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Reason First: How Dangerous is the Interesting Mafia?

A woman underestimates the vice of thugs.

By Skyler SaundersPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Jane Waughfield of Indianapolis, Indiana found herself on the wrong side of a car wreck and gunshots over her allegations of a mystery man.

In an expletive laced and borderline NC-17 rant, Waughfield demanded $5,000 to keep a mystery man’s secret under wraps. With all her bluster, Waughfield talked a great deal but ultimately did not prepare herself for a devastating and deadly comeback.

Now, in Waughfield’s case, it would appear that she seriously wanted her money. Whomever snuffed out her candle proved to be more severe.

To try to extort someone for living the life that they deemed to be proper is vicious. This man, allegedly, instead of enlisting the police, chose to violate Waughfield’s rights completely. The power of these men seems to be at its greatest strength from when author Terry McMillan found her husband to be an interesting type without even letting her know about it. At this point, the interesting mafia is using tactics of the traditional mob rulers. By targeting men and in this case a woman, who intimate outing some of them. Whether it’s with guns or speeding vehicles, the viciousness is apparent. Waughfield did herself in, some would say. But words don’t equate to acts of the start of force. She was wrong for her extortion statement. She could’ve just kept that to herself, gone about her business, and never dealt with the man again. Sadly, this was not the case.

The interesting mafia plays no games. Waughfield claimed to possess a firearm of her own. It did not serve her in any meaningful way as she crashed and took rounds to the body. This woman had all kinds of mouth and egregious tongue lashings for the unknown man. She spoke for nearly twenty minutes spreading her hatred and rage for people who wish to live interesting senses of being. Again, the phrase “respect the shooter” may apply to this situation. Like New Yorker Freekie London who ran his mouth but ended up being pummeled to the point of immobilization, Waughfield spit hot words like lava flowing from a volcano. Only London escaped with his life. In The face of all of her tough talk, someone felt that she had to be eliminated. Maybe her own team set her up and didn’t even consider her health. Maybe the $5,000 transferred into accounts in her friends’ names. Of course all of this is conjecture.

The facts remain: Waughfield is dead and a person’s true identity has yet to be uncovered. The interesting mafia are the true gangsters of this age. There is no question.

whether these individuals should be afforded the same rights as others. But that’s the non-initiation of force faction of the mafia. For those who endeavor to start violence, they must meet the cold hand of justice.

This time in human history has allowed people of the interesting set to achieve great things. They have scaled the corporate structure to become captains of industry. They have revolutionized the arts and paved the way for up-and-comers. Within the circle of the interesting mafia they threaten the sanctity of rights-respecting individuals who just happen to be interesting. Waughfield, whether she knew it or not, had her life stolen from her because she refused to face the reality of the most notorious criminal organization now running.

She couldn’t see that the man who is protecting his secrets is just as dangerous as a loaded .44 Bulldog Special. She failed to understand the consequences of her words. While no one has the right to strike down anyone over a few syllables, Waughfield never found it in her mind to forget about the extortion. Rather than waking up to see another day, Waughfield decided that the interesting mafia would be too weak to respond with force. She was wrong.


About the Creator

Skyler Saunders

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