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Modern Day Over-Sensitivity Will Be Our Downfall.

Thin Skinned People Need to Lighten Up!

By Halden MilePublished 4 years ago 4 min read
The End of the World...brought to you by oversensitive people!

I can only imagine what historians hundreds or thousands of years from now will debate in regard to our current era. If anything, the one attribute that will be most debated is what lead to the fall of our recent civilization. People will state it was either nuclear war or environmental distress. Yet, I believe I have a clear idea as to what will be the major downfall. The one little thing which brought an end to this age we live in.

What is that you ask?

Over sensitivity to humor.

The other day, I read about a Star Wars fan being detained by the police for wearing a stormtrooper costume. The reason for this was they mistook the prop blaster for being a real gun. Why the person dressed up like a stormtrooper in the first place was in relation to a Star Wars themed May the Fourth restaurant promotion.

I admit the detainment was out of line. Considering it was mainly for celebrating an unofficial holiday and the lady in question was bloodied up. Yet, it was too much to pass up making a hilarious statement as this:

Looks like the police are Rebels!

Normally, one would have found my statement to be hilarious. While it was an attempt at dark humor, at least its not everyday a stormtrooper was detained. Not that the police were right in doing do, it was just an attempt at making light of the ordeal. One would think nothing about it or laugh at the comment.

Sadly that was not the case.

Once I posted that comment, a facebook friend of mine, whom we will call "Carl" decided to berate me for my humor. Carl would not relent in claiming "civil rights" or how I was bad at making such a comment. I shook my head in disbelief as the messages came in nonstop. What is wrong with a little humor? Carl is the kind of person whom would make humor at a religious person being arrested unjustly! (I would discuss that in detail but that's a topic for another day.) Yet, I am the villain for making a lighthearted comment about this!? Seriously?

It amazes me how people are quick to get up in arms over humor these days. We used to be able to create jokes about anything and everything. Nothing was taboo. Even the most perverted jokes were once common! Now it seems we cannot make humorous comments or jokes anymore lest we offend someone. Its quick to say its because of political correctness or religious sensibility, but the real culprit is the person who cannot take the humor. This century is still young, but the overall decline in thick skinned mentality and the rise of over sensitivity is shocking.

On the other end of the spectrum, the police are too eager to detain anybody for the slightest actions. Whether its someone promoting a stunt or just having fun with friends, the police seem more than ready to slap on the cuffs. No matter how harmless something may look, the police are quick to jump the gun. This overreaction to harmless things, such as this stormtrooper promotion, has lead to detainment, arrests, and tragic deaths that could have been prevented.

I've always told people the first thing that will happen for the enslavement, and ultimate fall, of our civilization is the restrictions of thoughts. This will be followed by words, and as I now see now, our actions. Though I was against the detainment of someone in a stormtrooper costume, the humorous post I made in regard to it would have also qualify in relation to action.

Eventually things will devolve to a point where our own movements are limited. I would hate to be right. Just watch and see as our movements soon become the topic of controversy. Not that I am a conspiracy theorist, but things seem to be headed toward in that direction.

In the meantime, I will continue to watch as this beloved civilization continues to slip into madness. I continue to fight against this already dying cause. This is because at least I will take solace in knowing I stood up against this madness.

Oh, and in case you were wondering what became of the stormtrooper, they were released from custody. An investigation is also being called into question about the behavior of the officers involved.

Even then, if someone makes a lighthearted comment about this, give that person some slack.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Halden Mile

I am am American actor, author, ASMRtist, Cosplayer, Novelist, Poet, and Screenwriter.

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