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If You’re White, You’re Living in a Bubble

Racism Is very real in the United States, and most white people don’t want to talk about It until it happens to them.

By Dhanush KaluvalaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
If You’re White, You’re Living in a Bubble
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Thoughts on Racism:

  • The human brain is designed to process more information about other people than we can consciously perceive.
  • Racism is in the eye of the beholder, not in the one being observed.
  • Racism is a belief that race accounts for differences in human character, capabilities, and contributions.
  • Racism is an underlying, unofficial belief that one’s own race is superior and that other races are inferior.
  • The reason why racism is wrong is that it is a way for people to feel better about their own inadequacies by putting others down.
  • I don’t care what you have to say on #racism, it’s not important.
  • The reason why people are racist is not that they hate others, but because they are afraid of others.
  • If you’re white, you’re living in a bubble.
  • Racism is very real in the United States, and most white people don’t want to talk about it until it happens to them.
  • Everyone should condemn racism because even if you are not a racist, you are being exploited by racists.
  • The term racism is often defined to include the ideology that natural human social organization is into races.
  • The human brain perceives people it does not like as having less individuality and more stereotypical features.
  • Racism is not about hate, it is about feeling superior.

There are many reasons why racism is wrong.

Firstly, it is simply morally wrong to judge or mistreat someone based on their skin color or ethnicity.

Secondly, racism is psychologically harmful to both the victim and the perpetrator. It can lead to feelings of inferiority, anger, and resentment in the victim, and feelings of superiority, prejudice, and bigotry in the perpetrator. Racism also leads to social and economic inequality, as well as political instability.

Finally, racism is damaging to relationships and can lead to mistrust, hatred, and even violence.

Types of Racism:

There are many different types of racism, but some of the most common include individual racism, institutional racism, and systemic racism.

  • Individual racism is when an individual holds prejudiced or discriminatory views towards another person or group.
  • Institutional racism is when racist policies or practices are embedded within an institution, such as a government or a business.
  • Systemic racism is when racism is ingrained throughout society, often in the form of unequal access to resources, education, housing, and employment.
  • Structural racism is when racism is a part of the social, economic, and political structures of society.

It is important to have open and honest conversations about racism so that we can better understand its causes and effects.

However, we should not shut down debate on this issue, as this will only serve to further divide us.

Why is there so much racism?

Racism is an act of discrimination or prejudice against people based on their ethnic, racial, or national origin.

It is a form of discrimination that has been used throughout history as a means of social and economic control.

Racism around the world is a global problem. It is estimated that there are over 200 million people who are victims of racism. There is a lot of racism in the United States, but it is also found in other countries.

There are many factors that contribute to racism, such as historical factors, economic factors, social factors, and political factors.

Racism is a complex issue, and there is no single answer to this question.

However, education is one of the most important tools in combating racism. Education can help people to understand the history of racism, the reasons why it is a problem, and how to address it. Why you shouldn’t shut down the debate on racism? Debate is an important part of the process of addressing racism.

It is a way to bring different perspectives together and to find solutions to a problem.

The debate also allows for the exchange of ideas and the development of new ones. Shutting down debate prevents these things from happening, and it only serves to further divide people.

We must work together to find solutions to this problem so that we can create a more just and equitable world for all.

Thank you.

racial profiling

About the Creator

Dhanush Kaluvala

Story Teller, Writer, Entrepreneur, Crypto & Stock Market Trader/Investor.

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