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Sleeping Killers: Unveiling the Dark Side of Sleepwalking

Exploring Shocking Cases of Sleepwalkers Turned Murderers

By EmmaPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Sleeping Killers: Unveiling the Dark Side of Sleepwalking
Photo by Shane on Unsplash

Sleepwalking is a well-known phenomenon. Some of those affected simply wander through their house at night while asleep, while others might even do something like eat. However, some of them become killers in their sleep. We have researched spectacular cases where the perpetrator literally committed the crime while sleeping.


The world record for staying awake was set in 2007 by a British man named Tony Wright, who stayed awake for 266 hours, more than eleven consecutive days. However, prolonged sleep deprivation has significant consequences. Chronic sleep deprivation leads to physical problems such as increased headaches and a higher susceptibility to infections and other illnesses. Additionally, it can lead to mental issues such as cognitive impairments or the onset of hallucinations.

Therefore, deliberate and prolonged sleep deprivation is considered torture, as it obstructs the clear thinking of the victim and aims to break their will or resistance. In East Germany, this was a common method used during interrogations of suspected individuals. It is also reported to have been used in the U.S.-operated Guantanamo Bay detention camp to coerce cooperation from the detainees.


One of the most sensational murder cases in criminal history is the case of Parisian policeman Robert Ledru. In 1887, he was called to the crime scene to investigate a murder and discovered a bullet as well as distinctive footprints, with the right foot missing its big toe. Upon this observation, a terrible suspicion arose in the investigator, as he also lacked that toe on his right foot. He also realized that a bullet was missing from his service weapon. Ledru recalled waking up completely confused on the morning after the murder and concluded that he had committed the crime while sleepwalking. He turned himself in to his colleagues at the police department, but since no one believed his version of the story, he was institutionalized in a hospital for the rest of his life.


Another impactful murder case is the story of a young Canadian man named Kenneth Parks. The 23-year-old killed his mother-in-law while sleepwalking. In the early morning hours of May 24, 1987, he got into his car, drove 23 km to his in-laws' house, attacked his father-in-law, and eventually stabbed his mother-in-law multiple times, resulting in her death. Afterward, Parks drove himself to the nearest police station and turned himself in.

He claimed to have no recollection of the events and only woke up at the police station. However, he was charged with murder. During the course of the trial, EEG examinations were conducted, which revealed abnormalities consistent with sleepwalking. Parks also consistently maintained his story during multiple interrogations. These findings, combined with the fact that he had a good relationship with his in-laws and therefore no motive, led to his acquittal.

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