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The Disappearance of Faith Fresnel

Jack Turned Around; She Had Disappeared.

By Don FeazellePublished 4 years ago 9 min read
Photo by Edi Libedinsky on Unsplash

Jack stepped up to the ATM to withdraw cash.” He glanced over his shoulder, “Faith, come over to daddy. You want to ride the ponies, don’t you?”

Although his heart still ached over losing Victoria, his wife during childbirth, Jack smiled. With her thick wavy brown hair and hazel eyes, Fatih reminded him so much of Victoria.

Mumbling, the three-year-old squatted down to pick a wild violet, “Daddy likes flowers.”

Jack turned to see a couple arguing five feet away.

Grabbing her arms, the man screamed, “You were staring at that guy’s butt!”

The woman pulled away, “Let go of me. No, I wasn’t. Why are you such a jealous jerk?”

Moments later, they made up then walked away.

Jack shook his head, “Some people don’t know what they have until it is lost.” He turned back to the ATM to complete the transaction. Grabbing the money, debit card, and receipt, Jack yelled, “We can split a funnel cake after we go on some rides.”

Jack turned around; she disappeared. “Faith!” Frantically, he scanned the people for his little girl. “FAITH-H-H!”

Running to the walking bridge that crossed to the parking area, he looked in every direction. “Where is the security office?”

An Unresolved Mystery

In a hushed tone, The security officer spoke to Jack, “Sir, please slow down and explain what happened again.” The guy’s patronizing attitude grated on Jack’s nerves. “MY LITTLE GIRL IS MISSING!”

After a thorough search of the fairgrounds, the police called in the FBI.

Several months later, the case went cold. The bureau found nothing.

During the investigation, the tabloids went after Jack. Faith Fresnel’s disappearance made national headlines. Public opinion crucified Jack.

Was Little Faith’s Father Negligent? ~The Free Press-Tribune

Another headline:

Did Jack Fresnel Murder Faith? ~ The Daily Tab News

“Jack, we are sorry, but corporate cut your position.” Mr. Bosworth, VP of Operations, looked down, shaking his head. “You are a damn good chemist.”

Mr. Bosworth watched Jack walk out of his office door. To defeated to look for another job, Jack ended up homeless and became an alcoholic.

A Father's Demise

After several years of living on the streets, one night, Jack walked to Saint Jude’s Street bridge. Leaning over the railing, he stared down into the dark waters. “A two hundred foot drop and my miseries are over.”

The sky clear, the silvery light of the moon sparkled off the water. Jack laughed sarcastically, “What a beautiful night to end it all.” He placed one foot on a rail to climb up when he heard, “It is a beautiful night, Jack, isn’t it?”

“Huh?” Jack stepped down from the rail. “Where did you come from? And how do you know my name?”

Jack mumbled, “I could’ve sworn I was alone.”

A short middle-aged man stood several feet away. The moonlight gave his blue eyes and the white in his beard an eery glow. “Jack, you were never alone.”

“Mister, I have been alone for years now. First, my wife died, then my daughter disappeared and is likely dead. Everyone abandoned me.”

Hyland lowered his eyes then looked back up at Jack, “I am sorry for your loss.”

Jack let go of the rail and turned to face Hyland, “Mr. Powers, is it? What do you, God, or anyone else care?”

Hyland responded, “I know you feel abandoned and lost, but I am here to help you now.”

Jack lowered his head and pushed against the railing, “Help me! I think it’s a little too late. The best thing for me is to end it all.”

Hyland held up his hands, “Jack, What if I could offer you hope? What if she is alive?”

“Who is alive?”


“Mr. Powers, Please don’t play games with me.”

“Jack, if you end it all. You will never find out for sure. Grasp the possibility. Your daughter may be alive.”

Jack tapped his chest. “Look at me! I am a mess. Even if I did find her, she wouldn’t want anything to do with me.”

Hyland walked up and placed a hand on Jack’s shoulder, “I can’t tell you how I know. But, what if a kidnapping ring abducted Faith?

Jack sighed, “Why her? I was never wealthy.”

Hyland responded, “To put her up for adoption. She was a cute adorable little girl. Phony adoption rings kidnap desirable children for adoptions. These rings set up legitimate-looking agencies to offer unsuspecting families hope at a high premium. Many are wealthy and desperate to adopt a child. In recent years, with the Amber Laws and better inter-agency cooperation, law enforcement has shut down many of these illegal operations. Others closed down before getting caught.”

Jack scratched his scraggly beard, “You know there is something that has bothered me about that day.

Jack shook his head, “I didn’t think to tell the FBI. But this couple started squabbling while I was at the ATM. They argued for about a minute, whispered to each other, then walked away, arm-in-arm laughing. At the time, I didn’t think it was relevant. Now, I wish I had told the FBI. How did you know? About me? About the ring?”

Hyland nodded to Jack, “Let’s just say, I have my ways.” Hyland started to walk away, then paused, looked back, and motioned for Jack to follow him. “We need to get you help. The question is not if but when you will reunite with Faith.”

Twenty-one Years After Faith’s Disappearance

After rehab and a year in recovery, Jack regularly attended services at the Grace Lutheran Church and lead support group meetings.

Grace Lutheran Academy hired Jack as the custodian.

While pulling a trash bin down the hall, Jack passed Principal Webster and a new teacher.

Jack nodded as he passed the ladies, “Good afternoon.” His eyes widened, “The young lady looks like Victoria — same petite build, brown wavy hair, and hazel eyes.”

The new teacher nodded back. “He looks vaguely familiar.”

Principal Webster resumed her conversation, “Here is your classroom.” The principal went to open the door to the classroom. The door handle almost came off in her hand. She looked down the hall, “Jack, please come here for a minute.”

Jack set the bin down and returned to them. “Yes, mam?” Principal Webster sighed, “First, I apologize for not introducing you to our new teacher, Ms. Valerie Duprey. I have so much on my mind today. Since Alice retired, Ms. Duprey will replace her for the fall semester.

Jack pulled the work gloves off his hands and reached to shake her hand, “Nice to meet you.” Valerie returned the handshake, “Mr. Fresnel, have you ever been to Oregon?”

Jack shook his head, “No, Ms. Duprey, I haven’t. Why do you ask?”

Before Valerie replied, Principal Webster, interrupted, “Before I forget, The door handle on this classroom is about to fall off. Would you repair it for her?”

Jack replied, “Yes, Mam, let me take care of this trash and retrieve my tools. I need to do other repairs in this classroom anyway.”

Jack smiled as he walked away, “I don’t know if Hyland is an angel or a prophet, but what he told me many years ago might come true after all.”

Both the women watched as Jack pushed the trash can away. Principal Webster shook her head. “He is a nice man — a hard worker too. How tragic. His wife died in childbirth, but His daughter survived. When she was three, she disappeared. Mere feet away from Jack. They never found her.”

Valerie watched Jack walk away. She rested her chin in her left hand. “Is Mr. Fresnel, my biological father?”

Daily, Jack found excuses to work in Valerie’s classroom while she prepared for the new school year. Besides, the class needed repairs — Squeaky storage closet door, sticky window, desk drawer repairs, etc. Most importantly, he needed to find out for sure if Valerie is his daughter, Faith.

The first two days, so nervous, Jack could not work up the nerve to speak to her.

While she put up poster-board, Valerie broke the ice, “Summer sure is hot and humid here. I moved here from Coastal Oregon. Not nearly as muggy there. Are you from here?”

Jack cleared his throat several times before he spoke, “Yes, mam, I grew up in Virginia. May I ask what brought you here?”

She paused and turned toward Jack, “My parents passed away.”

Jack responded, “I am sorry to hear that.”

Valerie nodded, “Thank you. They were good to me. Wealthy, but lived simple lives. During my mother’s last days, she revealed to me that I was adopted. I always wondered. I had vague memories of living in another place with another daddy. Mother’s lawyer gave me the information about the adoption agency.”

Jack turned and looked out the window. His head and arms drooped. “I lost my little girl twenty-one years ago. She disappeared. They never found her.” Jack reached up to wipe the tears from his eyes, “The public needed someone to blame. They turned on me. Some accused me of murdering my child. My family and friends believed the rumors and rejected me.”

Jack breathed in slowly and let out a long sigh, “That little girl meant everything to me.”

Moved by Jack’s emotions, tears started to form in Valerie’s eyes. “After my mother died. I checked, but the adoption agency had closed down. I thought all was lost. Then a Mr. Hyland Powers contacted me. At first, I thought he was running a con. I had inherited a sizable trust. Desperate, I agreed to meet him. He said, ‘I don’t want payment. What you are looking for is in Virginia. You find him, and that will be payment enough for me.’ Hyland Powers is a somewhat mysterious character. Not long after my meeting with Mr. Powers. I received a letter from Grace Lutheran Church, offering me a position to teach. So here I am.”

Jack turned back toward Valerie, “Ms. Duprey, First and foremost, I don’t care about your money. All I want is my Faith back.”

Valerie reached over to a box of Kleenex, pulled one to wipe her eyes, “I have these memories of a man who looks like a younger you. I believe you are my father. If you are willing, I would like to have DNA tests to prove it.”

Six Months After The DNA Tests

Jack walked into the kitchen as Valerie finished pulling shots of espresso. Jack laughed, “I will never get used to those contraptions. Besides, I like my coffee black.”

Valerie smiled, “You haven’t had good coffee until you’ve tried west coast espresso.” Her eyes glanced over at the fresh-picked wild violets in a vase on the kitchen counter. Jack followed her eyes and smiled. “My Faith has come home to me.”


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