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Who cares about your existence? No one.

'The truth hurts!'

By Ja MorrantPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Who cares about your existence? No one.
Photo by Taras Chernus on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a bustling city filled with people rushing about their daily lives, there lived a young man named Oliver. Oliver was an ordinary fellow, with an ordinary job and an ordinary existence. He often found himself lost in the crowd, feeling insignificant and unnoticed. One day, as he sat alone in a park, a thought crossed his mind: "Who cares about my existence? No one."

Feeling a mix of curiosity and frustration, Oliver decided to embark on a quest to find the answer to his question. He wandered through the city, seeking out wise individuals who might shed some light on his predicament. He approached a street performer, a philosopher, and even a fortune teller, but none could provide a satisfactory answer.

Discouraged, Oliver found himself at a small café, where he struck up a conversation with the barista, a cheerful and wise woman named Lily. Intrigued by his question, Lily smiled warmly and said, "My dear Oliver, the answer lies not in the opinions of others, but in the way you perceive yourself."

Oliver was taken aback by her response. "But how can I find meaning if no one cares about my existence?" he asked, his voice filled with doubt.

Lily leaned closer and whispered, "You see, Oliver, the world may seem indifferent, but it is up to you to create your own significance. Your existence matters because you have the power to make it matter."

Her words resonated deeply within Oliver's soul. He realized that seeking validation from others was futile. Instead, he decided to focus on discovering his own passions and pursuing them with fervor. Oliver began writing stories, pouring his heart and wit onto the pages.

As time passed, Oliver's stories gained recognition. People from all walks of life were captivated by his words, finding solace, laughter, and inspiration within his tales. Oliver's existence, once deemed insignificant, had now touched the lives of countless individuals.

One day, as Oliver sat in a crowded bookstore, signing copies of his latest book, a young woman approached him. Tears welled up in her eyes as she said, "Your stories saved me from the depths of despair. I was lost, feeling like no one cared about my existence. But your words reminded me that I have the power to create my own significance."

Oliver was humbled by her words. He realized that his journey to find meaning had not only transformed his own life but had also touched the lives of others. In that moment, he understood that the impact we have on others, no matter how small, is what truly matters.

From that day forward, Oliver continued to write stories that celebrated the human spirit, reminding people that their existence mattered. He became a master storyteller, weaving tales that brought joy, laughter, and inspiration to all who read them.

And so, dear reader, remember that even when you feel like no one cares about your existence, you have the power to create your own significance. Your story is unique, and it is up to you to share it with the world. For in the grand tapestry of life, every thread, no matter how seemingly insignificant, weaves together to create a masterpiece.

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Ja Morrant

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    Ja MorrantWritten by Ja Morrant

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