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How to Deal with Discrimination at Work

Discrimination in the workplace can cause immense emotional and mental trauma for the victim.

By Sheryl WrightPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Picture from Unsplash

Discrimination in the workplace can cause immense emotional and mental trauma for the victim. It can lead to demotivation, a hostile work environment, and even affect one's career growth. Dealing with discrimination at work can be challenging, and one may not know where to start. In such situations, it's crucial to seek the assistance of a discrimination lawyer. However, there are several steps that one can take to deal with discrimination at work, and this article aims to explore those steps in detail.

Steps to Deal with Discrimination at Work

Identify the type of discrimination

Discrimination can come in many forms, such as age, race, gender, religion, disability, and sexual orientation. Identifying the type of discrimination you're facing before taking any action is essential. A discrimination attorney can help you understand the laws surrounding the type of discrimination you face and how to approach the situation.

Keep a record of incidents

Documenting incidents of discrimination is crucial to building a strong case. Keep track of incidents, including the date, time, and any witnesses present. Keep emails, memos, or other written communication supporting your claim.

Speak up

If you're experiencing discrimination, it's essential to speak up. Talk to your manager, HR, or the higher-ups in the company openly and honestly. Let them know that you're experiencing discrimination and provide them with evidence to support your claim. If you're uncomfortable speaking to someone internally, seek the assistance of a discrimination attorney.

Don't retaliate

Retaliating against the person discriminating against you will only worsen the situation. Instead, focus on seeking legal assistance or contact human resources department to resolve the issue.

Follow proper procedures

Your workplace may have policies and procedures in place to handle discrimination cases. This may include speaking to HR, filing a written complaint, or participating in an investigation. A discrimination attorney can help you understand these procedures and ensure they're followed correctly.

Know your rights

A thorough understanding of your legal protections as an employee is necessary before taking any action. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and similar legislation from other states and the federal government protect workers from discrimination based on certain characteristics.

Seek support

Dealing with discrimination can be stressful and overwhelming. Seeking help from loved ones or a trained professional in mental health is crucial. Many workplaces also offer employee assistance programs (EAP) that can provide counseling and other support services.

Keep communication professional

Keeping your communication professional and focused on the issue is crucial when dealing with discrimination. Avoid becoming defensive or emotional and stick to the facts. This approach can help you remain objective and focused on finding a resolution.

Consider alternative dispute resolution

Think about using mediation or arbitration if you're unable to settle the dispute through more traditional means. These methods can help resolve the issue more quickly and avoid the need for costly litigation.

Document any retaliation

If you experience retaliation after filing a complaint, document the incidents and report them to HR or your discrimination attorney. Retaliation is illegal and can result in additional legal action.

Things to be careful of before dealing with discrimination at work

While dealing with discrimination at work, there are certain things you need to be careful about:

Avoid taking the matter personally and try to remain calm and composed.

Do not retaliate or engage in any form of vengeful behavior.

Do not discuss the matter with anyone who is not directly involved, as it can result in spreading rumors or misinformation.

Taking action against discriminatory behavior might impact your career, reputation, and personal life; consider that and plan accordingly.

Benefits of dealing with discrimination

Dealing with discrimination at work can have several benefits, including:

Promotes a healthy work environment free from discrimination, harassment and bullying.

Increases the organization's reputation as a fair and just employer, which can attract top talent and enhance customer loyalty.

It empowers employees to stand up for their rights and take action against discrimination, which can positively impact society as a whole.

It boosts employee morale and increases job satisfaction when they feel well cared for.

It helps promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace.


Simply put, discrimination is a major problem that has far-reaching consequences for many people in the workplace. Identifying the type of discrimination, documenting the incidents, speaking up, seeking support, and knowing your rights are essential. If you have been a victim of discrimination, do not hesitate to take legal action with the help of a discrimination attorney. Remember that taking a stand against discrimination benefits you and creates a more equitable workplace for everyone.


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