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Michael Meyers Superhero

An .Ai observation

By Brett RothenbergPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Michael Meyers Superhero
Photo by David Menidrey on Unsplash

The Halloween series, which follows the character of Michael Myers as he stalks and kills his victims, has often been seen as a portrayal of a classic horror villain. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that Michael Myers should be viewed as the hero of the story rather than the enemy.

Firstly, it is important to understand the origins of Michael Myers' killings. In the first Halloween film, we learn that Michael was a child when he murdered his sister. He was institutionalized and then escapes years later to return to his hometown. It's revealed that Michael's actions stem from a traumatic event in his past and the fact that he was never given the chance to receive proper treatment or therapy. He is a product of a broken system, and his killings can be seen as a manifestation of his untreated trauma. In this way, it can be argued that Michael is not inherently evil, but rather a victim of circumstance.

Secondly, the series often portrayed Michael as a silent and mysterious figure, which is a common trope used to create sympathy for the antagonist. The audience is given little information about Michael's backstory or motivations, making it easy to root for him as an "underdog" of sorts. Additionally, the films often portray Michael as being relentlessly pursued by the protagonist, Laurie Strode, and her allies, further emphasizing the idea of Michael as the wronged party.

Thirdly, Michael is also portrayed as a force of nature, almost as if he were a representation of death itself. His presence in the films serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the inevitability of death, making him a tragic figure rather than a villain.

Lastly, Michael's killings are often portrayed as being morally ambiguous. The films often depict him as killing those who are deemed "deserving" of death, such as abusive partners or drug dealers. This moral ambiguity makes it difficult to label Michael as an outright villain and instead presents him as a complex and nuanced character.

In conclusion, the Halloween series presents Michael Myers as a complex and tragic character, rather than a one-dimensional villain. His actions stem from untreated trauma and his status as a victim of circumstance, making him a sympathetic figure. Additionally, the films often portray him as a force of nature and a representation of death, and his killings are morally ambiguous, making it difficult to label him as a villain. Michael Myers should be viewed as the hero of the story rather than the enemy. It is important to remember that in any story, the "villain" is not always the enemy, but rather a character with their own motivations and backstory. Michael Myers is a perfect example of this, and the Halloween series serves as a reminder of the complexity and nuance that can be found in even the most seemingly one-dimensional characters.

By Chris Liverani on Unsplash

It's worth noting that many heroes in literature and film wear masks. They use a disguise to conceal their true identity in order to better serve their cause. This is something that Michael Myers, as a character, shares with many other heroes. For example, Batman is known for wearing a mask in order to protect his secret identity and fight crime more effectively. Similarly, the superhero Spider-Man wears a mask in order to protect his loved ones from retaliation. Other examples include Zorro, the Lone Ranger, and even the Phantom of the Opera. These characters all use masks to conceal their true identities, allowing them to serve as anonymous heroes fighting for what they believe in. In this way, Michael Myers can be seen as a member of a long tradition of masked heroes, who use their disguise to serve a greater good.


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