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Transform your live

Sulayman Kone

By Sulayman KonePublished 11 months ago 38 min read

take 10 minutes out of your life go look

in the mirror look yourself deep in the

eyes look at yourself and decide are you

a [ __ ] loser because if you're a

[ __ ] loser you can go read and watch

a bunch of [ __ ] about motivation to try

and convince yourself to do a little bit

of work or are you a winner because if

you're a winner you don't give a [ __ ]

how you feel work needs doing and it

must be done

the best option the best thing to do is

still to get up be an adult control your

emotions be stoic and do the things

you're supposed to do day after day

laying in bed and doing nothing is never

gonna be the best option the best option

is still to go to the gym to work hard

to run your business to be successful I

think the universe is absolutely and

utterly giving I've never seen anybody

dedicate themselves to something

completely and fail I've never seen

somebody eat right go to the gym every

day train really hard and not be in good

shape I don't believe there's a person

on the planet who pays attention tries

their best is never lazy is on time

works hard has a mentor and has given it

his all who isn't rich I don't believe

it I think that if you do all those

things you're rich and if you don't have

any money you're missing one of those

key elements now you can fool yourself

and you can fool everyone else and you

can pretend you're doing them but if

you're truly honest with yourself am I

finding people who are trying to teach

me what I want to know and am I trying

my Nancy know every time feeling

depressed is real depression as a

disease I do not subscribe to the idea I

believe that if you feel depressed

something depressing you and you should

try your best to fix it you should take

control of your life and do your best

the idea but they don't say that they

don't talk that they say depression like

it's this magic thing that comes out the

sky and it gets in your brain you're sad

no matter what there's nothing you can

do about it you need to only take pills

and I think that's a very bad way to

look at the world and that's a bad idea

to subscribe to and if you start to feel

depressed let's say your girl leaves you

and you start to feel depressed but you

believe in the idea of depression you're

now going to start diagnosing yourself

as clinically depressed self-hypnosing

yourself and hypnotizing yourself to

being clinically depressed and it's

amazing how you can speak things into

existence I cannot become depressed

because I don't believe in it so it

doesn't matter we're talking about the

different positions on the chessboard

but if the rules of the game remain the

same regardless of the position you're

still trying to win you still have to do

the same things so does it even matter

at this point if you come along and say

he's depressed because of X and he's

depressed because of why he's depressed

because of Zed and the answer to all of

them is still the same thing that I

don't give a [ __ ] why you're depressed

all I know what I will say as a matter

of fact is this world is hyper

competitive especially as a man most men

are walking through life and they don't

realize that it's constant competition I

was driving here even as I was driving

here I was looking out the window it was

like all these people just walking

around wanting them had a croissant one

of them was dressed like a dick egg

because it's London he thinks he's looks

cool we've all seen them some of the

dude just talking [ __ ] on the phone some

other guy with headphones in waiting to

be [ __ ] murdered wouldn't even hear

it coming and all these NPCs I'm just

looking at them going do they realize

they're an endless constant competition

every single pound they want someone

else wants every single girl they want

someone else wants there are people like

me out here I will destroy it you could

get all 30 of them in a room and I will

sit by myself and absolutely annihilate

them in any single metric and they're

just say they're just [ __ ]

floundering and wandering through life

unaware of how competitive the world is

well I'm whinging how unfair ranging how

unfair it is and this is my point if the

world is truly that competitive you do

not have time to be depressed because

it's a non-competitive mind State you

could be depressed for XYZ whatever I'm

not depressed and I want the money you

want and I want the girl you want and I

want the status you want and the car you

want in the house else you want and I'm

gonna get it and you're [ __ ] not I I

truthfully believe that the universe is

a very giving place and I don't want to

sound you know Airy fairy but I

truthfully believe that the universe is

a giving place and that if you actually

really want something how much you want

is how much you're prepared to sacrifice

so if you want half a million a year you

can definitely make that and that level

of stress you'll absorb for that money

and the amount of uh headache you'll go

through if that's the amount you're

prepared to accept for a happy life

you'll have it I think that you have to

pre-decide right so even my level of

wealth comes with enormous stress

governments are after me like it did

most people are not mentally prepared

for the [ __ ] I go through so the

number one factor that's going to decide

how successful you are as a person is

your ability to absorb stress your

stress level the better you are dealing

with stress the more problems you can

fix more money you're gonna make so you

have to decide where on that scale

because you could just be homeless and

have no stress exactly you could just be

you could be a Brokey you'll be on the

Dole and just you know I'm broke but

nothing really troubles me so you have

to decide on that level where you want

how much stress you also be absorbed as

a man and then if you truly want that

level you're gonna get it I believe any

man can make anything they want

depending any one of you here I'd have

no idea how much money you're making but

if you were to say you know what I'm

throwing away my relationship I'm

throwing away my social life and I'm

going hey I'm going nuts oh I don't care

what they do to me I'm gonna I'm gonna

go and I'm gonna make it you'd make a

bunch of money but there's a bunch of

garbage that comes with it so you have

to decide right I sit here as a

billionaire and I sit and say I will

teach you how to make money online

anybody 18 modern world creation methods

it's 49 a month and I will teach you and

people will sit there in their brutal

arrogance and as a Brokey with no money

and go yeah but can he really teach me I

have everything you've ever [ __ ]

dreamed of I have all the money you have

nothing and you're so arrogant that you

believe you know more than me or that

you can do it without me or that I don't

know how to teach you the arrogance of

people is truly mind-bending if you know

so much why bro you obviously don't know

if I want to learn how to box I wouldn't

walk into a boxing gym find a guy who

can box and go yeah you know not bad but

can he really punch like this is how

people think when it comes to money you

guys are all successful enough you can

sit there and say look I do XYZ I have

XYZ you don't have it so do you want to

learn how to play piano from the piano

teacher or do you want to sit there as

an arrow most people are brutally

arrogant and you can sit there and you

can try and help them and they're just

so arrogant they think oh I could do it

myself or I'll work it out myself I

don't need help and it's arrogance and

it keeps them at the bottom everything

great has happened to me in my life

someone taught me I had a kickboxing

coach my dad was my chess coach you get

tall things just sit there and think

you're too air you're too good to learn

so this is the problem most people are

broke most people are broke because

they're arrogant bro it's the truth it's

nothing to do with how stupid they are

they're just arrogant people so if you

love your family and you love your last

name and you're proud of yourself then

you have a duty to be massively

monumentally successful to show homage

to your ancestors I find it amazing

there are people out here today who are

going to sit and say oh I'm sad I'm too

depressed I don't want to work hard do

you understand that only 200 years ago

there were peasants out working a field

starving surviving the Black Death

surviving the plague struggling to exist

just to reproduce so that 200 years

later you can be the end of their

bloodline for you to sit on your ass and

do [ __ ] nothing like well you're a

[ __ ] you're [ __ ] up your entire

bloodline of your entire ancestry you

owe these people things you must they

went through hell for you to exist you

have a debt you have a duty to pay you

have to be the best possible version of

yourself and the same to God God loves

people who try God loves people who work

hard it's amazing if you try your very

best all the time what God will give you

he'll give it to you anything you want

if you actually try not not convincing

yourself you try actually trying their

different things but yeah I was

instilled with this because from a young

age my dad said irritate and takes to

the greatest people in the face of the

planet and there's gonna be a day I'm

not here anymore and they're gonna talk

about me because of how fantastic you

are so go do your [ __ ] job I said yes

sir and here I am one of the most

terrifying but also gratifying things of

Life as a man is that we're all born

relatively valueless I don't think women

are born that way a woman if she's born

especially if she's attracted has an

innate value people just want her no

matter what but as a man if you're not

an important man nobody gives a [ __ ]

about it and they're never gonna care so

you have to build yourself from the

ground up and that's scary for a lot of

people but it is also a massive

opportunity you can decide if you want

to be a famous musician or a nice

sensitive poet or a painter or a

kickboxing world champion or a

businessman you get to decide on all the

different characters in the video game

you can choose who do I want to be and

then if you actually try actually try

you can become it it's not amazing you

can wake up and go you know what I want

to be this kind of guy I knew who I

wanted to be I want to be the dude

pulling up in the lambo three in the

morning gets out everyone's like who is

this big strong Rich dude I want to be

that man so I became it and if you don't

want that if you want to go be a a

musician and play guitar and get a bunch

of chicks and chill and Bali and smoke

weed whatever go you can choose your

character and build it the problem is as

well is difficult because the way that

humans work and the way that we are

we've evolved as a species is that we

don't really learn lessons unless

they're learned the hard way yeah I

believe that unless a lesson has taught

the hard way you're not going to learn

it you can have so many near misses and

people won't learn their lesson bro you

must know a guy who goes out there

nearly crashes his car nearly crashes

his car nearly crashes this car doesn't

slow his ass down until he wrecks it

yeah like this is how people are right

so you need that pain for the lesson to

sting enough to really genuinely go

inside of your mind and it's the same

with everything it's the same with

driving a car or business

truthfully if you want to learn a lesson

about business you're going to have to

suffer at some point right so we always

say that most people are not successful

with their first companies XYZ blah blah

I get that the truth is there's a lot of

people who make a lot of money with

their first company but they just spunk

it act an idiot it all blows up in their

face and that's all and that's how you

get the discipline on your fourth

company that when you have three million

in the bank you just leave it there you

know it's I don't and don't be done with

it so you need to you need to go through

some pain you need to experience some

negative things you need to have to uh

to a degree some trauma to really even

learn any lessons so so that you make

sure it doesn't happen again I really

think that humans are stupid enough to

only learn the hard way that's kind of

how it works the saying if you know what

you have you ain't got much that is

completely yeah I don't have a clue how

much money when I was broke I knew

exactly how much money I had at 117

pound in the NatWest and that was it I'm

poor redfain I ain't got nothing else

when I was broke I knew exactly how much

I had but now I'm at a point where it

gets really difficult to truly measure

how much money I have because you have

cash okay that's easy even then once

once you have have a healthy respect for

money once you get past a certain amount

of money you don't need it in the bank

like there's no point in me having 50 m

liquid in the bank why what am I gonna

buy you know you're like as long as you

have whatever you have in the bank to

run around the world with you have

enough so you try and put that money to

use right you buy assets XYZ I don't

believe in elevation is a concept I

believe in discipline and Divine Purpose

people who ask about motivation are

basically saying I don't feel like doing

this how do I feel like doing this and

the answer is the true red pill is

you're never going to feel like doing it

all the time sometimes you're not going

to want to do it doesn't matter what it

is if I were to tell you to go [ __ ]

surfing or skateboarding or driving a

Ferrari every day there's gonna be days

you wake up or you just don't feel like

doing it no matter how fun it is that's

life but if you do not do it and you

don't feel like doing it you will never

perform against a person who does it

regardless how they feel you have to

make a decision forget about the idea of

motivation forget about the concept of

it throw it away and decide who you are

and this is a genuine task for you all

to complete go look in the mirror look

into your own eyes and decide am I a

[ __ ] loser or am I winning because if

you're only going to do what you feel

like doing you are a loser that is the

definition of a loser a man who only

feels does what he feels like doing is

going to lose against the people who

perform regardless if you lose what are

you a [ __ ] loser I decided I was a

winner and I knew what it took to win to

win I have to perform day after day so I

decided I'm going to do this every day

regardless of how I feel some days I'll

enjoy it some days I won't some days

it'll be fun some days it won't but I'm

gonna do it every single day to the best

of my ability I will not allow my

emotional state to affect my actions

that's what winners do and you've agreed

to fight on the 13th of July that day

comes around you might feel like

fighting you might feel like kicking

someone's ass you might not feel like me

you might be a little bit sick but it's

the day the Arena's book you have to

fight so you don't get to say well I

don't feel like it now you don't get to

lose and tell people why I didn't feel

like it on that day you just have to do

it you have to be good enough on your

worst day to beat your opponent on his

best day it might be your worst day it

might be his best day you still have to

fight you still have to win that's the

game so people ask me about motivation

I'll make it very clear it's innocent

motivation has nothing to do with any of

this this is about who you are it's

about your purpose Your Divine Purpose

given to you dictated by God are you the

kind of person who lives a life worth

living or are you a [ __ ] loser now

watching this there's gonna be some of

you which fall into each category you're

not all winners you're in the right

place but some of you are probably still

lazy losers that's the reality I made

the choice to do it all for 10 years of

my life I was never comfortable because

I put myself through hell I put myself

through hell because I decided to throw

Comfort away men think it's okay to just

become comfortable now you don't not

supposed to be comfortable you were

never evolved to be comfortable you're

supposed to be uncomfortable if you were

born 100 years ago and it was the 1920s

you'd be in some ditch in northern

France live in the [ __ ] mud hoping

not to get killed by a random sniper and

some [ __ ] War you barely understand

for four years then you'd come home and

hope your wife hasn't been bombed that's

the world the world has become

exceptionally easy for a lot of men it

used to be a different different place

most men were caught in Florida most of

us would have ended up in Wars dying for

freaking no reason and me as a man when

I put myself through hell when I have

had such exacting such stringent

standards for myself

why would I then have less exacting

stringent standards on the people I meet

why would I put myself through hell to

be me and then meet someone who didn't

put themselves to hell and then treat

them like my equal no Q I suffered when

you didn't so you're not my equal

because you decided not to suffer you

have enjoyed Comfort when I haven't and

that's fine but don't expect me to look

at you as my equal because you're not

I'll stack your [ __ ] neck I can never

be depressed if I never Slow Down Speed

is extremely important speed defies

gravity how do how does a plane fly

through the air and defy gravity speed

moving too fast to fall if you're always

attacking life if you're always doing

things you're always making more money

you're always traveling the world doing

this doing that new car here there new

podcast me and James English boom boom

boom you know if you're always doing

things all the time unhappiness can't

catch you but I also know that speed is

a is a fantastic way to be happy all the

time I'm always unfolded I'm always

looking forward to something I wake up

every day excited I'll go do this today

I'll go do this today go do this today

and I very much live my life in a frame


no I have to do this it's very much I

get to do this there's another thing

that a lot of people make a mistake with

when I talk to them like ah I have to go

to work today change your language I get

to go to work today

imagine you had no job it'd be worse

right because otherwise you wouldn't be

working so you get to go to work oh I

have to fix the car

at least you have a car you get to fix

your car most people don't bought one I

have to go get the kids you get to go

get the kids because you have these

beautiful children who love you if we

were still in the animal kingdom the

lions that you see on TV they weren't

just born big lions they had to fight

other Lions they had to fight to get

that antelope they had to fight other

animals hyenas jackals they had to fight

to be the boss we're living in a

comfortable world now where people think

oh it doesn't matter it doesn't matter

but you know what to some degree it does

matter it does matter and I'll tell you

who it matters to it matters to your

soul and it matters to God I stand in

the mirror with a pure heart I know I am

the best version of me that could

possibly ever exist I know that God is

proud of me there's nothing that God

hates more than sloth and laziness if

God were to create a man and that man

were to sit around and do skull gold

will frown upon you it's why you're

never lucky if you're listening to this

and you think I'm never lucky I'll tell

you why because God dislikes you because

you're [ __ ] lazy start to work start

to show God the beauty of his own

Creations you'd be amazed how lucky

you'll become wow God is unhappy

and inside their hearts they're unhappy

we talk about depression anxiety all

those things you mentioned in the

earlier on this podcast that comes from

self low

EST this is what all of these things are

I don't feel depression how can I feel

depression when I'm the most powerful

version of me that I could ever [ __ ]

be how can I feel depression when I

could squeeze my own hand hard enough to

break my own bones how can I feel

depression when I've smashed and

destroyed 68 people's faces in front of

me men who thought they could test me in

Fair combat how can I feel depressed

it's impossible

this is what the beautiful thing about

being a man is right because being a man

is difficult it's so much harder than

being a woman being a man is hard mode

but just like you play the video game on

hard mode when you win you got a higher


there is no better existence than a

top-tier male I think that most people

failing in life know very well they're

failing and it doesn't matter what

Avatar you decide to absorb or who you

decide to be you can decide to be it and

you know true in your heart if you're

giving 100 of your energy towards

becoming or not doesn't matter if you

want to become a famous musician there's

not going to come a bodybuilder doesn't

make a little become a pro fighter

doesn't matter what you want to be you

know in your heart if you're actually

trying you have to decide what you want

to be and try and become it and a lot of

the people who are genuinely unhappy or

miserable in their hearts no they're not

trying I actually believe you miss

another thing I'll say I believe the

universe is very giving I think the

universe and God himself is very giving

I've yet to meet somebody in my all my

years who's genuinely giving 100 of

themselves day after day doesn't snake

anyone firm handshake look you in the

eye doesn't lie to nobody and tries 100

he doesn't get what they do I've never

seen it every single person who doesn't

have what they want there's something in

their story that doesn't quite add up if

you have to see some guy who have you

ever seen a guy who eats right and

trains his ass off and never misses the

gym session ever not bro just that's

what way the universe works right so if

you're truly about it and you're truly

trying your absolute best you're going

to do it and I that's what I believe I

believe the universe is extremely giving

so when I meet somebody and they go I

really wanted this and I don't have that

so you didn't really want it I think

we're here to struggle I think we're

here to go through pain that's that's so

I wake up each day and go what can I

what can I attack what problem can I

solve and and look at history why did

Genghis Khan wake up and want to conquer

the whole world why did Napoleon conquer

the world why did Alexander the Great

conquestions just wake up and just say

give me this give me I want all of it I

need to there's an army there they're

really big we're better it's intrinsic

yeah you need to go and Conquer that's

that's the purpose of life because if

you don't struggle you don't learn yeah

God created us to learn and understand

ourselves and understand other people

and understand the world and what did I

say earlier I said that you don't learn

a lesson or you don't appreciate it

without being without pain so you have

to struggle to learn anything there's

only two ways to learn things the hard

way or the harder way if you're smart

you can learn the hard way but in my

experience 99 of the planet only learn

the hardest possible way if it's if the

lesson's even 85 effective they'll make

the same mistake it's only when they

completely decimate and destroy an

element of their life do they sit there

and go oh oops now I get it no that's

how it goes how much money you make if

you're a bad person you're not going to

feel happy I don't care how much money

you make if you snake people or lie to

people or do bad to people you're never

gonna feel happy true deep in your heart

true in your heart we're intrinsically

designed to do right and do good and

that's something that God gave us and

when you have that you understand that

that's more important than anything else

so these people who are up here

promoting degeneracy saying you know

take percocets and bang girls and drink

vodka and you're gonna be you know gonna

be great I I drink I'm not saying I

don't drink but that's not my message

right and those people are never truly

happy and they and they're trying to

purport that and convince people to do

the same so that the whole populace is

never truly happy and like I said now we

go in circles we've already discussed

what they don't want us to be happy so

that's why and you want to feel content

and you want to feel stable inside of

yourself you need to live true to God

and I'm not saying you can't drink a

little bit of alcohol or not party or

not have a little bit of fun but you

have to be a person you have to balance

life you have to bounce life you have to

be a good person overall I know I'm a

good person and the Matrix is trying to

convince the world that I'm not that

just proves even further that I'm a good

person the world we now live in today

when the mass media machine is trying to

tell you somebody is evil you can know

pretty well that person's probably good

and vice versa like there's a reason

they are trying so hard to convince

people to ignore their own ears people

listen to my message and go that's a

positive message and the media the shame

is going no it's not positive he's bad

they're trying to brainwash you I don't

believe in the societal paradigms in

which they have tried to construct this

idea of happiness I don't believe or

subscribe to the way that happy and sad

is currently understood by the masses of

the population I think if you are

anything less than absolutely distraught

you are happy you're a version of Happy

it's like saying gray is a version of

black right no matter how light the gray

is you can still call it a version of

black and unless you've gone through an

event which hopefully doesn't happen too

often like the passing of a family

member or something that's truly

destructive and detrimental to your

mindset besides these events which

hopefully only happen a few times in

your life you should be happy if you're

not crying or paralyzed in silence due

to the absolute magnitude of the

detrimental circumstance or the absolute

magnitude of a negative event then you

are a version of Happy so I am always

happy is the short answer I don't

believe in not being happy I don't

believe in not saying to myself I'm

happy I'm always a version of Happy and

this chasing this idea of chasing

happiness and always being concerned and

preoccupied with how happy you are is

actually the biggest mistake that a lot

of people make I think in the world

today especially men who wake up and go

I don't really feel happy so I need to

get happier and that's how they end up

down a hedonistic path of drugs or

alcohol or gambling chasing pleasure I

don't care how I feel yeah I don't care

if I feel happy or sad it doesn't really

affect what I do each day I do the exact

same things I act the exact same way I

it does I don't care and it doesn't I

don't put weight to the significance of

the emotion so I always consider myself

a happy person but if I woke up and I

was slightly less happy one day than

another it wouldn't affect anything I do

and I wouldn't put any relevance to it

I'm human and that's life and so yeah am

I any happier now that I am that I have

hundreds of millions of dollars than

before I was broke but I was never

unhappy I'm I'm the same state that I

was then that I am now I have work to do

and I will do it it's

well also there's no light without dark

and there's no joy without pain you

can't have a rainbow without little rain

and no matter how hard you chase

pleasure and happiness there's going to

be dips and troughs in between there's

gonna be come downs and down Trends and

you're gonna have to juxtaposition

between that time you were laughing your

head off and acting Giddish like a child

and the time that you feel depressed as

such and I think it's much better to

just adopt a very disciplined stoic

mindset I'm always the same base level

of happy regardless if I lost all of my

money today I would be the same happy if

my net worth quadrupled I'd be the same

happiness yeah as long as I'm alive

which is a struggle unfortunately in the

current climate but as long as I'm alive

and the people I I care about and love

are alive and as long as I get as long

as God gives me the honor of doing my

duties and providing for the people I

care about as long as I get to wake up

and know that there's a whole bunch of

people in the world who need me and I

get to work hard to please them and do

good for society and good for the world

then I'm I'm a vessel of God and I am

happy I'm happy enough to survive that's

that's all I look at it as I don't ever

consider how do I feel that doesn't

cross my I have things to do I have

things to do you're too busy to think

I'm too busy I have things to do every

single day I have very important things

to do and how I feel really is not going

to affect how I complete those tasks

right and I when I speak to men they say

I'm unhappy or I need to be happier I

think that's absolutely the wrong frame

of life you're a man you have duty you

have honor you have things you should be

doing regardless of how you feel and the

people who are Perma obsessed with

happiness or sadness I just think it's

the wrong Paradigm to view the lens of

life I think you should get up and do

what needs to be done you're distracted

and you're self-obsessed when you're sad

you're sitting at home me me me me it

makes you very selfish you don't care

about your community when you're sad you

don't care about your country when

you're sad you don't care about the

injustices of the world when you're sad

you don't care about trying to actually

go and make the world a better place

because you're too busy thinking about

yourself so they want you miserable

semi-depressed sad unhappy so that you

can sit at home and accept them doing

whatever they want to the planet and

other people without ever talking or

standing up or doing the right thing if

you're happy and motivated you're going

to be far more likely to fight against

injustices so the fact that I have mass

influence and I can just make people

feel better is a threat to them I they

don't want me to make people feel better

they talk about men's mental health and

pretend to care but when I come along

and genuinely help and stop people from

committing suicide they delete me they

don't want that they want everybody

semi-depressed they want you miserable

they want you distracted so that you're

too busy crying your eyes out in a room

somewhere or sitting in deep thought

worrying about this girl who left you so

they can just continue to run the world

we're currently in a fight of good

versus evil it's it's genuinely that

serious this is a whether it's the Bible

or the Quran or any superhero movie This

is the Battle of good versus evil and

anybody who's sitting who doesn't see

that who doesn't see that every con

armed conflict on the planet the

conflict for our minds the way the

Matrix is attempting to control us this

is genuinely a Battle of God versus

Satan and if you think that you can just

sit idly by while these two Titans go to

war and you're not going to end up

caught up in the crossfire then you're

absolutely not really ignorant at best a

coward at worst and I think it's most

likely cowardice we're in the middle of

the greatest battle that humankind has

ever faced and unless people stand up

and actually try and fight hard for good

and forgot the reason I talk about not

to tell people I've had a hard life it's

to make it clear to people who are

complaining about their own life that

the bad things that are happening are

what you need to become the man that you

want to be I can't talk about women

because I'm not I actually think trauma

is terrible for women because of

masculine they become cold and that's

not attractive right we want feminine

pure protected women I don't want a

woman to ever go through anything bad in

her life a man should go for her protect

her I think that's how she's her best

self as a woman but I think to be your

best self as a man is the absolute

someone emails this has happened to me

oh my God no what do you mean good it's

terrible how else are you going to

become important how else are you going

to find endless fire to get up and

struggle in the face of the competition

that's out here how else are you ever

you're going to do all that with a nice

cushy life if any man's honest with

himself think about the biggest

transformative stages in your life think

about the times you got the most work

done it was a bad part of your life you

were heartbroken or you know you've lost

the house or broke or whatever that's

when you did [ __ ] when everything was

fine when the woman's still sucking the

mortgage is paid dinner's on time it's

kinda little by little doing a little

bit of work a little bit of relax but

the big events come from trauma this is

it so it's a cheat code it's a cheat

code to climb them out so when I get a

message from whoever my wife left me I'm

devastated I understand I completely

understand how hard it can be to lose a

woman that you've given your entire life

and you've been done so many nice things

and then because of one thing you did

her innate and absolutely insane level

of ungratefulness has turned her bitter

and she Now talks to you like she hates

you over one thing you've done after

thousands of efforts showing how

dedicated you are to her and even now

that you're prepared to die for her she

doesn't give a [ __ ] about I understand

that pain but my answer is good it's

still good now take all of that pain

instead of email and then you're gonna

become the kind of person why does it

have to be quick why does it have to be

easy why do you think life is all quick

and easy why can't it be hard and

difficult why can't you suffer because

suffering is what gives it value if

everyone had a six-pack and it was quick

and easy then it wouldn't be valuable

would it if everyone walked around with

a quick the six-pack and they got it

easily you know when we give it the

whole point is that's difficult value is

linked to difficulty if you want

something that is valuable you need

something which is difficult to obtain

you shouldn't be thinking about quick

and easy you should be thinking about

hard suffering pain going through it

that's what you should be thinking about

this is going to be hard but I'm going

to do it anyway because when it is done

then everyone's gonna know that I went

through something difficult nobody

absolutely nobody gives a [ __ ] about you

as much as you're gonna have to do that

nobody cares about you as much as they

need to care to fix your life but nobody

is going to come to your bed drag you

out of bed

drag you to a job force you to work hard

you are never gonna have any of the

things you want do not get them yourself

the only person is going to make me

happy and live a life that I love to

live with me nobody's gonna do it for me

people say take what motivates you and I

find that extremely I think that's a

stupid question

I was a four-time kickboxing world

champion for 12 years I trained five

hours a day six days a week and I was

motivated to train only about 25 of the

time the rest of the time I went because

I am disciplined if I wake up and I'm

unhappy I will do the exact same things

as if I am I will go to the gym the same

I will work the same how I feel has no

impact on how I live my life we're

grown-ups and we have responsibilities

and we have problems that we have

pressure and you don't necessarily have

to be happy to perform you know and

happiness will come at the end of the

performance anyway but if your number

one goal is a man if you're number one

uh mission in life is just to be happy

nothing can be an extremely vapious

existence you're not going to be a man

of substance your ability to deal with

stress the amount of stress you can deal

with as an individual it's directly

correlated to your successful if you can

deal with stress all day you're going to

be successful if you collapse on your

success you're not going to be

successful there's no way to the talk

without stress involved but there is a

massive correlation between success and

life and stressfulness

The more stress you can tolerate the

better your life's going to be one of

the only things in this world you can

control is your state of mind you can't

control the weather you can't control

other people you can't even control your

health one of the very few things in the

world you have genuine control over is

your state of mind if you can't control

that then you're just a feather in the

wind yeah and that's and that's the

thing about the way I talk and the

things I say some people find it

inspirational and some people are upset

by it and allows and their ego prevents

them from learning from you but it's the

kind of people who are really genuinely

upset by what I say are the kind of

people who can't truly learn anything

and become successful yeah yeah yeah I

obviously know what I'm talking about to

some degree right so if if Mike Tyson

walks in here and tells you he's going

to teach you how to box and says you

can't fight europus if that upsets you

then you can't learn right it's Mike

Tyson just shut up if if someone Richard

me comes along and says Andrew you don't

know [ __ ] you're a dumb ass and you're a

broke I'm gonna sit there and go okay

maybe I'm a Brokey Elon tell me

something right I'll listen but if

you're gonna sit there go don't go me

names or did I not listen you're never

gonna get any right you don't because

you don't become the master unless

you're very very good at being a student

and I've always been very very good at

knowing when to shut up if you're gonna

sit there and go I don't want to work

more than an hour a day well the guy who

does want to work more an hour a day is

going to beat you and no matter how

smart you are there's always a smart

dude who's doing the same smart work you

are for more hours than you're doing it

that's just the nature of the game get

up off your ass and work first because

there's no such thing as completely

truly a hundred percent passive you're

gonna have to check on it you have to

maintain it you have to find a new

tenant for that property you're gonna

have to make sure that D5 crypto Farms

gonna have to keep an eye on it right

but the idea that people with no money

are already so concerned with making

money without work is amazing to me

thank you


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