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The Dark Alley

A tale of terror and unseen shadows

By Feathermoon Published 6 months ago 3 min read
The Dark Alley
Photo by Ryan Lum on Unsplash

As soon as the girl set foot in the dark alley, an overwhelming sense of dread washed over her. It wasn't just the darkness that made her heart race and her palms sweat, but something far more sinister lurking in the shadows.

The streetlights flickered overhead, casting eerie shadows across the cracked pavement. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching her; something sinister.

With each step, the girl told herself that she should turn back, that she should stick to the well-lit streets and avoid this dingy alleyway altogether. But something inside of her compelled her forward, a macabre curiosity that she couldn't ignore.

She pushed past garbage cans and broken boxes, willing herself to ignore the rustling sounds that echoed through the narrow passage. It was only when she turned a corner that she realized the full extent of her mistake.

The alley opened up into a small courtyard, enclosed on all sides by towering brick walls. The windows above were dark and foreboding, their jagged panes reflecting the girl's nervous gaze.

It was then that she heard it - a low growl that was almost more animal than human. The sound seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once, surrounding her on all sides.

The girl's breaths came in short gasps as she scanned the shadows, blindly searching for the source of the sound. Suddenly, she caught sight of a pair of glowing green orbs, piercing through the darkness like two emerald shards.

She couldn't identify what kind of creature was staring back at her, but its eyes seemed to promise unspeakable horrors. As she trembled under its fierce gaze, she realized that she had entered into a realm of pure terror.

The girl tried to turn and run but stumbled over something smooth and hard. As she fell to the ground, her palms scraped against the rough pavement, and the sound echoed through the enclosed alley.

She looked back up at the creature, no longer glaring but inching closer to where she lay on her back. The girl started to scream, calling for help, but she knew deep down that she was utterly alone. No one would come to her rescue in this forsaken corner of the city.

As she clutched at the ground, the creature continued its silent approach, radiant in its malevolence. The girl's heart pounded so fiercely in her chest that she thought it might give out altogether.

With one final lunge, the creature pounced on her. Its claws dug deep into the girl's heart, and she breathed for the last time in her life.

As the life drained from her body, the girl couldn't help but wonder what had possessed her to venture into the alley in the first place. Was it merely a foolish desire to explore the unknown, or was there something more insidious at play?

As her eyes slowly closed, the last thing she saw was the creature's eyes, still glowing bright with zeal. The alley was now swallowed up in the shadows, and the creature was gone, as if it had never existed.

The girl's body lay there in the alley, cold and alone, as the night went on. But as the morning sun rose on the city, the alley was found empty and devoid of any trace of the girl's death.

Some say that the girl's ghost still haunts the dark corners of the alley, warning others not to make the same mistake she did. Others say that the creature still lurks in the shadows, waiting for its next unsuspecting victim.

But no one truly knows what lies in wait in that dark alley, and perhaps it's better that way. For some secrets are better left buried, and some terrors are too unsettling to face alone.


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-all of my articles aren’t sponsored

-freelance writer

-essie (keala) :D

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-bay area

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