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The Pickpocket

New York Never Loses

By Jacob CiprianoPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

She clocked him a block away. The man she marked was walking with an arrogant strut that only rich assholes can pull off. A ridiculously expensive suit, a knockoff Rolex, and on his cell phone talking way too loudly and gesticulating too much, thinking he's somebody.

'A perfect mark' she thought, smiling to herself.

She moved quickly, crossing the street dodging cars that were jam-packed in the traffic. Ignoring the angry glares, and the few curses thrown her way. Making it to the other side of the avenue, she took out her cell phone and put on her best sorority girl impression.

"Oh my god girl! he did not say that to you!"

'Ten feet away now, keep coming.. and now'

Making it look like she wasn't paying attention to the world around her, she ran into her mark. Colliding with him making both of them drop their cellphones, she shot o ut her hand into his jacket pocket. She finished her theatrics doing a full spin and falling on the ground, throwing her prize into her tucked in t-shirt. The girl on the ground had to stop the smile forming on her face, she almost couldn't help it, because the reaction she received from the man was exactly the one she expected from an ego-centric prick.

"What the fuck!" the man yelled in his thick Brooklyn accent. "Why don't you watch where you're going, you dumb bitch!"

The girl looked up, "I'm so sorry sir, I wasn't paying attention." she stuttered her words as if she was petrified.

"Yeah no shit, maybe pay attention to where you're going! You could have ruined my suit! "

"I will, I'm so sorry-"

She was cut off. The man picked up his phone and stormed off, spouting off a stream of angry curses. Not missing the opportunity, she picked up her phone and took off in the opposite direction, getting around the block quickly.

The pickpocket didn't stop moving at a quick pace until she was six blocks away. She stopped in front of her favorite coffee shop, a small little Armenian owned place never too crowded. She walked in smiling at the man behind the counter.

"Hey, Davit" she greeted the older gentlemen.

"Agghh Sarah! I was wondering when you would be coming in. I see you went as a blonde today, still getting into trouble eh?"

"I never get into trouble Davit, how could I? I never get recognized!"

With a little laugh, he replied "so far you haven't" shifting into a fatherly voice "listen young one, one day, and I hope it never comes, but one day your luck will run out."

"Maybe one day, but not today," Sarah replied.

Shaking his head, "The usual for you?"

"That would be great! Can I use the bathroom?"

"Of course you can."

"Thanks Davit."

Walking around the counter and grabbing her backpack that was stored under the register, she walked in through the little kitchen and went into the bathroom. Locking the door behind her, she leaned up against the door and let out a deep sigh. Sarah never liked being lectured. She was 24 years old and had been on her own since she was 16, since the day she left her foster home. Shaking her head and clearing her thoughts, before old wounds could be opened again.

She leaned forward looking into the mirror and smiled at the pretty freckled face looking back at her.

'We got this, she thought to herself.

She got to work, pulling the pins holding the wig in her hair. After peeling it off she threw the wig into her bag and continued pulling the clips out. After the last pin was out she shook out her head letting her long black hair fall out past her shoulders.

Next she took out the contacts, transforming the blue eyes back to the brown that were hers. Satisfied that she was back to herself, she took out a zip up hoodie and threw it on. Before zipping it up, she untucked her shirt and let the wallet and a weighted envelope fall to the ground.

Sarah picked up the items. She opened the wallet and took out the wad of cash. Not bothering to look at the rest of the items, she threw the wallet in the trash. Next, she opened the envelope and let the contents fall into her hands.

A small key with the number 417 engraved in it and a small piece of paper fell out of the envelope. She unfolded the paper and read drop off Grand central station 6pm. Sarah smiled, maybe this was the payday she was hoping for.

Downtown Brooklyn

The man in the suit arrived at his destination, the run in with the blonde girl forgotten. He walked into a small electronics store, walking into the back acting as if he owned the entire place. Directly to the right, in the back room was a door marked private office. Two men were sitting at a small table next to the door. As he entered the room, they looked up and right back down to their cards.

The man immediately became irritated.

"Alex, Tony, you don't stand up when an officer walks into the room?"

Alex snorted "An officer? I thought you were just an errand boy."

" You Piece of sh-" the man cut himself off when Alex looked up. The scar on his cheek was turned up, making his smile seem so much more menacing. That smile spoke for itself. It said "go ahead finish that statement. I dare you."

"You know who my uncle is. You are the one guarding his door."

"You are not your uncle, Marcus. Nor are you your cousin" Tony said.

Marcus gritted his teeth, thinking about his perfect cousin. The heir to the head of the family.

'Unless something unfortunate happened to him,' Marcus thought to himself.

"Just run along little boy, he's been waiting for you."

Marcus shook his head and walked in. His cousin Tristin was sitting with his uncle, looking over two copies of what seemed like the same book.

'Business ledgers most likely' Marcus thought.

"Uncle your me-"

"Do you not knock anymore cousin?" Tristin said, cutting him off.

Marcus glared at his cousin, angry that he was always around to make him look stupid.

After his 30 seconds of silence his uncle asked, "well? "

Marcus coughed and looked down.

"Apologies Uncle it won't happen again."

His uncle didn't say anything, just stared at him until his patience was worn too thin. "Well? Did you pick up the envelope?"

"Agh, umm yes, everything went smoothly," Marcus stumbled through the response.

"Well where is it?" His uncle's voice rose with each word.

Tristin coughed, using his hand to cover the smile.

Marcus swore to himself, "Right here Uncle.” He reached into his pocket and froze. Going completely cold, he reached into his other pocket and then frantically started patting down every pocket he had.

His uncle drummed his fingers on the desk, getting increasingly angrier and angrier, until he couldn't take it anymore.


"I..I had it in this pocket Uncle. I swear," fear was coursing through his body.

His uncle stood up quickly and surged around the desk. Without pausing, he threw a punch into his nephew's face.

"THEN WHERE IS THE FUCKING ENVELOPE?" he screamed down at Marcus.

"I don't know," he squeaked back. "I walked straight here. No stops, no del-" Marcus stopped mid sentence. His eyes went wide. "Oh shit."

"What? Speak damnit"

"I was walking, talking on the phone when this idiot blonde girl ran into me."

His uncle and cousin, who was now standing, stared at him. They stayed like that until his cousin said, trying to keep the laughter out of his voice,"You got taken down by a pickpocket?"

Marcus just sat there, not saying a word. His uncle went out the door and brought in Alex and Tony. He looked at his son and said, "Go back uptown and find out which locker and what time, quickly. You two will take my idiot of a nephew and bring him to Grand Central to look out for this pickpocket. Maybe she'll be dumb enough to pick up our luggage. Go now."

"Uncle, I swear I'll make it right."

His uncle stared at him, "I said"

They filed out of the office.

"Tristin, I am done with his mistakes."

Tristin nodded to his father and jotted a note down in his little black book before walking out of the office.

Grand Central Station

Sarah cased the locker for a few hours. It was 9pm and the place was still busy. She was getting impatient and saw no one come around the locker.

'Fuck it, ' she thought to herself.

She walked to the locker, opened it and stared at a duffle bag. She unzipped the bag and saw stacks of cash.

Excitedly, she zipped up the bag, took it out of the locker and slammed the door shut. She beelined for the exit, completely unaware she was being followed.

Sarah hailed a cab and took it downtown. She got out and started walking up the block. Suddenly, a big black SUV screeched to a halt in front of her. Sarah was confused at first, but her confusion turned to fear as she felt the presence of someone behind her. She whirled around but knew she was trapped. Two men descended upon her as one hit her in the face, while the other snatched the bag out of her arms. She lost consciousness instantly. They picked up her limp body and threw it in the backseat.

The entire snatch and grab took 40 seconds.

Sarah woke up to someone pouring a liquid on her. She tried to move but felt rope dig into her arms and hands. Panic set in. Her breathing became rapid and her mind started screaming at her to get up and move. Sarah's hyperventilating was interrupted by a punch in the face. Her vision blurred, and the room started spinning.

"Remember me?" A voice cut through the ringing in her ears.

She looked up and saw the man she robbed. Behind him were three other men. Her panic doubled and her heart felt like it was going to explode out of her chest.

"Thank you for picking up the money. Never safe picking up 20,000 dollars yourself. I hate to admit that I'm impressed, we were looking for a blonde. I do like this color better on you though."

" You talk too much, Cousin. Just get it done or I'll finish it."

Marcus snorted and took out his pistol.

"Please.. I'm sorry." Sarah cried

"Too late," said the man in the back.

Marcus lifted his pistol and fired three times in quick succession. Then, to Tristin's disgust, Marcus kicked the body over and emptied his magazine into her.

Marcus turned around with a smile on his face. The smile turned to confusion. Tristin was holding out his own pistol, pointing it at Marcus.

"Cousin, wait!"

Tristin fired three times, ending his cousin's life.

" No more mistakes, Cousin." Tristin whispered.

Tristin took out his little black book and crossed off Marcus's name.

Tristin, turning to leave the room, looked over his shoulder to Alex and Tony and said "Burn the bodies, don't take too long."


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