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Nohan Pova love

Nohan Pova love

By reanon rickardPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

"I'll never drink with you again. As the old saying goes, 'He who stumbles over a stone is doomed if he does not learn his lesson. Brother, I do not want to associate with you and drink with you no more because you have brought me disaster."

Hassan looked back, recognized him, and said, "By Allah, it's you! We, mother and son, and the old men next door, have all suffered because of you!"

The caliph laughed.

After this, the Caliph treated Hassan well in the palace and promised him to marry his favorite maid, Nohan Poa. From then on, Hassan lived in the palace, always at the caliph's side, and his position was very high. He often accompanied the caliph and the queen of the emerald green chat, dinner, and love wife. On weekdays, food and clothing are very luxurious, and they live a happy life.

Hassan and Nohan Pova love husband and wife, under the protection of the Caliph live a comfortable and happy life, but with the passing of time, because of the pursuit of comfort, the hands of money gradually wasted, living in distress. One day, Hassan began to dream. He called to his wife.

"Nohan Pova! Listen to me!"

"Ah! What is it?" Nohan replied.

"I have an idea. I'll try to fool the Caliph, you try to fool the queen, and we may try to fool them of two hundred ducats and two bolts of silk."

"I agree, but how do you propose to deceive?"

"We can deceive them by playing dead. Now, let me pretend to be dead, and while I lie down straight, you throw my head over me, bind my feet, put a knife and some salt on my breast, and then run to the Queen with your hair loose and your clothes torn, and your face covered, weeping and crying, and tell her that I am dead. She will take pity on you, and ask her steward to give you a hundred ducats and a bolt of silk; You bring the money back. Then you lie down and pretend to be dead, while I run to the palace with my clothes torn and my beard torn, and report to the Caliph. When he hears of your death, he will pity me and order his steward to give me a hundred ducats and a bolt of silk. Then we can get the money back."

"Really," Nohan cried when he heard Hassan's plan, "it's a brilliant plan." And she made him lie down with his eyes closed, and girded his feet, and put a girdle upon him, and did all that he commanded. Then she let go her hair, tore her clothes, and ran sobbing to the inner palace. The Emerald Queen was surprised to see her in this state, and asked:

"What's the matter with you? What makes you so sad?"

"Good heavens! This is my funeral, "she cried." Abel Hassan is dead."

"Poor Hassan! The Queen took pity on her steward and gave him a hundred gold pieces and a piece of silk. Then she said, "Nohan, here you are. Use this to bury him well."

Nohan Pova brought back a hundred gold coins and a silk stick and happily told her husband what had happened. Hassan got up and accepted the coins and a silk stick, dancing with joy. Then he laid his wife down, gave her the same treatment, and tore his hair and clothes, and ruffled his beard, and ran sobbing up to the court. The caliph, seeing his discomfiture, asked:

'What's the matter? Hassan, tell me."

"To Your Majesty, my wife Nohan Bova is dead."

"Allah is the only ruler!" The caliph stroked his front and sighed. Heartbroken, he comforted Hassan and said, "Dead people can't be brought back to life. There's nothing you can do about it. I'll give you another maid." Then he told the storekeeper to bring a hundred gold pieces and a piece of silk to Hassan. "Here, Hassan, take it and bury her properly," he said.

Hassan came home beaming with money and silk. "Get up," he said to his wife. "We have achieved our purpose."

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