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Parallel Reality

The bizarre truth!

By Trent Dean AndersonPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 6 min read

Can't you sense other realities, other existences, ones where in you made different decisions. I can. The multiverse theory is true. Those realities that we can feel and imagine differ from the one we think of as 'ours' or the 'here and now', but not so much that we are no longer human. Even when we dream we are still human.

They events I am about to describe really happened. I have discovered there are moments when parallel realities overlap or intersect with ours and when they do it is possible to see into another existence and experience bodies and environments entirely different than our own! The multiverse is infinite in space and time AND in different realities, most so very close to the same they barely register on the conscience mind, but others so bizarre and strange that they change us forever! When these realities intersect with ours, the events become some of the most prominent and profound of our lives.

Twice in my life I found myself, my soul or spirit, and my consciousness inside that of another being! I was there, it was real and it was VERY SCARY! It was no day dream, no hallucination; it was not a nightmare! I was inside someone else's body! I could see what they saw, hear what they heard, taste what they tasted, smell what they smelt AND FEEL WHAT THEY FELT! On both occasions it was FEAR that I felt! It was the bone chilling, heart pounding fear one feels when they see death approaching, when they sense the end is near! I felt this fear twice before, the time an enraged stranger pointed a 38 caliber snub nosed pistol at my head on the streets of south Dallas and in the very brief time when I realized I was going to broadside the 1978 Cadillac that had just driven onto the freeway in front of my Honda Civic at 55 mph. Aside from the fear, it was the utter strangeness of both my body and my environment that made the experiences so shocking. Everything was so different and weird!

As I write this I realize how wholly inadequate the English language is when attempting to describe something so far outside the norm. It is very difficult to find the words to describe just how terribly unusual these experiences were! Please be patient with me and reserve judgement until I finish.

The first time it happened I was in prison. In 1992 I was sentenced to 20 years in prison for $20 worth of dope. I had never committed a crime in my life when I was arrested in Dallas, TX for that dope charge. I had a wife and a daughter and a good job. They gave me 20 years for my first offense and sent me to the most dangerous prison in the United States. If anyone doubts that google Eastham Unit out of Huntsville, Texas. They called it 'The Ham', on a country road a few miles outside of town. My record is also public to verify.

One second I was lying in my bunk staring up at the blue metal underside of the bunk above me. We were in lock down waiting on the annual prison unit shake down. I was trying to decide whether or not the contraband I was hiding was worth the risk of the disciplinary case I would get if I were caught with it. Then in next second, without any warning or without even closing my eyes I was inside the body of a small, furry blue creature with huge dark eyes. I could not see myself but I knew that I belonged to the same species of being that I was staring at and listening to!

These creatures in front of me were not friendly even though they were beautiful. I was being threatened by them, beings with fur so short and fine it reminded me of those bright orange insects that look like big fuzzy ants, except for the color which was a very light blue. We were bipedal with two arms and legs but with overly large heads, huge dark eyes, flat noses and a small mouths. We were intelligent life forms communicating with a complex vocal language I could not understand but I KNEW THEY WERE FURIOUS and I could FEEL what my host felt: FEAR AND ANXIETY! I knew without any doubt they intended to kill me! They were going to kill me for something I had done and there was no escape!

Then, again without any warning, I was back in my bunk. I sat up so fast I hit my head on my celly's bunk and woke him! He yelped, "what" but I was too stunned to answer! I was panting and my heart was racing. I could remember every single detail, especially the fear! I looked around my cell but everything was depressingly normal and there was nothing to indicate my consciousness had traveled to a different dimension and into the body of an alien on another world; an alien about to die!

At that point I knew without any doubt that there were infinite realities all coexisting together and that it was possible for my consciousness to leave my body and travel to another reality and into the body of another being. I have have seven outer body experiences in my life and I tell you that these instant slips into an alternate reality and and into an alien body were VERY DIFFERENT! Primarily, OBE's are very controlled by comparison. During an OBE you can feel your spirit leave your body and you can see the same surroundings that your body is in. During an OBE your spirit or consciousness is tethered to your physical body with a type of energy cord. You do not change realities during an OBE. For years I meditated and tried to duplicate that first experience in much the same way that I did in order to initiate an OBE but nothing I did seemed to have any effect or bearing on that event. Over a decade passed before it happened again!

I had been depressed for a long time after Lydia died and I had taken to many hours remembering what my life had been like with Lydia before she died. I was daydreaming about things I wish I had done differently while sitting on my couch watching a movie on tv, when, in the blink of an eye, my soul/spirit/consciousness was transported through space and across dimensions to the atmosphere of a gas giant like planet and into the body of a creature shaped like a big donut or torus. Once again I was in fear of being killed by another being of my own kind! Somehow I knew there were other large, torus shaped creatures that were chasing me through three dimensions of a thick gaseous atmosphere! Even though I had no eyes I could see by feeling and smelling the dense air around me by using the thousands of hair like tentacles growing out from my donut shaped body. Instinctively I knew how to propel myself through the atmosphere by rotating my body around while using my tentacles to pull the fluid (the atmosphere was so thick and dense that it felt like a thick liquid) in through the hole at my center by alternatively extending and contracting my tentacles as they rotated around my body! Once again I was scared and fleeing for my life! The being whose mind I inhabited was scared for it's life! While as I was swimming as fast as I could I very aware of just how hopeless escape was! At the exact moment I was about to be caught I was back in my own body, sitting on my couch and staring at my television! My heart was pounding it was racing so fast and I had not moved a muscle. The fear still flooding my mind had released adrenalin. Wow, what a rush!

It had happened again! MY GOD, AFTER OVER A DECADE OF REMEMBERING, AND TRYING TO DUPLICATE MY INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE OF REALITY SWITCHING AND BODY SWAPPING IT HAD FINALLY HAPPENED AGAIN! My consciousness had been transported to an alternate reality into the body of another, living being. I believe that on both occasions I had switched places with that of another intelligent lifeform somewhere in our infinite multiverse that was about to die or was in fear of dying. These events happened and were as real and memorable as any other events in my life.

Even though these events were among the most gut-wrenching and fear inducing of my entire life, I can not wait for it to happen again! This makes it very much unlike a nightmare. I have never woke from a nightmare and thought wow I want to do that again! I doubt anyone has wanted to experience a nightmare the way I want to slip from this reality into body of a strange lifeform, the more bizarre the better! These experiences were so very scary, in part, because they were real, yet, it is BECAUSE THEY WERE REAL THAT I HOPE THEY HAPPEN AGAIN AND AGAIN!


About the Creator

Trent Dean Anderson

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    Trent Dean AndersonWritten by Trent Dean Anderson

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