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Tiktok is starting to make me think I have undiagnosed ADHD

Is anyone else in the same position?

By JaimiePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Tiktok is starting to make me think I have undiagnosed ADHD
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

I, like everyone my (undisclosed) age, downloaded Tiktok as a bit of a joke. It was something that people younger than me were into and the general concensus was that it was a little weird dancing to pop songs and posting the videos unsolicited on the clock app. Now, like a lot of people (I assume), I have a mild addiction to watching the quirky 30 second videos that I can scroll through on my phone. Sure, the dancing videos can be a little cringey, but it's all in good fun. I don't make any content, so I'm not here to judge anyone else.

However, since the start of my time on Tiktok, I've had ADHD-related videos all over my FYP. ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a disorder characterised by deficits in attention and impulse control, and is also characterised by an excess in activity. ADHD is often diagnosed in childhood, although most commonly in males. Females can tend to be diagosed much later in life. (This is NOT a comprehensive list of symptoms, please scroll to the bottom for a link to the diagnostic criteria.)

My Tiktok has been flooded with information about ADHD from the very beginning. There are videos which discuss the differences in ADHD presentation between males and females, videos that discuss symptoms, and videos that provide advise on how to cope with everyday tasks.

Yet, some of the videos hit a little too close to home. Sometimes it can be a little too relatable.

Just today, I watched a video of a man talking about how if spouses of an individual with ADHD want them to get work done, they should just leave the house. This has rang more true for me. I've been with my partner for years and in all that time, whenever he leaves the house, I get the sudden urge to do ALL of the chores. He doesn't even have to go far, maybe just outside to fix something on one of our cars. Honestly, the longer he stays away, the more that gets done, and the moment he returns is when all the work stops.

It's something that we've been joking about for years, but seeing it come up like that in a random video on my TikTok FYP made me think that maybe... just maybe...

I know that sounds strange. They're just short little videos. And some of the symptoms seem like they might apply to anyone and everyone. Like, who hasn't walked into a room, with every intention of doing something, and then completely forgotten what they were doing? Who doesn't pick up a new hobby every other day?

But I know that those with ADHD experience this, and sometimes far beyond too. The difficulties and strengths of all neurodivergent individuals are different depending on the person.

ADHD-tok hasn't been enough to convince me entirely that I have ADHD. There are a lot of symptoms of ADHD that are listed in the Tiktok videos that I simply do not have. However, I have to admire all of the information out there. Videos like these can really help people to identify aspects in their own lives that they may need help with or suggest new avenues to try to overcome some difficulties they're facing. Even though sometimes the content might hit a bit too close to home, I really hope that information about ADHD and other disorders continues to be distributed in a positive manner. Keep it coming!

Please, if you want to hear more about ADHD, follow this link to the DSM-5, where you can find a comprehensive list of the diagnostic criteria for ADHD :


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  • Sissi Smith2 years ago

    I've been down this rabbit hole for almost a year now and have become increasingly convinced that some of my lifelong struggles are deeper than just having a "flaky" personality. I can't bring myself to venture over to TikTok simply because I need another distraction like I need a hole in the head, but at the same time I wonder if it would be beneficial since I lost any way to seek a diagnosis shortly after my GP suggested it might be worth looking into. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

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