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Eternal Love

A Story of Love, Fate, and Destiny

By Habibullah ZakriaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
An Enduring Tale of Hope and Romance

Lucas had been going to the same coffee shop for years, but it wasn't until he met Isabella that he realized what he had been missing. It was a typical Tuesday morning when he walked in and saw her sitting at a table in the corner, reading a book.

Lucas couldn't take his eyes off her. There was something about the way she sat there, lost in her book, that made him feel like he was watching a work of art come to life. He ordered his usual coffee but found himself struggling to come up with a reason to talk to her.

Finally, after several minutes of agonizing over it, he mustered up the courage to walk over to her table.

"Hi, I'm Lucas," he said, trying to sound confident.

Isabella looked up from her book and smiled. "Hi, I'm Isabella."

And just like that, a conversation began. Lucas found himself completely engrossed in their talk as if they were the only two people in the world. They talked about their favourite books, their favourite movies, and even their favourite songs.

As they chatted, Lucas felt himself becoming more and more drawn to Isabella. There was something about her that made him feel like he had known her his whole life.

As the morning turned into afternoon, they exchanged numbers and made plans to meet up again the next day. Lucas couldn't believe his luck. He had never felt a connection like this before.

Over the next few weeks, they spent every moment they could together. They explored the city, went to museums, and saw movies. They talked for hours about everything under the sun, and Lucas found himself falling deeper in love with Isabella every day.

One day, while they were walking through the park, Lucas knew he had to tell her how he felt. He stopped her in the middle of the path and took her hands in his.

"Isabella, I know we haven't known each other very long, but I can't help how I feel. I think I'm falling in love with you."

Isabella's eyes widened, and for a moment Lucas feared he had made a mistake. But then she smiled, and he knew he had made the right choice.

"Lucas, I feel the same way," she said, leaning in to kiss him.

From that moment on, they were inseparable. They spent every moment they could together, and it wasn't long before they were talking about their future.

One day, while they were sitting in their favourite coffee shop, Lucas took a deep breath and pulled out a small box.

"Isabella, I know we've only been together for a few months, but I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. Will you marry me?"

Isabella's eyes filled with tears as she nodded her head. "Yes, Lucas, I will marry you."

From that day forward, their love only grew stronger. They got married in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by their friends and family and embarked on a new chapter in their lives together.

Years later, as they sat together in the same coffee shop where they had first met, Lucas looked over at Isabella and smiled.

"Sometimes I still can't believe how lucky I am to have found you," he said, taking her hand.

Isabella smiled back at him. "I feel the same way. I never knew love could be this beautiful."

As they sat there, lost in their thoughts, Lucas knew that he would never forget the day he met Isabella. It was the day that changed his life forever, and the beginning of a love story that would last a lifetime

A Voice came from the sky

Love, a gentle breeze That sweeps us off our feet In its embrace we find A joy that is divine Forever it will be The sweetest melody Of two hearts entwined In love, we are defined.

Teenage yearsFriendshipDating

About the Creator

Habibullah Zakria

Living in the age of Matrix we all want to escape Reality and Spirituality, but here things are different we let your Barque reach the bank of Reality.

Our Stories are Defined and Written with Great Care and Struggle by Experts.


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