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Daniel Philip Petry Killed His Friend Gabriel Over Online Game

Daniel Philip brutally murdered his friend Gabriel Kuhn for refusing to pay him back virtual currency.

By Rare StoriesPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Daniel(left) and Gabriel

Daniel Petry, a 16-year-old kid, was arrested for attacking Gabriel Kuhn, a 12-year-old youngster. The subject of where Daniel Petry is now remains unanswered after his release. 

Daniel Petry

Daniel Philip Petry was born in Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil in 1991. Yet, there is little information available on Daniel Petry's childhood, biography, educational background, or family.

Daniel Philip became known after fatally beating a 12-year-old boy to death.

When Daniel met Gabriel on the online gaming platform, Tibia, they began to talk to each other frequently and considering they were neighbors, their friendship blossomed. Both had become excellent friends and used to hang together on a regular basis.

Gabriel once requested Daniel to lend him 20,000 in Tibia's online virtual money. Gabriel had promised to return the money within a few days, and Daniel had agreed.


Days passed with Daniel hearing nothing from Gabriel on the money entrusted to him. Gabriel had also blocked Daniel from his virtual contacts and had kept the money for himself.

Daniel attempted to approach Gabriel at first, but he was usually ignored. This enraged him, and he decided to pay a visit to Gabriel's house. Daniel knocked on the door on July 23, 2007, initially he didn't want to open the door to him but after Daniel promised him he was there for peace.

Gabriel welcomed him into his home. He entered the house and closed the door so Gabriel couldn't run. All of Daniel's wrath and resentment drove him to lash out at Gabriel.

He began to assault him, and Gabriel became unconscious as a result of the brutal beating. Daniel also sodomized him throughout the incident. He took out the gaming console wire and strangled him.

Daniel intends to hide the body in a hallway crawl space trap door after brutally beating him. He brought a kitchen knife and a hacksaw from the garage to cut off his legs. Gabriel regained consciousness and began screaming in agony.

Daniel began to have more fun and eventually chopped his torso in two. He couldn't drag his body to the attic and hence left him there. He put his legs and the hacksaw near the front door so that anyone who came in would know what had happened.


As Gabriel's brother returned home, he began screaming and crying for help when he saw his brother's leg. A neighbor saw what had occurred and phoned the police.

When the authorities discovered Gabriel and Daniel's online communication, they knew who their suspect was. Daniel was detained quickly but showed no remorse. The Judge asked Daniel if he wanted to apologize to Gabriel's parents when he was sentenced. He said, “Gabriel was a coward and a thief. He’s burning in hell right now where I sent him. And when I die, I will find him in hell and finish my revenge.”


Daniel was apprehended immediately after Gabriel's death and acknowledged without hesitation of murdering him.

The police detectives were taken aback by how easily Daniel recounted every detail of his contact with Gabriel that day. He didn't appear anxious as he described how viciously he murdered  him.

Daniel's denied raping Gabriel. He attempted to persuade the cops that he had not raped him at all.

The autopsy results, on the other hand, clearly reveal that Gabriel was raped many times during the assault. He was sentenced 3-years in prison to a juvenile delinquent facility after being found guilty in court.

Daniel was committed to a juvenile delinquent facility in 2007. He was released after three years.

Daniel Petry does not have a social media account or username. He appears to have vanished after being released from prison in 2010.

The leniency of Daniel's punishment sparked media reaction.


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