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Deadly Dills

The gross negligent death of Oliver "Ollie" Dill

By Phoenixx Fyre DeanPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 7 min read
Oliver "Ollie" Charles Dill (Photo credit:

Oliver "Ollie" Charles Dill was born in Providence, Rhode Island, to Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Tyson Dill on June 26, 2016. Just three short years later, July 19, 2019, his father would strap him into his car seat, drive to work, and forget him, leaving little Ollie to succumb to the effects of hyperthermia and finding him dead hours later.

Little Ollie with mom, Jamie Martin Dill. (Photo credit:

It is the intention of the Dills to now tour, talking about the death of Oliver and what can be done to prevent hot car deaths. After getting away with the negligent death of Ollie, they will now profit from his death!

The day Oliver was left to die a violent and painful death in the back of his father's car, his mother Jamie was at home with her and Andrew's oldest son preparing for a family vacation. Jamie said she checked the daycare app and that it showed Oliver had not been checked in for the day, nor did the app show that Oliver had eaten anything. Jamie dismissed that information as an app failure and continued with her day. She didn't mention what she found on the daycare app until just before Andrew was set to come home for the evening. I'm one hundred percent positive that had Jamie stopped preparing for the upcoming vacation and simply picked up the phone to call the daycare after the app showed he hadn't been checked in for the day, things would have turned out differently. A quick phone call very well could have saved the life of her child after his father neglected to remember that he had a human life in the back seat of his car.

Dr. Andrew Dill with son, Oliver. (photo credit:

Dill's original story to responding officers was, "I thought I had dropped him off and I went about my day." How does a man think he dropped his child at daycare? A thinking person would make an argument that you either know or you don't know if you dropped your child at the place where he would be safe for the day. We aren't talking about a cell phone that was left behind, we are talking about human life. Why is it, you may wonder, that though Dr. Dill admitted to strapping his innocent child into his car seat, driving him to the campus of The University of Southern Indiana, and leaving him in the car while he taught class, his behavior was excused?

Yeah. Makes me wonder too.

Ollie attended daycare on the campus of The University of Southern Indiana at the Children's Learning Center, and that is where Dr. Dill says he intended to take Ollie that fateful July day. Dill works as an Assistant Professor of Accounting in the Business and Engineering Building and utilizes parking lot "J" on the campus. From his home on the west side of Evansville, he drives just under seven miles, thirteen minutes time, to arrive at the Business and Engineering Building. According to Dill, in those thirteen minutes that it took him to drive to work, he simply forgot Oliver was strapped into his car seat that he had strapped little Ollie into just thirteen minutes before he parked his car and went about his day. It is interesting to note that his route takes him directly past the Children's Learning Center, where he was supposed to drop his son off for the day. It is unfortunate that Dill was entrusted with the care of his son, as he continued to drive to parking lot "J", park his vehicle, get his things, lock his vehicle, and walk away. He did all of it without noticing little Ollie in the back seat. When Dill left work for the evening, he strolled to his car and opened the back door. Upon opening the door and seeing little Ollie obviously deceased Dr. Andrew Dill snatched his son from the car seat that he had strapped him into hours earlier and ran with him to the Children's Learning Center for help. The irony of Dill taking his son, dead at his own hands, into the very place that he should have dropped little Oliver for the day just serves to add one more painful twist to Oliver's story.

To understand the passion with which I demand the arrest and prosecution of Dill, you must understand what happened to the tiny body of Oliver. The temperature in Evansville, Indiana, on that fateful July day was a blistering ninety degrees. The temperature inside the car Oliver was trapped in rose very quickly and would have reached an incredible one hundred nine degrees after only ten minutes. After thirty minutes, Oliver was sitting inside a car with a temperature of one hundred and twenty-four degrees. After ninety minutes, little Oliver Dill was cooking alive inside one hundred and thirty-eight degrees! First, Ollie would have started to sweat as the temperatures inside the closed car began to rise. His heart rate would have increased in speed and decreased in strength. As Ollie sat strapped into the seat that his father put him in, his breathing would have increased as his lungs fought to move oxygen to cells that were starting to break down. His little muscles would have cramped painfully as Ollie strained against the straps that locked him into his death. While the state of Ollie's little body moved into heatstroke, his skin would have started to become dry as his blood vessels spontaneously dilated in an attempt to increase heat loss. The accompanying dehydration can produce nausea, vomiting of what precious little fluid is left in the body, severe headache, and low blood pressure.

Low blood pressure as the body screams for moisture often leads to passing out. It is my hope that is what happened with little Ollie as confusion would be the next symptom to set in. While his father was inside an air-conditioned classroom, calmly teaching his students, Ollie's heart and respiration would have significantly increased, his tiny heart working even harder to maintain circulation with the sudden loss of water in the body. It's commonplace in children for them to have violent seizures just before death, though we can't be sure that was the case with Oliver Dill. Little Ollie's organs shut down one at a time, his tiny body unable to escape the heat of the car that his father is responsible for strapping him into.

I reached out to Dr. Dill, asking if there was anything he would like to include in the piece I was writing about the death of his son, and he responded with the following,

Dear Mentally Unstable Person:

The fact that you referred to my son’s death as a murder deems you unworthy of any type of dialogue. However, if you want a statement, here it is: you deserve the lowest rungs of hell for your statements and for claiming to be the “voice of Oliver.” Any further contact from you will be forwarded to the authorities as harassment.

Sent from his iPad, which I'm sure he didn't forget to remove from his car on the day he left his son to die a violent death.

Homicide through neglect is still homicide. I will continue to demand the arrest and prosecution of Dr. Andrew Dill, as is required by law. Oliver's life counted too, and that his father is a professor and had a bleeding heart story should not negate his negligent homicide charge. It is my feeling that Jamie should also be held accountable for the death of her son. A simple phone call to the daycare could have very well saved the life of her young son. Oliver could have been spared the torture of his last moments on earth, and she should pay for her negligence.

Call the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor's Office at (812) 435-5150 and ask Nick Hermann why financial or social status should make a difference in the death of a child. Demand they do their job and arrest Dr. Andrew Dill for the negligent homicide of Oliver "Ollie" Dill!


About the Creator

Phoenixx Fyre Dean

Phoenixx lives on the Oregon coast with her husband and children.

Author of Lexi and Blaze: Impetus, The Bloody Truth and Daddy's Brat. All three are available on Amazon in paperback format and Kindle in e-book format.

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