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How i fell in love with javascript

A girl that falls in love with the world of programming.

By Chisi limiPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Chisi (me) . She was always fascinated by technology and loved playing around with computers. Her father was a computer programmer, and he used to bring his work home with him. Chisi would watch him work for hours on end, and she would ask him all sorts of questions about coding and programming languages.

One day, her father showed her a website that he had built using a programming language called JavaScript. Chisi was immediately intrigued by the website's functionality and the fact that it could be manipulated using code. From that moment on, she knew that she had to learn how to use JavaScript.

Chisi started reading books and articles online about JavaScript. She spent hours practicing writing code on her computer, trying to create her own website. At first, it was tough, and she struggled to understand some of the more complex concepts. But she was determined to learn, and she kept pushing herself.

As time went on, Chisi began to see the potential of JavaScript. She realized that it was a powerful tool that could be used to build amazing websites and applications. She started to experiment with different features of the language, building interactive web pages, and creating animations using JavaScript.

Chisi's father was impressed with her progress and encouraged her to keep learning. He would give her challenges to work on, which she would complete with ease. She was becoming more and more proficient in the language, and her love for JavaScript continued to grow.

Eventually, Chisi decided to build her own website using JavaScript. She spent countless hours designing the layout and writing the code. The website was a showcase of her newfound skills and knowledge of the language. She had built a website that was not only visually stunning but also had a lot of functionality. She was proud of what she had created, and so were her family and friends.

As Chisi's skills in JavaScript grew, so did her ambition. She started to work on more complex projects, building web applications that could interact with databases and other servers. She was amazed by the possibilities that JavaScript offered, and she knew that she could create something truly remarkable.

Chisi's love for JavaScript was not just about building amazing websites and applications; it was also about the community that surrounded the language. She found a vast network of developers and enthusiasts who shared her passion for JavaScript. She started attending meetups and conferences, where she could learn from other developers and share her own experiences.

Chisi's journey with JavaScript had been a long one, but it was one that she wouldn't trade for anything. It had taught her the value of hard work and perseverance. It had given her a passion for learning and a sense of purpose. And most importantly, it had given her the ability to create things that she never thought possible.

In the end, Chisi became a highly skilled developer, and her love for JavaScript only grew stronger with each passing day. She continued to work on exciting projects and share her knowledge with others. Her passion for the language had opened up a world of possibilities for her, and she was grateful for every moment she spent exploring it.

And that is the story of how a girl named Chisi fell in love with JavaScript.

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Teenage yearsSecrets

About the Creator

Chisi limi

Storyteller weaving tales to escape reality. Lover of fantasy, sci-fi, and all things magical. Join me on a journey through my imagination. #storyteller #fantasywriter

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