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SOLVED: The Mysterious Disappearance of Orson and Oren West

Delving into the Tragic Case of the Missing Boys and Their Adoptive Parents' Conviction

By Sally APublished 3 days ago 6 min read

The disappearance of Orson and Oren West, two young boys aged three and four, has captivated and horrified the public. Missing since December 21, 2020, from California City, their case has sparked widespread media attention and public outcry. This article delves into the details of their disappearance, the investigation, and the unsettling questions surrounding their adoptive parents.

Who Are Orson and Oren West?

Orson and Oren West, originally named Classic and Cinsere Pettus, were adopted by Trezell and Jacqueline West in 2019. The boys were three and four years old when they went missing. Trezell and Jacqueline already had other children but decided to adopt Orson and Oren to expand their family. Despite their short lives, the boys’ disappearance has left a significant impact on their biological family and the public.

The Disappearance

On the evening of December 21, 2020, the adoptive parents reported Orson and Oren missing. According to Trezell and Jacqueline, Jacqueline was inside wrapping Christmas gifts while Trezell was outside chopping firewood. The boys were playing with chalk on the sidewalk in the backyard. Trezell claimed he briefly went inside, and when he returned, the boys were gone.

The parents said they searched the house and the surrounding area before calling the police. Trezell mentioned he left the gate open, which led to speculation that the boys might have wandered off. Despite extensive searches by the police and the community, the boys were not found.

The Investigation Begins

Initial Search Efforts

The initial search efforts included law enforcement and community volunteers, who scoured the area on foot, horseback, and even by helicopter. As days turned into weeks, the boys remained missing, and suspicions began to rise.

Interviews with the Parents

Trezell and Jacqueline West gave several media interviews, which many viewers found suspicious. Trezell appeared stoic, with his arms crossed, and Jacqueline swayed back and forth, both displaying nervous behaviors. Critics compared Trezell’s demeanor to that of Chris Watts, a convicted murderer known for his deceptive public appearances.

The Biological Family’s Response

Ryan Dean, the boys’ biological mother, has been vocal about her suspicions. She lost custody of the boys in 2018 after Oren, then one year old, was found with a broken leg. Dean claimed that the stress of losing Oren led to preterm labor with Orson, who was subsequently taken into foster care.

Dean insisted she completed all the necessary steps to regain custody, but the court ultimately decided the boys were better off with the Wests. Since their disappearance, Dean has expressed her belief that the adoptive parents know more than they are revealing.

Community and Media Involvement

Numerous YouTubers and independent investigators have explored the case, interviewing neighbors and visiting the Wests’ former residences. One YouTuber discovered that neighbors' surveillance footage did not show the boys leaving the yard on the day they were reported missing, leading to further speculation that they might have been missing long before the official report.

The Police Investigation

Law enforcement has conducted thorough searches of the Wests’ home, reportedly even breaking into walls to search for evidence. The couple’s other children were taken into protective custody by Child Protective Services (CPS) as a precaution.

Chief of Police Jon Walker confirmed suspicions of foul play, citing the boys’ ages and the duration of their disappearance. The 911 call from the night of the disappearance has not been released, keeping some crucial details under wraps.

Theories and Speculation

There are several theories surrounding the boys' disappearance:

1. Wandering Off: The initial theory suggested the boys might have wandered off through the open gate. However, extensive searches yielded no trace of them.

2. Abduction: Another theory posits that the boys were abducted. Given their young age and the lack of evidence of them wandering off, this theory remains plausible but unproven.

3. Parental Involvement: Many suspect the adoptive parents may have played a role in the boys' disappearance. Their seemingly inconsistent statements and the lack of evidence supporting their story fuel this suspicion.

4. Biological Family Issues: Some speculate that issues related to the biological family could be a factor. However, there is no concrete evidence linking the biological family to the disappearance.

The Crime Unveiled

Discovery of the Crime

As the investigation progressed, a critical development emerged. The Wests' eldest biological son became a key witness. He testified that he saw Orrin dead in the family's Bakersfield apartment about a week before they moved to California City in September 2020. He stated, “I touched his body and it was cold,” indicating he knew Orrin was dead. He did not inform anyone because his parents said it would split up the family.

Within a week of Orrin’s death, Orson disappeared as well, according to the boy. The other children in the home also reported not seeing the two boys for a long time before they were reported missing.

Prosecutors' Findings

Prosecutors alleged that Trezell and Jacqueline West killed the boys three months before they reported them missing and disposed of their bodies. They fabricated a story about the boys disappearing from their backyard. The boys' bodies have never been found, and there have been no videos, photos, or any other trace of the children since September 2020.

Motive and Abuse

A motive for the killings remains unclear, but prosecutor Eric Smith stated that the Wests abused their adopted children. This abuse led to Orrin’s death, which in turn led to the decision to kill Orson as well. District Attorney Cynthia Zimmer emphasized the overwhelming evidence against the Wests in a press conference after their sentencing.

The Trial and Sentencing

Charges and Verdict

In May, Trezell and Jacqueline West were found guilty of second-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, and child cruelty regarding Orrin. However, jurors failed to reach verdicts on second-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in connection with Orson’s death. A guilty verdict for child cruelty was returned regarding Orson. Prosecutors announced they would not retry the Wests on the hung charges due to the difficulty child witnesses faced during testimony.


After dozens of searches, scores of interviews, months of investigation, weeks of trial, and, lastly, a plea on the part of a defense attorney asking her client receive probation, the adoptive parents of Orrin and Orson West were sentenced to life terms in prison.

Trezell and Jacqueline West, accused of killing the young boys three years ago, were sentenced to 15 years to life in prison plus four years.

As the Wests were sentenced, sniffling was heard from members of the audience, some of them biological family of Orrin, 4, and Orson, 3, others members of the public who have followed the case from the beginning.

Defense Argument

Timothy Hennessy and Victor Nasser, Trezell West’s attorneys, and Alekxia Torres Stallings and Fatima Rodriguez, defense counsel for Jacqueline West, have maintained their clients had nothing to do with the boys’ disappearance. They argued at trial that a sex offender or a biological family member of Orrin or Orson could be responsible.

Before sentencing, Torres Stallings made an impassioned plea for Jacqueline West to be sentenced to probation. She noted how unusual such a request was for a murder conviction, but said her client lost everything — her children, her husband, her prior life — and if she had any information on what happened to the boys or their whereabouts, she would have provided it at this point.

Judge Charles R. Brehmer rejected Torres Stallings’ argument, stating, “Jacqueline West is not the victim. Let’s just be clear.” He sentenced her to the same punishment her husband received minutes earlier: 15 years to life plus four years.


About the Creator

Sally A

Animal lover 🐾 | Health enthusiast 💪 | Self-development junkie 🌱 | Beauty explorer 💄 | True crimes & mystery enthusiast 🕵️‍♀️ | Let's journey together! 💫

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