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The Emancipation of Collette Martin - Part 5

Do You Come Here Often?

By Ashley McGuirePublished 4 years ago 29 min read
The Emancipation of Collette Martin - Part 5
Photo by Oliver Plattner on Unsplash

FBI HQ – Las Vegas, Nevada October 16th, 1968

Special Agent Davis and Special Agent Henderson sit behind a long white table in the headquarters conference room. “Hey, Dale didn’t you bring your yarn and frills to fiddle with?” Special Agent Henderson shoots Davis an icy stare. “No Collin, I left it back at the hotel.” Davis lightly smacks Henderson against the arm and laughs. The sound of the heavy wooden door opening has both men quickly rise from their seats. A skinny balding man enters the room and nods at both men. He motions for them to sit and all three men slide down in their respective chairs in unison.

Director Gonzalez straightens his wrinkled tie and clears his throat, “Gentleman, I have been debriefed about the incident at Roger’s Diner. What can you tell me about the suspects?” Davis and Henderson give each other a nervous glance and Davis pulls out pictures from the files that lay in front of them. “Sir, the description that the chef gave our field agents about the suspects confirm that the female perpetrator is Collette Martin.” Henderson slides another photo to the director, “As for the male suspect, we are still in the dark about his identity. We believe that he is the person responsible for an armed robbery in Colorado. The truck stolen during the robbery was left at the scene.” Director Gonzalez shuffles through each photo, “And you believe that both Collette Martin and this male subject left together?” Davis and Henderson nod. “Well, let me make a few calls to the offices in California, Arizona, and Oregon. They need to be made aware that these two could be entering their turf and can be considered armed and dangerous.” Director Gonzalez stands and nods to both men as he turns and exits the room.

Henderson stands and places the photos back into their files. He notices a handwritten memo that is stuck to the back of the last file. His eyes widen as he hands the note to Davis. “Where did this note come from?” Davis sighs, “The Cincinnati Police Chief gave me a list of relatives to Collette before we left for Nevada. I guess I forgot about it.” Henderson scoffs, “Typical. We need to get in contact with the people on this list. They may be able to give us an idea of what her motives are and where she might be headed.” Davis looks at the list as if studying it, “I think we should start with him.” Henderson tilts his head to look as Davis points out the second name on the list, Billy Baker.

San Francisco October 8th, 1968

Collette sits in the driver’s seat of the dark green crew cab parked outside of a shoddy convenience store. She watches people as they walk by and daydreams of the many ways she would kill them. Her dreams are abruptly cut short from the sound of the passenger side door slamming shut. “Hey, I got you a Hershey bar and a Coke.” Ben places the coke bottle and candy bar in Collette’s lap. “Thanks, I guess.” Collette grabs the bottle and leans the cap towards Ben. He motions for her to wait and reaches his hand into his right pocket. He pulls out a set of keys and jingles them until he finds the bottle opener. He grabs the neck of the bottle and with one swift motion, nicks the cap off the bottle. Collette lifts the bottle in thanks, then takes a big swig. Ben struggles to open his bag of potato chips. Collette watches him in amusement, “So, where are we headed?” In frustration, Ben rips the bag open with all his might and chips fly up in the air. They land all over the seat and the floor. Ben looks over at Collette blushing, “Uh, I have a friend that lives on Castro Street. I was traveling to San Francisco to meet him.” Collette nods and turns the ignition, “Well, then off to Castro Street we go.”

FBI HQ – Las Vegas, Nevada October 16th, 1968

Davis and Henderson huddle over a small desk that is occupied by a stout brunette. Davis hands her the list of names and numbers of Collette’s relatives and points to the number of Billy Baker. She picks up the receiver and spins the dial, “Yes, Cincinnati area, please. Stand by to receive the numbers…” Davis looks over to Henderson, “I hope he can give us something. I feel like we are getting closer, but we are still lagging too much behind.” The brunette hands the receiver to Davis, “Your through sir.”

Davis clears his throat and lifts the receiver to his ear, “Hello, Mr. Baker? I am FBI Special Agent Collin Davis. I want to ask you a few questions about your sister, Collette.” A moment of silence hangs after the Agent’s introduction then a deep scratchy voice rises from the other side. “I haven’t heard that name in about 10 years.” Davis motions for a pen and piece of paper. “Sir, what can you tell me about your sister? What kind of person is she? Have you ever found her to be violent?” A long sigh comes through the earpiece, “Collette is, how do I say, special. She was close to us until our mother got sick then she just left. Said me and Callie, her baby sister abandoned her for our mother.” Davis scribbles down the information Billy gives him. “You asked me if she was violent? Let’s just say that the day after she left was when we found our mother dead in the bathtub. The coroner said she drowned. Said she slipped and couldn’t get herself up possibly.” Davis stops writing and looks over at Henderson. “Agent Davis, take my advice. When you find her, be careful. She is very clever.”

San Francisco October 8th, 1968

Collette turns onto Castro Street, “So which building does your friend live in?” Ben pulls a folded piece of paper from the front pocket of his faded army jacket. “Uhm, the house number is 899.” Collette slows her speed and looks for the house number. Ben jolts forward and eagerly points toward a light blue colored house, “Look, there it is!” Collette pulls over and parks alongside the curb in front of the house. Ben jumps out of the truck and runs up to the front door. He frantically knocks several times then starts to fix his messy long hair. The door opens and a clean-cut young man stands in the doorway. Ben starts to squeal and grabs the man, pulling him in for a tight embrace. Collette exits the driver’s side and walks slowly towards the door. She stops halfway on the sidewalk and crosses her arms. Jealousy sweeps across her face. The beautiful young man pulls back and looks at Ben in shock.

“Ben, I..I didn’t know you made it back stateside.” Ben gleefully grabs the young man’s hand, “Yeah, I got back several months ago. As soon as I was able to get enough money, I just picked up and left. I came to be with you, Mark. I’ve missed you so much.” Ben grabs the back of Mark’s neck and pulls him in for a kiss. Collette’s eyes widen at the scene. She tilts her head and smiles with curiosity. Mark pushes Ben away, “Ben, I have something to tell you.” Just then a muscular man with perfectly coifed black hair walks out and stands behind Mark. He places his burly arm around Mark and pulls him against his bare chest.

“Darling, whose the hippie and his pet fish?” Ben glares at the mysterious queen, “I believe we haven’t met. The name’s Ben. Mark and I go way back. In fact, we’re both from the same town.” The shirtless hunk claps his hands and laughs, “Oh so we have another cowpoke visiting from Kentucky. Oh, Sweetie, you came all this way to beg for past scraps. How cute.” Ben’s eyes start to fill with tears. “Mark what does he mean by “another?” Mark looks down at his feet as his beau shoves Ben back, “I think it’s time for you to go back to the farm, hillbilly.” Collette grabs Ben and points towards the pair, “You’ve made a really big mistake.”

FBI HQ – Las Vegas, Nevada October 17th, 1968

Davis sits on a rickety park bench just outside of the main headquarters. He lights a cigarette and leans back against the bench. Henderson comes through the front entrance and makes his way towards Davis. He plops down next to Davis and hands him a few photos. “Here, take a look at these. These are crime scene photos taken a couple of weeks ago on interstate 127. Our office just received them this morning.” Davis raises the photos closer, “Jesus Christ. Who the hell would cut off a man’s stomach? This is some sick shit Henderson, but why are you showing it to me?” Henderson hands Davis one more photo. “Notice the pantyhose around the neck? The coroner says that the cause of death was due to strangulation. The stomach slicing was done after the fact.” Davis looks at Henderson, “Was he ID’ed?” Henderson nods and places a driver’s license in his partner’s hand. “His wife positively ID’ed him a couple of days after he was found. His face was almost entirely gone, eaten by buzzards. She recognized an old tattoo he got when he was in the service.” Davis taps the driver’s license against his thumb. Henderson lifts a business card, “That’s not all.”

“Two hours past the border of California and Nevada is a grungy little motel. The old man that runs it called the local PD to report suspicious persons.” Davis leans in and listens intently. “He said a man approximately in his mid to late twenties and a woman in her early to mid-thirties came to his motel and rented a room late into the night. He found it odd that a man that resembled a hippie and woman who looked like a typical housewife were traveling together.” Davis leans back against the bench and scratches his head, “Well, what does that have to do with the dead fat man splayed out on the interstate?” Henderson chuckles, “The dead fat man’s wife reported that he drives a dark green crew cab truck. No truck was found at the scene. But…” Davis flicks the butt of his spent cigarette and reaches for his pack. “The old man at the motel stated that the “odd” couple drove a dark green crew cab with Nevada plates.” Davis pulls a cigarette from the pack and taps it against the box. “They’re in California.” Henderson nods and slaps his thighs, “Yep, they’re in California.”

San Francisco October 8th, 1968

Collette drives around the bustling city looking for a cheap motel. Ben sits quietly in the passenger seat, tears rolling down his face. Collette points to a small dingey motel, “What about this place? It looks nice.” Ben looks out of the passenger window and doesn’t say a word. Collette sighs and pulls into the small lot of the motel. She parks the large truck in one of the small spaces and kills the engine. She leans over and places a hand on Ben’s shoulder, “It’s going to be ok. You’ll find another…person soon enough. You know I read an article in the New York Times that said that pretty much everyone in California is a queer.” Ben glares at Collette and slaps her hand away. “What? I was just trying to cheer you up.” She opens the door and exits the truck. She walks towards the reception office and notices that she is by herself. She spins around and places her hands on her hips, “Are you coming?” Ben shoots her another glare then looks away and out of the passenger side window. Collette growls and marches to the office door.

A small bell rings as Collette enters the musky office. She walks slowly up to the desk and looks around the room. She waits for a few moments longer then lightly taps the bell in the middle of the desk. She tilts her head to listen, “Hello?” She taps the bell again. She clicks her tongue and lets out a large sigh. “Anyone working, Hello?” Impatient, she beings to tap the bell repeatedly. A slender young man appears from a small door behind the desk. He places his hand on top of hers to stop the annoying ringing. “Yes, how can I help you?” Collette smiles and leans against the desk counter, “Yes, I will be needing one room for my male friend and I. For right now let's make it two days.” The man stares at her in disinterest and hands her a small form to fill out. She grabs it and starts to fill it out. She pauses and looks up at the man, “Can you tell me the best bars around here that a queer can go to?”

Collette returns to the truck and hops in the driver’s seat. She jingles the keys in Ben’s face and laughs, “Let’s go drop off our things and get freshened up. We’re going on a date tonight.” Ben looks over at her confused, “What do you mean?” Collette laughs while grabbing her bags from the back seat, “You’ll find out. Now get your shit and let's go.”

They enter their small room, the pungent smell of mothballs creep up their nostrils. Collette throws her bags on the floor and flops on top of the bed. Ben shuffles into the room, closing the door slowly behind him. “Ben, I am going to give you a makeover. You need to make yourself handsome for these fancy pretty boys. You aren’t going to attract anyone looking like dirty and tired Jesus.” Ben sits next to her on the bed, “Col, what are talking about? What do you mean we are going on a date?” Collette leans her head against Ben’s shoulder, “I asked that flake at the front desk “where the best bars were for queers” and he said that the most popular bar was The Stud Lounge.” Ben pushes Collette’s head off of his shoulder and stands.

He walks back and forth in front of the bed. “Why the fuck would you do that? That guy might tell the police or a mob of angry straight men. People like me get beaten and killed for who we love.” Collette leans back on her elbows, “I was just trying to help. I thought that if we go we could see Mark there…” Ben waves his arms in anger, “And what if we see him? He clearly has moved on. He doesn’t give a shit about me anymore.” Ben flops on the floor covering his face. He sobs uncontrollably. Collette slides off the bed and embraces Ben. “I know you are hurting. You survived over there in the jungles and come home expecting the love of your life to be waiting for you. One-armed robbery and the murder of a dorky deputy later and you find yourself at Romeo’s doorstep. Then you find your star crossed lover in the arms of a much bigger and muscular man. A man that has amazing hair.” Ben laughs and lays his head against Collette’s. “Don’t worry Benny. Once I get done fixing you up, all the young men in the Bay Area will be dropping their drawers for you. Mark will even come running back, but we will just tell him to fuck off.” Collette grabs the sides of Ben’s head and kisses him on the forehead.

FBI HQ – Las Vegas, Nevada October 17th, 1968

Agent Davis and Agent Henderson race down the long congested corridor towards the Director’s office. They bump and squeeze past fellow agents, apologizing as they sprint past. Davis makes it to the door first, grabbing hold of the doorknob and twisting it furiously. In one quick yank, he flings the door wide open. Director Gonzalez jumps to his feet, “What the hell is going on?” Davis and Henderson dash into the large office and stop just in front of the ornate oak desk. “Sorry Sir, but we believe that Collette and the unidentified male subject is in California.” Director Gonzalez glares at both men then takes a seat in his leather-bound chair. “What evidence do you have that suggests that theory?” Henderson hands the Director the photos and the driver’s license.

Director Gonzalez puts on his reading glasses and inspects each item closely. Henderson then places the business card on the desk and slides it towards the Director. “The owner of the motel called into local PD to advise on suspicious persons. The descriptions match that of Collette Martin and the male traveling with her.” Director Gonzalez scratches his chin and hands the evidence back to Henderson. “Well, it looks like you two boys will be making a trip to the Golden State. You will leave for the Los Angeles office tonight.” Davis and Henderson nod in unison. “I’ll make a call to the other offices and give them the information you just relayed. Let’s find her and catch her quick.”

San Francisco October 8th, 1968

Ben, clean-shaven and hair styled short, checks himself in the bathroom mirror. He rubs his fingers across his smooth face then styles his hair back. Collette enters and wraps her arms around him. She places her chin on his right shoulder and smiles. “Who knew that a handsome fella hid under all that mess.” Ben chuckles and pats Collette on the head. “Thanks, Col.” Collette fans herself and curtsies at the compliment. “Alright, it’s time to go.” They both exit the bathroom and head for the main door.

Collette and Ben find a space a block away from the bar. She parks the truck and they both get out. They walk side by side staying silent. Collette looks around, taking in all the sights and sounds of the bustling scene. They make it to the front entrance where they are stopped by a tall slender older man. “I’ve never seen you around here cutie. Is this your fag hag? She looks like a little spitfire.” Ben nervously smiles and shuffles past the man. Collette continues to stare at the man, “Well, aren’t you spiffy.” Ben reaches back past the man and snatches Collette’s arm. He drags her quickly into the door.

Collette stands next to Ben and watches as he repeatedly runs his hand through his already slicked-back hair. “Why are you acting so weird? Just be natural.” Ben scoffs and crosses his arms. “I don’t even know why we’re here.” Collette rolls her eyes and leads Ben up to the bar counter. The bartender, small framed with a youthful appearance, approaches them. “What’ll it be you two?” Collette slaps several bills on the counter and slides it forward, “Two tequila’s please.” Ben leans forward against the counter. “Collette, why are we here? I’m really not in the mood for a hookup.” The bartender places two tequila shots down and Collette snatches hers up quick. She downs the harsh liquid and turns to face the dance floor. She spots Mark and his new lover huddled in the far right corner. She sets the shot glass back down and begins to make her way over to the couple.

Ben turns to see where Collette is going and notices her walking towards Mark. He rushes through the crowd and grabs Collette by the hand. “What are you doing Collette?” She yanks her hand free and starts her march towards Mark again when Ben grabs her by the shoulders. “Collette, no.” Collette wrestles from his grasp and shoves Ben back. “He deserves it. He hurt you, Billy.” Ben shakes his head in confusion. “I’m not Billy.” Collette growls and turns to look toward the back corner. Both Mark and his man are gone. She frantically looks around for any trace of the two men. She spots a back door that leads to the back alleyway. She pushes through the crowd as Ben hurriedly rushes to catch her. She makes it to the door and pushes it open.

Ben grabs Collette from behind and they stumble through the door. They both land hard against the concrete. Collette collects herself and stands to her feet. Loud, gruff yelling grabs her attention and she turns to face the noise. She sees Mark lying on the ground with a large male police officer standing over him. The officer laughs as he lands blow after heavy blow of his baton against Mark’s body. Another officer has Mark’s new boyfriend pinned against the opposite brick wall. His once beautiful face swollen and bruised. Collette quickly walks towards the officers. The officer standing above Mark freezes as soon as Collette appears before him from the shadows. “Lady, this doesn’t concern you. Move along.” Collette looks down at Mark and smiles. “Sorry officer, it does concern me, unfortunately.” She turns back down the alleyway and notices that Ben is gone.

“How is it that a nice looking gal like yourself is caught up with a bunch of fairies?” Both officers laugh as Collette looks around, surveying her surroundings. Collette notices a glass beer bottle lying next to Mark. Its contents pooling around his bloodied head. “Lady, do you really know these queers?” Collette smiles and nods her head. She bends down and caresses the beer and blood-soaked hair of Mark. “Yeah, I do officer. This one here broke my best friend’s heart.” The officer holsters his baton and pulls out a set of handcuffs. “Yeah, ok.” He bends down and rolls Mark over. He places the cuffs around Mark’s bruised wrists while inching his face closer to Collette’s. “Take my advice, stay away from freaks like this. Who knows what diseases they carry.” Collette smiles and slowly wraps her fingers around the neck of the beer bottle. “Thank you, officer.”

She swings her arm around and busts the bottle over the officer’s head. He falls back onto his butt and reaches for his gun. She thrusts the broken bottle into his jugular, smacking her hand to force it deeper into his neck. The second officer gasps as he let’s go of Mark’s boyfriend. He pulls the gun from his holster and points it at Collette. “Don’t you fuckin’ move bitch!” He runs over to check his partner. Collette slides back and the officer fires a warning shot near her, “I said don’t move!” Collette furrows her brow and slowly stands to her feet. The officer starts to shake as he looks down and notices that his partner’s face is now pale from bleeding out. “You killed him…you fucking killed him.” The officer snarls at Collette as his finger squeezes the trigger.

Loud screeching and bright lights fill the vicinity as Collette shields her face. A loud shriek and BANG from the gun echo down the alley. Collette squeezes her eyes tightly as she feels searing pain shoot against her cheek. She opens her eyes and sees the dark green crew cab plow into the officer, the large tire pulling his body further underneath the truck. Ben sticks his head out of the driver’s window and motions for her to get in. Collette falls to her knees and starts digging for the gun that is still located in officer severed neck’s holster. She yanks it free as the sound of heavy footsteps hitting pavement fills the small area. She whips back and sees the once beautiful gay stallion carrying Mark down the alleyway. She points the pistol in their direction and aims. “Collette, No!” She turns and glares at Ben. He jumps out of the truck and grabs her arm. “Please. Let them go.” Collette grits her teeth and lowers the weapon. She stands and hands Ben the pistol. “We need to get out of here.” She looks down at the bloody mess she caused and sighs. “We have to take them with us.”

Collette speeds down Castro Street, driving erratically. Ben sits in the back looking out of the back truck window at the two mangled police officers lying in the bed. “Collette you need to slow down or we’re going to get pulled over!” Collette takes a deep breath in and presses her foot against the brake to slow her speed. Ben leans forward next to Collette’s right ear, “Where are we going?” Collette stays silent, her wide eyes stare forward. Ben swipes his finger against the wound on Collette’s cheek. “You’ve been grazed. Nothing too bad. You still have a pretty face.” Collette looks back at him and softly laughs. Her once panicked state starts to fade. “I think we should dump them at a park. Taking them from the scene will help keep anyone off of our trail for a bit.” Collette lets out a long sigh, “What about Golden Gate Park?”

Thirty-five minutes after Ben rammed the second police officer, Collette turns right onto the road that leads to the entrance of Golden Gate Park. They slow to a crawl when they pass through the entrance, looking around for any signs of movement. They drive about half a mile through the park until they both notice a large Monterey Cypress tree on top of a small hill. Collette turns off the road and drives up to the base of the tree. She kills the engine and sits silently for a moment. She turns to Ben with a nervous smile, “I say we just leave the bodies at the base and split. Sound good to you?” Ben nods, agreeing to the plan.

They both open their doors and slide out slowly. They leave the doors open so as not to cause unnecessary sound and just in case they need to leave in a hurry. Ben hops over the side and into the bed. Collette walks over to the tailgate and lowers it quietly. She hoists herself up and into the bed. Ben points to the officer that Collette disposed of with the beer bottle and they both bend down and grab each end of the corpse. They dump the heavy body over the side and shuffle over to the next officer. They bend down and grab each end. Collette struggles with her end and loses her balance. She falls over the side of the truck bringing the body down with her. She lands hard on her stomach against the grass. The body lands directly on top of her, she groans loudly in pain. Ben quickly leaps from the side of the truck and pushes the body off. “Oh my God, are you ok?” Collette takes in a couple of deep breaths of air, replenishing her lungs from when the wind was knocked out of her. The snapping of a twig alerts them to the base of the tree.

Ben rushes to the driver’s side and turns the key to activate the battery. The headlights flash bright and a cloaked figure is illuminated. Ben falls back and catches himself before he hits the ground. “Who the fuck are you?” The figure, taken aback, raises his gloved hands in the air. Collette squints her eyes and stands to her feet. She creeps closer to the mysterious stranger whose costume becomes more visible in the bright light. Collette gets three feet from the stranger and busts out laughing. “What the hell are you wearing? Halloween is in 3 weeks, so if you’re expecting us to give you candy…” The cloaked figure crosses his arms angrily. “Don’t laugh at me! I’m out scoping the area for prey.” Collette and Ben stare in awe at the man’s words for a moment, then they both double over with laughter. The masked man slaps the hood of the truck, “Stop it. It’s not funny! I am out hunting and you two…you two could be my first.” Collette stops laughing and approaches the man. She grabs him by the front of the cloak, “A hooded man in a silly Halloween costume with a silly symbol sewn on the front doesn’t scare me.” She quickly snatches the hood with her free hand and rips it from the man’s head.

Collette stares into the beady little eyes of the man and starts to giggle. “Ben, what do you think, an accountant? He has the face of an accountant.” Ben walks a little closer and places his hand on top of the man’s head, shaking his hair out of place. “I don’t know Col, he kind of looks like a nerdy math teacher to me.” The man smacks away Ben’s hand and pushes up the rim of his large-framed glasses. Colette pushes the man back and he falls to the ground. He snatches his hood and promptly pulls it over his face. He struggles to his feet, tripping on several branches laying on the ground. “This isn’t the last you’ll hear from the Zodiac!” He turns and sprints away into the darkness. Collette and Ben turn to look at each other and shrug.

They turn back and enter the truck. The engine starts and Collette puts the truck in reverse. They make their way back onto the access road and finally exit the park unseen. A curious raccoon climbs down from the large Monterey Cypress and scampers over to the two discarded bodies. It climbs over Collette’s victim, disinterested by the large gaping wound in his neck, and rushes over to the second victim. The raccoon sniffs at the mangled fingers of the broken officer and proceeds to take a few nibbles. The officer jolts upright scaring the chubby mammal away. His long gasping breaths rise through the chill night air.

Collette pulls into the motel parking lot and puts the gear into park. Ben looks over at her curiously. Collette places her hand on Ben’s arm and smiles, “It was a close one tonight.” Ben sighs and gently removes her hand. “It wouldn’t have been a close one if we didn’t go to that bar. I can’t believe you were going to kill Mark.” Colette leans against her seat and closes her eyes. “Ben, he hurt you. I don’t like it when people hurt the ones I love.” Ben shakes his head and looks out of the passenger window. “So, anyone that hurts me you’re just going to off? Don’t you have some moral compass?” Colette sighs and looks over at Ben, “No, Ben. I don’t. I like it. No, as a matter of fact, I love it. I love taking life away from someone. It makes me feel alive. It’s the only thing that makes me feel alive.” Ben scoffs. “There are only a few people on this earth that I care for Ben and you are one of them.” Ben looks at Collette. He stares in her cold dark eyes for a moment then looks away. “Why did you call me Billy?”

Collette scrunches up her nose in confusion. “At the bar, you called me Billy. Why did you call me that?” Collette chuckles, “I guess you remind me of my brother.” Ben sighs then opens the passenger door. Collette remains seated with the engine running. “Well, are you coming inside?” Collette shoots him a soft smile. “Yeah, but first I really need to go find an open convenience store this late. I ran out of feminine products back in Nevada.” Ben nervously laughs and slams the door shut. Collette watches him walk to the motel room and puts the truck in reverse as soon as he enters.

Collette pulls up to house number 899 on Castro Street. She kills the engine and lets out a large breath of air. She looks out of the passenger side window to see if any lights are on inside. She sees that the house is completely dark and opens up the glove box. She pulls out a large hunting knife and a roll of duct tape. She opens the driver’s side door and exits quietly. She crouches down low and sneaks up to the front of the house. She wriggles the doorknob, but it won’t give. She looks around for any open windows. She clicks her tongue and shakes her head, frustrated by the closed-off entry points. Suddenly she hears a low “meow” coming from above. She looks up and sees a grey and black tabby cat looking down at her. She smiles and steps back a few feet. The second-floor window to the right is opened just enough for her to squeeze through. Collette scans the exterior looking for a way up. She spots a gutter that runs alongside the open window. “Oh, thank God.” She walks over to the gutter and begins her ascent.

Mark lays awake in his bed. His head throbbing from the beating he took several hours before. He tosses and turns, each position is more uncomfortable than the last. A loud CRASH from outside jolts him up. He turns and shakes at his lover to wake, “Adrian, I think there is someone outside.” Adrian pushes Mark away and places a pillow over his head. Mark shoves him back and slowly gets out of bed. He makes his way out of the bedroom and into the hallway. The grey and black tabby runs out of the spare bedroom across the hall and past him. Mark starts to shake as he slowly shuffles to the spare bedroom. He grabs a vase from a small end table and slinks his body into the room.

He raises the vase like a weapon and looks around the empty room. Nothing appears out of place. He breathes a sigh of relief and walks over to the window. He places the vase on the floor and puts both hands on the windowsill. He starts to shut the open window when he notices the detached gutter laying on the ground below. He slams the window shut and quickly turns around. He comes face to face with Collette, the tip of his nose touching hers. She smiles maniacally and shoves the large knife into his throat, jerking it from side to side.


About the Creator

Ashley McGuire

30 something author/screenwriter. Also, a proud cat lady.

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