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Heroes in Disguise

By Courtney Battles Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

For some, it’s hard to appreciate and at times see what’s in front of you. It isn’t because they’re blind, some just simply can’t see! I am not among that selection of people. I’ve been blessed with the ability to notice, see, smell and sometimes even feel what’s present. That ability extends itself to enable a future glance, (that’s what I like to call it)! Future Glance; the ability of using the data that is given to formulate an idea of what the future holds for that situation. Synonym; aware, vigilance. Sentence; The little girl acted out in such a manner, She gave me an instant future glance of where our relationship would fall.

Anywho! Throughout life, various people were brought into my life to teach me different lessons. I’ve always been curious and I’ve had a passion of learning new things since I can remember. So, when good teachers came along, I’d evolve into a sponge! Learning from literally anyone! My father taught me to go for what you want in this life, because there may not be a next! My mother taught me love and grace. My sisters taught me the importance of education. My little brother taught me how to get away with murder...blame it on someone that’s not in the room! Insider, haha! My nephews showed me what sibling love should look like! My son taught me unconditional love, vulnerability, priorities, stability, persistence and to be continued! The list could go on forever but that’s not the topic at hand.

In sixth grade I had a black, female English teacher, Mrs. Hill. She had beautiful long gray and white natural hair! She carried herself with such poise, she reminded me of an Englishwoman! Her lessons were always clear and concise, she spoke with much enthusiasm! It was then that I realized my love for the English literature. It was tradition in her class to randomly be chosen to read. I was a very shy little girl and I wasn’t too eager to speak in front of the class. My day came and, though I was a very good reader, I gained a stutter and amnesia! I was normally a fearless child but something of a weak nature took over me! Mrs. Hill quickly cut me off with a swift clap on the desk. The entire class straightened up! I few kids laughed but honestly, she scared the shit out of me! She gave the laughing kids the eye, (you know, the one your mom gives you right before you get popped), and her eye shut their mouths. She then directed her gaze at me and said, “Now Courtney, breathe! You’re reading for yourself and for me, not the people around you that won’t be there when it matters most!”. With that, I took a breath and began to read again. I stumbled a little at the beginning but I had to remember who I was. When I finished my selection, with a smile Mrs. Hill told me “Great job, much better”!

Mrs. Hill taught me how to always stay focused on what’s important instead of allowing the distractions around you to throw you off your game! I’d use this lesson in sports and in life! In this same school, I’d learn a valuable lesson about self from a math teacher, Ms. Merrit! My second oldest sister and I were two years apart. We would always share schools for two years before we didn’t. I guess my sister was some kind of prodigal math student and she had Ms. Merrit as a teacher as well. That wasn’t me. I had trouble with math. I could solve the problem but I was incapable of showing my work or even explaining it for that matter. So, when she would call me to the board, which was often, I’d end up with extra work. “Why can’t you be more like your sister”, she would say. At first my response was that of a head hang and rolling eyes. Eventually, I’d muster up the courage to respond with, “because I’m not her”, with a dead stare, then I’d walk away! It didn’t bother me that she was comparing me to my sister, she was smart! What bothered me was that someone else’ accomplishments shadowed my own! There was also the issue of my learning system being so stubborn that they couldn’t fathom the thought of math being done any other way but they way they were teaching it.

Ms. Merrit taught me the importance of knowing and understanding myself. She drilled in me that no matter how bad someone may want you to be someone else to make their life easier, always stay true to yourself! In high school I had a dope English Teacher named Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson had a very exclusive vernacular! To me, he was a great example of how an educated man should carry himself! He wore suits with belts and he always wore a tie unless it was a polo-styled shirt. One day a student was acting obnoxiously rambunctious and interrupting the lesson. This kid made Mr. Johnson so furious that I thought I was about to witness him losing his calm and astute composure. As the child continued his show, Mr. Johnson stood up and stared at the student in a manner of study. The student began to use foul words, Mr. Johnson sternly responded saying, “Do Not Use Profanity in My Class!!” The class came silent and we all stared at our peer. He responded with more profane language and Mr. Johnson escorted him out of his classroom, (there was a small tussle). At that moment I learned that just because you’re well spoken and you dress with self-respect, that doesn’t mean the monster inside is dead!

Mr. Johnson taught me the importance of keeping your composure and that its not what you say but how you say it! Life has introduced me to Majors of all ages, genders, and species. Just as birds have taught me freedom and what it takes to maintain it, so has a squirrel taught me the importance of saving! The Major’s of my life are my neighboring heroes! A hero to me are those that aid in shaping me or my life based off of their influences. Though they may have never known themselves to be, everyone, everything and every lesson I come across becomes my hero. I can never get enough knowledge and I’m eager to see where else my heroes will take me!


About the Creator

Courtney Battles

I believe in letting my actions speak for my words! Crafter of many Arts! Living and loving the space that surrounds me!

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