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Reason First: Written in Unknown Substance

A Delaware homicide may have an unexpected outcome.

By Skyler SaundersPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Reason First: Written in Unknown Substance
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

In the Bear, Delaware home of Allen Henderson, Sr., it looked regular from the outside. It was like any other suburban setting in this region of the First State.

Splashed on the walls of the house was barely decipherable material that included words like, "#1 DAD ouch but Did it 5 min bleedout Great Dad Just I Snapped,” and "LAID Him 2 rest 9:30 a.m. 1/24 Sry not Sry.”

Allegedly, Allen Henderson Jr. wrote these words. Held on a million dollar bond by the state, Henderson Jr. awaits his fate. While a bloody fingerprint found at the crime scene matched him, it is still unclear what else the male did. Blame points to him but nothing has been confirmed.

In what seems like an “open shut” case, there is still room for doubt, surprisingly.

Like a Hollywood criminal drama, there can be twists and uncertainties in abundance.

What appears to be obvious may hold more damning information away from Henderson, Jr. The rush to judgment is a complete collapse of rationality and justice.

If Henderson, Jr. murdered his father, then he should be prosecuted and remain in the penal system. He’ll probably take up arts and crafts during his decades long sentence until the day he dies.

But if he didn’t do it, if he was in fact framed, then the court documents ought to show this fact. That is, of course, only conjecture. The evidence against him is rather solid.

Police officers, during a welfare check, discovered the body of Henderson, Sr. in his bathtub. Apparently, he’d been dead for about twelve hours or more.

Family members and witnesses did not corroborate their stories. As it seems to be still uncertain, with slices of doubt cutting into the case like the lacerations around the dead father, Henderson, Jr. is quiet as he awaits trial.

Because he hasn’t been found guilty of the crime, he still has a shred of credibility attached to his name. As he shares his father’s name, he will forever be tied to the vicious attack, guilty or not guilty.

That may be the worst part of the case other than the bloody homicide. It is that the justice system, media, and others get together and paint a picture of a troubled man caught up in a world of severe ugliness.

Again, if he’s found guilty let him be transferred to another state to rot on death row until a lethal combination sends him out of this world. If, however, the legal system sees him as not guilty, then he just might be freed.

With the details of the case tipping against his interests, it would seem that he’s guilty before proven innocent. There is no God but thank God the court system of the United States of America works in reverse.

Despite the material found at the scene, the writing literally on the wall, and the confluence of events and items including a pack of cigarettes and a dirty truck, Henderson Jr. should experience the cold hand of a just and moral court system.

To allow the mind to come first in instances like this, the outcome may be surprising to some and apparent to others. Henderson, Jr. represents the accused just like the new show with the same name.

It looks like there could be a scripted version of the situation that might cement the fate of the defendant or not. Whether such an episode would materialize is not readily available. Yet if the story, “ripped from the headlines” shows up on the small screen (or possibly the big screen) it should cover all of the facts and the reality without emotions or sentimental trinkets to wave at the audience. The occurrence was horrific enough.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Skyler Saunders

Cash App: $SkylerSaunders1


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