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Story of Lisa Holmes


By Roselien Linda APublished about a year ago 12 min read
Story of Lisa Holmes
Photo by Stormseeker on Unsplash

This is the true story of Lisa Holm a loving and intelligent 17 year old girl a young woman that was spreading her wings and entering the bigger world but then she vanished seemingly Into Thin Air but with no enemies and in a safe location where could Lisa have gone.

I bring you True Crime disturbing stories and other things you may later regret knowing with regular uploads every week please do join the quickly growing incredibly supportive dark case family by hitting subscribe now and turning on notifications remember choosing to be kind can save a life in many ways thank you so much for choosing to be here with me our love and respect goes out to all those that new and love Lisa and all those affected by this case I just want to pre-face this video by apologising for my pronunciations of some Swedish words and places I have tried my hardest to get these words right but I am definitely not a native Swedish speaker so here we go Lisa Holm was born on the 7th of February 1998. She grew up in the small picturesque town of Skovder Sweden with her family. Lisa was a kind and caring person who loved animals listening to music and spending time with her friends Lisa's mother Lena Holm described her daughter as an amazing girl with a heart of gold she was always there for her friends and family and she had so many plans for the future and that she did she had just graduated from high school and had taken on a new job at a cafe in Bloomberg this was just a 45 minute drive from her home town Bloomberg is a small village in a rural area east of Gothenburg it was just a stop Gap a summer job before she went on to study social sciences as a present for graduating and to get her to a new job her father had bought her a moped to give her some Independence the world was opening up to 17 year old Lisa I remember being his age and it really is the most exciting time you'll ever have for two weeks Lisa and her father had traveled back and forth for her shifts at the cafe her dad traveled with her to let her gain some confidence on the scooter she was new to the moped and it wasn't the quickest Journey but now she was ready on the 24th of May 2015 a video was uploaded to YouTube by the user Lisa home the video was a simple countdown timer the countdown started at one minute and one second the video is only 11 or 12 seconds in duration the video ended when the countdown hit 50 seconds the video was titled 13. what you're seeing on screen now is that actual video on Sunday the 7th of June 2015 Lisa sets off for work alone for the first time Lisa was on the closing shift she made it there with time to spare a successful Journey her shift went on as was to be expected she laughed with customers she chatted with her colleagues but generally speaking the day was uneventful Lisa and her colleagues began to close up it's around 6 p.m and by 6 23 PM she texted her dad to say she was leaving the cafe and would be home soon a successful first day as an independent young woman shortly after this she phoned her dad but it seemed to be an accident a pocket dial he could hear the cheerful memoring of voices from her co-workers this was positive it was happy there was nothing untoward but unbeknownst to Lisa's father this would be the last time he would ever hear her voice the journey from the cafe to Lisa's home should have taken around 40 to 45 minutes but by 7 30 p.m she still wasn't home her parents tried to call her but he repeatedly went straight to voicemail they became increasingly anxious so her father drove along the route that she was taking he checked every roadside ditch scared that she'd had an accident however there was no sign of her at all when he arrived at the cafe and saw the moped outside he had a moment of immense relief but this moment was short-lived as he got closer he saw the keys in the ignition the relief was cruelly snatched away and replaced with a creeping dread Lisa was wise she would not just leave the keys in the scooter and walk away after searching the cafe in the surrounding area to no avail Lisa's father called the police who launched a preliminary investigation when the police arrived at the cafe they searched the area for any sign of the missing girl anyone who knew Lisa knew they were looking at a case of abduction and not a runaway with the help of a police dog they search the surrounding areas this included a conspicuous Barn that sat across from the cafe but nothing they knocked on doors asking local residents for any information that could help the search continued overnight leading into Monday the 8th of June but it was all fruitless in the morning they released a statement to say that the teenage girl was missing they chose not to reveal Lisa's name holding the information close to their chest but they felt this gave enough information away to assist the investigation at the same time the police made a harrowing Discovery a moped glove had been found in the barn opposite the cafe it was confirmed to be Lisa's this was the same Barn that had been searched by the police in the search dogs the nights before strangely though nothing had been found during those initial searches the glove had been handed in to the police by the landlord of the Bloomberg Estates he said that it had been found by Farm Workers who had gone into the barn to begin their work that morning unfortunately the chain of custody for the glove was not entirely reliable this essentially invalidated any forensic evidence that could have been taken from it but the discovery of the glove changed the course of the investigation the investigation was consequently upgraded this allowed authorities to make use of all resources available to them this meant more officers larger search parties and more manpower officers established a command centre at Kelby. Sports ground near the cafe and quickly more traces of Lisa were discovered a few hundred meters South officers found what appeared to be the contents of her Pockets a mobile phone case two old receipts a used Metro ticket and a smashed mobile phone screen with some solid progress finally coming all the items were identified as Lisa's by her parents these items were found on a small Gravel Road off the Beaten Track if you weren't a local you probably wouldn't even know that the path existed the discovery of the smashed mobile phone confirmed the police say's worst fears one of the first ports of call was to trace the teenagers movements using her cell phone but when they triangulated her phone on a day of her disappearance they reached her dead end Lisa's last known location was at the cafe but there was no activity after she left this told investigators that she may have been told to switch off her mobile or more concerning it was taken from her so that it could destroy it with a smashed screen found things weren't looking too good Lisa's family friends and two colleagues were interviewed but no new leads were found Lisa was just a normal 17 year old girl from a small town there was simply no one that anyone could think of that would want to do her any harm on the very next day Tuesday the 9th of June more evidence was found her driver's license and house keys but still no Lisa and no indication of where she could be the search teams emptied mineral wells they scoured buildings and waded through farmlands all in the hopes of finding anything that could Point them in the right direction but time was quickly running out the chances of someone being returned home safely were exponentially lessening as the days Drew on the police and the family made the call to release Lisa's identity to the public on Wednesday the 10th of June after this press conference almost 1 000 people flocked from across Sweden to help aid. The Surge to this day this search party for Lisa is the largest Sweden has ever seen with the extra Manpower the search parties began to go back over places that they'd already searched one of these places was the barn during yet another search of the barn investigators found one of Lisa's earrings near the entrance police narrowed in on the barn and forensics teams were brought in to obtain as much information as possible they discovered some biological matter namely human feets these were believed to actually belong to the person responsible for taking Lisa due to human evolution during times of immense rushes there can be an urge to void the bowels these speculated that whoever took Lisa experienced this adrenaline rush for them this was all a thrill whilst forensic investigators narrowed in on the barn the search area grew to a five kilometer radius around the cafe including nearby farms and Residences searches reached a property called martop Farm which sat a few kilometers from the cafe whilst they were there two men turned up in a car they claimed that the farm had already been examined and not to waste their time but something didn't didn't seem right the volunteers were suspicious and decided they should call it in to the police when law enforcement arrived they continued to hunt and soon they found Lisa's helmet jackets and earphones hidden under the twigs and foliage nearby was an old wooden trailer or work sheds that looked like it had been recently accessed the long grass leading up to it was flattened or pushed down as they entered the unmistakable smell of death hit them in the face inside there were benches and lockers like an old changing room the lockers were closed except one that was full of old clothes they then opened every locker but they found nothing they then looked more closely at the locker stuffed with clothes in that cramped narrow space they realized they weren't looking simply its clothing instead they had found Lisa stuffed into the locker no longer breathing she was only half dressed and had a rope around her neck duct tape was over her mouth and her nose on Friday the 12th of June the police stormed the house at martrup Farm they arrested a 25 year old man his wife and his brother never juice bellavichus his brother ivorus and Nero Juice's wife the Lithuanian Brothers worked as labourers on Martyr at farm and also in the barn by the cafe their house led directly onto the gravel road where. Lisa's belongings had been discarded it was between the farm and the barn they all denied any involvement in Lisa's case and they acted as Alibis for each other the barn was inspected once again amid growing criticism that the police had not been thorough enough this Barn wasn't just one wide open space there were several rooms including an office and a milking room the office had a large window with a clear view year of the cafe from it anyone in there could see young waitresses coming in and out serving customers in that office was evidence of self-gratification on the war by the window stains if you will after these stains were tested for DNA there were found to be a positive match for neridus disturbingly Lisa's co-workers in the cafe later recalled seeing Wern or both of the brothers staring at them from that window in the milking room there was a pipe sticking out of the wall with a rope on it this later tested positive for Lisa's DNA this is where she is thought to have taken her final breaths police now piece together the gruesome timeline enraged pulled up in the car just as Lisa was getting on her moped it is likely that he grabbed her around dragged her into the barn to silence her he used duct tape he then suspended her from a pipe in the milking room the attack was most likely Lee carnally motivated although an autopsy determined that Lisa hadn't been violated nail fluids were found on all of her clothes and in the barn investigators believed their barrages had gotten so aroused that he gratified himself as Lisa was taking her final breath he then took her body to the trailer on Mata farm and put her in the locker disposing of her belongings along the way it was a senseless attack and an even more senseless disposal however his Alibis were concrete I wait no they weren't brother ivories folded like a glass bed sheet badly he eventually told the truth he admitted that his brother had acted strangely the night of Lisa's disappearance going out and then putting his clothes in the washing machine upon his return his brother had asked him to give a false Alibi when the police came to question them he said that the police were bound to blame a non-national for the crime and his brother played along however the real reason was that he himself had committed the crime but now the police had everything never G's DNA was all over the crime scene Lisa's clothes and he had no alibi remember the countdown clock that I mentioned earlier in the video this was something that went viral around the time that Lisa vanished online communities jumped on this element of the story a kind of once in a lifetime event that is like something from a movie or gritty Netflix drama the title of the video 13 was the number of full days between the video being posted and Lisa disappearing the channel name was obviously Lisa home so many were theorising that this all pointed towards this crime being premeditated premeditation makes a big difference with What charges can be brought against a suspect and what sentences will be handed down to them police investigated the origins of the video however they discovered it was nothing more than a cruel hoax the video title had been changed to 13 after Lisa vanished and the channel name was also changed to Lisa harm just to add to this cruel and Mystique in November 2015 the case went to trial the prosecutors argued that never Jews had kidnapped Lisa so that he could intimately violate her when police seized his computers they discovered a lot of dark and disturbing adult films suspending Lisa from the pipe in the milking room was for his own gratification trying to reenact the films on his computer and then after the facts once he'd had what he wanted he tried to hide what he had done it was hard to argue against the concrete facts against the evidence but strangely his defense tried to push the blame onto his younger brother they said that he had planted the evidence they argued that there was no DNA found in the car so how could he have transported the body that is a valid argument but thankfully one it didn't hold up against the mountains of evidence stacked against him he denied ever having met Lisa at all saying I have not ever met this girl I have only seen her picture I know how difficult it is for the family and I suffer with them I myself am a father no DNA of iverus was found he couldn't be placed anywhere near Lisa on the 17th of November 2015 a verdict was reached never Jews believes was found guilty he was sentenced to life in prison for his crime the monster who took the beautiful and kind Lisa would spend the rest of his life in prison it just turns out that the rest of his life wasn't very long on the 3rd of August 2022 Nera juice was jabbed in a neck with a sharp implement and by another inmate this is no justice for the pain he caused the family and friends of Lisa Holm but they can rest assured he will never be able to do anyone else harm ever.


About the Creator

Roselien Linda A

Stories have the power to inspire, teach and connect us to the human experience in a way that few other mediums can.❤️

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Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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Comments (1)

  • Gavin WJ22 days ago

    Might need to re check your spelling before posting .

Roselien Linda AWritten by Roselien Linda A

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