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Ted Cruz, are you following me?

Here is a kind of math I don’t quite get

By harry hoggPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Ted Cruz, are you following me?
Photo by Louis Velazquez on Unsplash

At last glance, I had 1.2k followers of whom I regularly see twenty or thirty, ten to fifteen actually read my post, an act for which I am eternally grateful.

Of these ten to fifteen, six or seven like me as the person I portray through my writing. This number rises to eleven or twelve if I count people outside Medium — Twitter, Facebook, Thumbtack, Vocal, and national TV.

One might imagine I don’t have many friends. I don’t.

However, oddly enough I’m not an unlikeable fellow. Quite the contrary. But look, the most important aspects of my nature, beautiful as they are, are too detailed to go into and in the end might seem somewhat implausible, one way or the other.

Ted Cruz, on the other hand, is a weak man. I’m strong, having enough backbone to take on any bully, regardless of stature, who publicly or privately insults my wife.

But Ted Cruz? I guess weakness must be an attractive quality to most Texans. Which seems odd, don’t you think? Maybe not.

I’m not a rational or patient person, have a tendency toward the hostile, and always enjoy having the right viewpoint. But, in my defense, I will help someone out of a difficulty, or suffering through no fault of their own. I will not pack my bags and head out of Cold Town when my sworn duty is to oversee what help can be organized to ease the plight of people who trust me.

Turning your back.

Isn’t there a story about this in the Bible? I assume he does read the Bible. Ted Cruz is not a Samaritan. Ted Cruz will not cross the road to help you. Strange for a man who began his education attending Evangelical schools. What does he like to sermonize, let’s all vote by God’s values? Ted Cruz, with covetous nature, does not give credence to his own preachings.

I know who I am, it isn’t pretty. It is real, not hidden, the low points have been got through, high points enjoyed. I’m strong in a crisis. But look, this is not about the weakness of Ted Cruz, a little man wanting to be liked, failed, and pirouettes to being himself, a most unlikeable fellow.

He needs no practice to keep up a good showing. It’s all dumb and natural.

I choose not to run for public office. Some do. Sadly, not enough people with the right reasons, being altruistic or have a desire to genuinely make a difference.

So why do people run?

Based on the likes of Ted Cruz, I would make an excellent candidate. But, as I have admitted, anyone who does not see my viewpoint is wrong. This is my admission and reason as to why I do not run for office. If elected, I will not be trusted by anybody outside my family.

Trump, while part of our political scene, is no more than a snake oil salesman type. He’ll run away with his hair on fire, screaming bloody murder. Or its permanently orange. My hair is not orange most days.

But not the Ted Cruz types, this kind of politician is seriously dangerous and will continue exist and flourish in Washington. I recall my father telling me the way to get rid of an asshole is not getting him fired but promoted off the shop floor.

Dad, seriously?

Today’s politician is out for revenge, to seek blood, or to piss on someone else’s grave. There are too many people, politicians, businessmen, whose sole adventure is being out for blood, or get one over on another.

Is an ego a good thing or bad?

Can a man or woman honestly believe their place in the world is so large they can make everyone else wrong? (Oops, maybe I can) Ted Cruz isn’t a working politician; he’s working to become a lobbyist. For now, someone like Cruz enjoys the glamor of finding ways to show up on TV, even if he has to grovel to an opinionated orange tinted moron.

Ted Cruz is never going to make a difference to a community if he hasn’t anything to gain for himself. It’s the name of his game.

People who truly make a difference in a community are least of all seeking glamor, notoriety, and are prepared, even anxious to wipe any ass that will help him win with his Pinocchio nose. (I mean, seriously, it goes in way deep!)

Trying to make a difference for people is indeed a noble calling, one I’m personally not suited to. I’ve saved a few whales, donated ridiculous amounts to Greenpeace and other environmental causes, walked among the homeless, lived a lifelong obligation to savoring good whiskey, and once removed a transvestite from having his neck in a rope of no hope.

That said, with my life’s long effort, I still can’t get quite as low as Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz Quote:

“I am blessed to receive a word from God every day in receiving the scriptures and reading the scriptures. And God speaks through the Bible.”

Proverbs 6:16–19:

There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.


About the Creator

harry hogg

My life began beneath a shrub on a roundabout in Gants Hill, Essex, U.K. (No, I’m not Moses!) I was found by a young couple leaving the Odeon cinema having spent their evening watching a Spencer Tracy movie.

The rest, as they say, is history

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