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You are Valuable

Don't sell yourself short

By Pamela TeaguePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

So many times in life we face trials or issues that causes us to re-evaluate ourselves. If you are like me where you give so much of yourself to love and help others, then you wonder does anyone care that I am drained? Where are those individuals that says, "I love you and whatever you need, I got you!"

It's funny how we can pour so much of ourselves into helping others, the very ones that we think will have our backs. Mama always said, "Baby, you are going to learn that you cannot help everyone."

I can recall a time when I helped whom I thought was a friend that was really struggling with bills, providing food for her family and to make matters worse, her and her family got evicted from their home. After helping her move family items in a storage unit, I welcomed my friend and her family into my two bedroom apartment. I thought I was being a good Samaritan by helping her out, but little did I know that things would backfire on me. Once she was able to receive government assistance and a new home, she changed and began ridiculing and tell lies about and me. This episode was the one that broke the camels back. I began to question myself and wonder why I keep going out of my way to help people and they continue to ridicule me when my only desire was to assist them with their needs.

I'm so glad to know that my Heavenly Father loves me and cares all about me! He loves me in spite of and not because of or if I do this or that. I learned that I don't have to do anything to earn His love and I certainly don't have to pretend to love Him in order for Him to love me. My Heavenly Father assures me that if He takes care of the birds and the flowers then I am much more valuable to Him than they are! In fact, He tells me that I am the apple of His eye and nothing can separate me from His amazing love. Where can you find such an amazing love as this? You see our Heavenly Father's love expands as far as the East is from the West and the same love He has for me, He has for you as well. You mean more to Him than the most expensive piece of jewelry that you may own.

When those testing times come to make you feel like you don't matter or make you feel less important than who you were created to be, because people with their hands out only want to get what they can get instead of giving back, know that you are valuable, and God does care about you! The more you realize this, the more you learn your self-worth.

If you are still in doubt of how valuable you are, just know that God loved you so much that He allowed His only Son to be nailed to a Cross over 2000 years ago for you and for me.

Each morning when you get out of bed, go to your mirror and say to yourself, "I am valuable and I am important to God! His love for me is inseparable and because He loves me, I can love and value myself!" As you continue to repeat this declaration daily, you will notice your confident level raising and learn more and more who will value the person you are and perhaps if they don't, then you have come to realize who you are whether people value you or not.


About the Creator

Pamela Teague

I am fearfully and wonderfully made and when you see me you see my uniqueness! I am who I am by God's grace with a heart that loves and enjoy celebrating life!

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  • Keith Teague2 years ago

    I like it . I feel exactly where you coming from 💯

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