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My bully had crush on me

when he secretly admired me

By joonPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Have you ever found yourself entangled in a perplexing love-hate dynamic that left you questioning the purpose of enduring such turmoil? I certainly have, and it wasn't just any ordinary relationship; it was something far more intricate. Allow me to elucidate.

Once, I stumbled upon a video about me – a surprising but unnecessary gesture. This video featured someone I'll refer to as Jake. He and I were classmates for a grueling twelve years of school, and believe me, he didn't make those years any easier. Our complex relationship was riddled with contradictions and inner turmoil from the very beginning. Both of us were prodigies in academics, particularly excelling in mathematics. However, as time went by, our academic rivalry evolved into something more complicated. My journey through school was colored by my identity as a hardcore emo with a substantial gender identity crisis, a penchant for meth lab anime, and an affinity for gaming. Astonishingly, despite my unique interests, I faced the torment of just one bully – Jake.

My experiences with Jake included verbal abuse, ridicule for my appearance, and relentless humiliation for my interests and beliefs. He even bestowed upon me a derogatory nickname based on my anime phase, a name that would haunt me throughout my school years.

The torment didn't stop at words; there were instances of physical bullying, too. I endured bruises, pranks, and even had my backpack subjected to Jake's kicks. One vivid memory that stands out is when I brought my bead collection to school, only to have it scattered by Jake's mischief. Instead of apologizing, he offered to help organize the mess but continued to mock me. The turning point in our relationship came when a new teacher introduced an unusual system. We were paired up to be table partners for an entire year, and, by an ironic twist of fate, I ended up with Jake. Initially, we sat in silence, avoiding eye contact, and attempting to maintain as much distance as possible. However, a situation arose where we were forced to rely on each other. It began with helping each other out with forgotten calculators and textbooks and gradually progressed to collaborative problem-solving. Our competitiveness, which had fueled our rivalry for years, now drove us to excel together. Our transformed relationship culminated in a heartwarming moment during a class party, where we shared a quiet tea time in the garden under a starry summer sky. This unexpected camaraderie marked a significant change in our dynamic.

As time passed, we communicated less, and our paths diverged as we each started dating other people. Nonetheless, the most surprising twist came when I learned that Jake had been spreading rumors about us dating. He confessed to doing so but left the reason behind his actions unexplained. Years later, in a candid conversation, he admitted that he had once harbored a crush on me but assumed that I despised him due to my demeanor. He wished I had shown more kindness and made the first move, believing that things might have turned out differently. This experience taught me that taking a chance and being honest about one's feelings is crucial. People change, emotions evolve, and life is too short for regrets. It's essential to apologize for past mistakes and seize opportunities to build meaningful connections with others. After all, we only have one life to live, so let's not fill it with regrets.

This situation might bear resemblance to such a scenario, depending on the nature of this particular bully. It's possible that you've observed this bully targeting others and exerting control over them, which may have stirred something on a more primal level within you. Have you noticed a peculiar intensity in this bully's behavior?

While I must admit that having romantic feelings for someone who bullies you is somewhat unconventional based on the situations I've encountered, I cannot deny that it's not entirely unheard of in my experience.

I'll take a guess that you are still in school, in the midst of your education and personal development, evolving into the person you're meant to be. Just keep living, gathering experiences, and evolving. Your journey is unique, and only you can pave your own path. So, let your metaphorical feet guide you wherever life takes you.


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    joonWritten by joon

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