have you watched the news of the girls what they do to their babies and what they go to jail? That's crying."

Alexi kept insisting that the baby was not crying when it came out and that she was afraid of getting in trouble, so she put him in the trash can.

What shocked everyone about this case was why Alexi did what she did. She was already in the hospital where she could have gotten help, yet she risked her life just so no one would know she was pregnant. If she didn't want the baby, why couldn't she just leave him safely in the hospital?

Alexi claimed that she didn't know she was pregnant until the doctor told her, but was this the truth?

Alexi's classmates described her as a master manipulator who had several friends but very few close ones. She had a long-term boyfriend named Devin Fierro, whom she had been dating for about three years.

Although Alexi claimed that she didn't know she was pregnant, some of her friends and classmates said that she knew. Her baby bump was clearly visible.

Still, she tried to lie to everyone else, saying that she had put on weight not because she was expecting but because she had started taking contraceptive pills. One of her former friends said she knew she was pregnant and hid it from almost everyone. She told me she had just gained weight because she was on the pill.

Her classmate said that rumors about her pregnancy started going around in November 2022, when she would have been around seven months pregnant. But whether she heard the rumor or not, Alexi acted like she didn't have a care in the world, and if anyone asked her about it, she would completely deny it. A cheerleading coach even asked her if she was expecting, and Alexi again blamed her weight gain on taking birth control pills.

Her schoolmates said that they didn't want to make a big deal out of it because it would seem like they were getting into her business. Another friend said, "The last thing you want to ask someone who looks like they've gained weight is if they were pregnant." But now looking back, the friend said, Alexi had worn baggy-type clothes all through the previous year, which she normally never would. So Lexi had managed to fool everyone, including her mother.

"I didn't know, I honestly didn't know," her mom told detectives. Alexi had always had some issues with her hips and back that required her to see a chiropractor to be adjusted, so when she came to her complaining about experiencing back pains, she thought it was the normal issue she'd had in the past. She never thought that her daughter could be going through labor pain.

"But she's a cheerleader too, still, these big chairs they have for cheer competition, she works out, I mean, and she's been active this whole time, she's been active this whole time."

Alexi's baby was later named Alex Fierro, and his remains were cremated, and the ashes were given to the mother. Meanwhile, detectives were still trying to figure out what happened to the baby. Was he born, or did Alexi kill him at birth?

After months of investigation, police ruled that the baby's death was a homicide after an autopsy revealed that he had air in his lungs when he died, meaning that he was alive and breathing when he was born. According to police reports, the newborn died from entrapment. This occurs when someone is trapped inside an airtight container or, in this case, a tied plastic bag, which consumes all of the available oxygen until there's no longer enough to sustain life.

With this new revelation, police went to Alexi's home in May 2023 to arrest her.

She was charged with first-degree murder, or putting a child resulting in death and tampering with evidence. But a judge later released her on a $100,000 bail so she could return to school to graduate.

Now, despite everything she'd done, Alexi went on with her life as if it was nothing and could even be seen here at her prom, smiling while standing next to her boyfriend.

April Prom, 2023

Her trial is set for October 2023, and while we may never know for sure whether she regrets what she did or not, we just hope that justice will be done for that poor baby, whose short time on Earth was filled with trauma and betrayal.

l what do you think about Alexi's actions.


About the Creator

Aafreen Ali

"Explore captivating articles igniting curiosity, from incisive commentary to poignant narratives. Join the journey, challenge convention, and revel in the magic of storytelling."

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