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Love Beyond Borders

Mia's Journey

By Erian IllustrisimoPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Love Beyond Borders
Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a bustling city in the Philippines, there lived a girl named Mia. From a young age, Mia had never experienced having a boyfriend. While some of her friends had been in relationships, Mia had always been focused on her studies and her love for all things Korean. It all started when she stumbled upon a Korean drama on a TV show during her early teens. From that moment on, she became enamored with the captivating stories, the beautiful culture, and the mouthwatering Korean cuisine.

Mia's fascination with Korean dramas led her to immerse herself in the language and culture. She began studying the Korean language online, diligently learning new phrases and words. One day, while practicing her Korean skills in an online language exchange platform, she met a kind and charming Korean guy named Ji-hoon. He, too, was eager to learn English, and they found common ground in their passion for language and culture.

As they spent more time talking, Mia and Ji-hoon's conversations grew deeper, and they became inseparable friends. Their connection strengthened, and over time, they realized that they had fallen in love with each other. Despite the distance between them, their virtual romance blossomed, and they dreamt of the day they could meet in person.

After several months of late-night calls, exchanging letters, and sharing their dreams and aspirations, Ji-hoon decided it was time to visit Mia in the Philippines. The news sent Mia into a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation. She eagerly planned their activities and daydreamed about finally seeing her beloved Ji-hoon face to face.

Finally, after months of dating online, the day arrived when Ji-hoon visited Mia in the Philippines. Excitement filled Mia's heart as she stood nervously at the airport, clutching a bouquet of flowers and wearing the brightest smile she had ever worn. She couldn't believe that the moment she had been eagerly waiting for was finally here. As the clock ticked, she anxiously waited, her eyes glued to the arrival gate, anticipating the sight of her beloved Ji-hoon.

When Ji-hoon emerged from the gate, a wave of joy washed over Mia. They rushed into each other's arms, embracing as if they were never going to let go. Mia's happiness knew no bounds as they spent joyful and unforgettable days together, exploring the beautiful places of the Philippines, indulging in local delicacies, and creating memories that would last a lifetime.

However, after three blissful days, the time came for Ji-hoon to return to Korea for work. Though they bid tearful goodbyes, they reassured each other that they would continue their relationship online, counting the days until they could be together again.

True to their promise, Mia and Ji-hoon persisted in their long-distance love, staying connected through calls, texts, and video chats. Their love deepened as they navigated the challenge of distance. The thought of Ji-hoon's return to the Philippines on the 30th of July filled Mia's heart with excitement and anticipation.

As the much-awaited date approached, Mia prepared everything to make Ji-hoon's visit memorable. But fate had a different plan. On the eve of Ji-hoon's scheduled flight, Mia received a heartbreaking message. Ji-hoon, due to unforeseen circumstances, couldn't make the trip after all.

Devastated and confused, Mia desperately tried to reach Ji-hoon, but he remained unreachable. Days turned into weeks, and still, there was no word from him. The once vibrant connection between them slowly faded away, leaving Mia feeling abandoned and shattered.

In the depths of sorrow, Mia found solace in the support of her friends and family, who reminded her of the strength she had within. Though the pain of the sudden breakup weighed heavily on her heart, Mia held onto the cherished memories of their time together—the laughter, the shared dreams, and the love they once had.

As the days turned into months, Mia continued to watch Korean dramas, but they now held a bittersweet reminder of the love she had lost. Despite the heartache, Mia's love for Korean culture remained unwavering, for it had become an inseparable part of her identity.

In the end, Mia learned that life's journey could be filled with unexpected turns and heartaches, but she also discovered the resilience that lay within her. Though her love story with Ji-hoon did not have the fairy-tale ending she had hoped for, Mia carried on, knowing that the memories of their time together and her passion for Korean culture would forever be etched in her heart.

And so, with a heavy heart but a hopeful spirit, Mia embraced the sadness and the lessons that came with it, knowing that someday, the pain would fade, and new joys would find their way into her life. The memory of her first love, Ji-hoon, would remain a poignant chapter in her story—a testament to the depth and vulnerability of the human heart.


About the Creator

Erian Illustrisimo

Ink wanderer | Weaving tales that ignite imaginations | Embracing words to paint worlds | Avid reader, passionate writer | Captivated by storytelling's magic | Let's embark on literary adventures together | Dreamer, believer, wordsmith

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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