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Michael and Susan Bear Carson: The Terrifying Tale of the San Francisco Witch Killers

Michael and Susan Bear Carson: The Terrifying Tale of the San Francisco Witch Killers

By Kure GarbaPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

**Michael and Susan Bear Carson: The Terrifying Tale of the San Francisco Witch Killers**

In the dark underbelly of true crime history, the chilling saga of Michael and Susan Bear Carson, the infamous "San Francisco Witch Killers," stands as a terrifying testament to the depths of human depravity. The couple's gruesome killing spree in the early 1980s sent shockwaves through society, leaving a trail of death and destruction that still haunts the annals of crime.

**The Beginnings of Evil:**

Michael Bear Carson was born on January 14, 1950, in California, while Susan Barnes entered the world on November 26, 1941, in Arizona. The couple's paths eventually crossed, and they embarked on a relationship that would lead to a descent into darkness.

Embracing a shared fascination with the occult and apocalyptic beliefs, Michael and Susan Bear Carson found a common bond in their twisted ideologies. They believed they were on a divine mission to cleanse the world of witches, viewing themselves as warriors of God.

**The Killing Spree Begins:**

Between 1981 and 1983, the Bear Carsons embarked on a horrific killing spree, targeting individuals they believed were witches or demons. Their gruesome acts of violence included shootings, stabbings, and bludgeonings, often leaving behind occult symbols as their macabre signatures.

Their first victim, Keryn Barnes, a 23-year-old woman, was stabbed to death in 1981. They claimed that God had instructed them to kill Keryn, whom they believed was a witch. This senseless murder was just the beginning of a reign of terror that would grip San Francisco in fear.

**The Mysterious Disappearances:**

The Bear Carsons' killing spree intensified in 1982 when they allegedly murdered a 33-year-old man named Clark Stephens. However, no evidence was found to link the couple to his disappearance, allowing them to remain undetected for a time.

In 1983, they claimed another victim, 26-year-old John Hellyar, whom they shot to death while camping. The couple's distorted beliefs convinced them that Hellyar was a warlock, deserving of their violent wrath.

**Capture and Justice:**

The Bear Carsons' reign of terror came to a halt in 1983 when they were finally captured by law enforcement. They were apprehended in California, where police found evidence linking them to the murders of Keryn Barnes and John Hellyar.

During their trial, the Bear Carsons offered no remorse for their heinous acts. They boldly declared their allegiance to God and maintained that they were acting on divine orders. However, their impassioned claims of righteousness could not sway the jury.

In 1984, both Michael and Susan Bear Carson were convicted of the murders of Keryn Barnes and John Hellyar. They received sentences of 75 years to life for each murder, effectively ensuring they would spend the rest of their lives behind bars.

**The Legacy of Terror:**

The shocking case of the San Francisco Witch Killers left a lasting impact on the nation, sending chills down the spines of those who learned of their gruesome acts. It raised questions about the dangers of fanaticism and the potential consequences of extreme beliefs.

The Bear Carsons' twisted ideology and their self-proclaimed divine mission exemplify the potential danger when religious fervor is taken to dangerous extremes. It serves as a chilling reminder that the human mind, when consumed by delusions, can lead to unspeakable horrors.


The horrifying tale of Michael and Susan Bear Carson, the San Francisco Witch Killers, is a haunting reminder of the capacity for evil that can lurk within the human psyche. Their gruesome killing spree, fueled by distorted beliefs and a twisted sense of divine purpose, left a trail of death and destruction in its wake.

The case of the Bear Carsons serves as a chilling cautionary tale about the dangers of fanaticism and the devastating consequences of extremism. It urges us to remain vigilant in identifying and addressing the signs of dangerous ideologies that can lead to violence and destruction.

As we reflect on this dark chapter in true crime history, we must remember the importance of promoting understanding, tolerance, and empathy. By fostering an environment of compassion and open dialogue, we can strive to prevent such tragedies from unfolding and create a safer, more humane society for all.


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