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How to find your deepest purpose by solving your own problems

Finding Purpose

By Rudina Published 2 years ago 4 min read
How to find your deepest purpose by solving your own problems
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Understand this:

Problems aren’t personal. They are systemic. Your mind is a system containing systems. Your body is a system containing systems. The universe is a system containing systems.

Purpose is the divine force by which you conduct your life. Purpose is the intrinsic energy that makes positive choices seamless. Purpose is the compass that guides you inward — unmoved by external circumstance.

How do you find your purpose? By solving systemic problems, allowing nature to flow as it was meant to.

Bring these questions to the top of your mind:

What is the big problem you want to solve in the world?

What is the big problem you want to solve in your life?

With experience, you will realize that the answer to these questions is one and the same.

At this very moment, what is it? I’ll give an example from my own life.

I am rereading the book Rest by Alex Soojung Kim Pang. It is an incredible book that is reminding me of my own work philosophy. By rereading this book, I was reminded of my “why,” a former purpose of mine

Reread the books that impacted your life the most. They will do it again. I had forgotten myself by spending too much time away from myself.

Chances are that the inward pull — where you will find your purpose — is painted over with layers of societal opinions, beliefs, and other projections that have been hard-wired in your brain over years of unconscious living. That inward pull, for those that may not understand, can go by many names. Some call it your higher voice. Some call it your calling. Some call it the universe. For now, we will call in The Pull.

“As you open yourself to living at your edge, your deepest purpose will slowly begin to make itself known. In the meantime, you will experience layer after layer of purposes each one getting closer and closer to the fullness of your deepest purpose”. David Deida

You increase the strength of The Pull by peeling back the layers that are suppressing it. That means working from external to internal. From superficial to profound. Surface level to the core. Tip of the iceberg to the bottom of the ocean. Don’t let the depths scare you off, there’s a reason it isn’t crowded.

What problems are begging to be solved in your life right now? Do you have self-esteem issues? Hit the gym.

Do you have money problems? Get a better job or start a low-risk business.

By working your way up Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs (physiological needs, safety needs, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization), you reveal the way inward toward your deepest purpose.

Don’t know how to do any of this? Self-education.

LEARN. It is the most foundational human drive that modern distractions have hijacked. You have the Library Of Alexandria staring you straight in the face. It will take some digging, of course. You will not find all of the answers after a few days of research. Your problems will get better. You will see the futility in surface-level external pursuits. You will have a (good) desire to explore the depths of your being. You will adopt and shed macro and micro purposes for a lifetime until you uncover your life’s purpose.

The Vessel For Purpose, Growth, and Impact

So far we’ve knocked out 2 birds with 1 stone.

Finding purpose, personal growth, and the plethora of benefits that come along with both. Want to knock out 3?

Adopt a writing habit. Why?

Think about it. The foundation of media is an impactful message. An impactful message starts with an idea. If that idea is not fleshed out for the sake of understanding through the written word; it will remain just that, an idea. Thrown in the trash with the millions of other “million dollar ideas” that have been piling up throughout your life.

By not writing, you are preventing yourself from discovering new mental pathways to go down. One written word can change the direction of your life.

Writing is how you execute ideas as fast as possible so they don’t get lost in the depths of your mind. The greatest skill one can develop is decreasing the time between idea and execution.

If you want to take part in any form of online business, media is your foundation.

  • Educational content
  • Newsletters and articles
  • YouTube video scripts
  • Sales and product pages

The list goes on. Media is the front end of the internet and if you don’t plan to learn to code, better get started writing.

We are transitioning into an age of authenticity. People are losing trust in the media, big corporations, and flashy sales gimmicks. People are gaining trust in independent sources, value-driven communities, clarity, and human connection. Only the curious will survive.

The future belongs to the authentic. Authenticity stems from living through the energy generated from your purpose. Finding purpose stems from solving your own problems.

Writing is the vessel for pursuing your curiosity, understanding yourself, and creating solutions for your problems. Media is how you document the process, teach others what you learned, and get paid for doing so.


About the Creator


Through years of inner work, I learned how amazing life can be once you let go of fear, limiting belief, and false identification with achievements.

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