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I Am Sorry

I Want Us Back

By Onne StarsPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
I'm sorry for not prioritizing you.

I Am Sorry, Laura

I hope this message finds its way to you and that you're doing well. I've been doing some reflecting lately, and I couldn't let another day go by without addressing something that's been weighing heavily on my heart.

Remember the times we shared, the laughter, the countless memories? Those moments meant the world to me, and they still do. You were not just a friend; you were a source of happiness, a confidante, and a pillar of support in my life.

However, I have to admit that I made a mistake. Somewhere along the way, I got caught up in the excitement of meeting new people and lost sight of what truly mattered. I neglected the beautiful friendship we had built, and for that, I am deeply sorry.

I should have been there for you, just as you were for me. I should have prioritized our friendship instead of chasing the novelty of new connections. I understand now how much I hurt you by being distant, and I regret every moment of it.

I want you to know that I miss our friendship, the late-night chats, the inside jokes, and the unwavering support we gave each other. I want to make amends and rebuild the bond we once had, as it means the world to me.

If you're open to it, I'd love the chance to sit down and talk, to hear how you've been and share what's been going on in my life. I want to make things right between us and regain your trust.

No matter what you decide, I want you to know that I cherish the moments we had together, and I am truly sorry for the hurt I've caused. You are an incredible person, and I hope we can find our way back to being friends once more.

Memorizing Those Days

I've been reminiscing about our friendship, and it's like flipping through the pages of an unfinished novel. We had a unique story, full of laughter, late-night adventures, and inside jokes that only we understood. But somewhere along the way, I left those pages to gather dust, and I am sorry.

There's this memory that keeps replaying in my mind: the time we got caught in a sudden downpour on that hiking trip. We huddled under a tree, soaked to the bone, but we couldn't stop laughing. In that moment, I realized that it wasn't about where we were; it was about who we were together.

I've missed those moments, missed our story. I want to pick up where we left off, to write new chapters filled with the same humor, trust, and adventure that made us inseparable. Let's not leave our novel hanging.

I hope you'll consider letting me back into your life, so we can continue creating this incredible story together.


Life threw us a curveball, and I fumbled the catch. I got swept up in new adventures, and I let our friendship slip through the cracks. That's on me, and I'm owning up to it.

But here's the thing—I miss the way we used to laugh until our sides hurt, the way we had each other's backs through thick and thin. I miss you. I want to hit the reset button and rediscover the awesome friendship we once had.

Let's make new memories, laugh like no time has passed, and build something even better. The door is wide open, waiting for you to walk back in.

If this letter finds you, you will definitely know who I am.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Teenage yearsFriendship

About the Creator

Onne Stars

"Wordsmith & storyteller. Crafting captivating content that inspires. Expert in diverse niches. Let's turn your ideas into engaging narratives. Contact me [email protected]

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