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Discover How You Can Escape This Corrupt Healthcare System…

Dr. Freddie Masaki

By Albert MøvikPublished about a year ago 5 min read

These suppressed medical remedies…

- Have reduced tinnitus² and the incessant ringing in your ears

- Reduced joint discomfort and supported a healthy inflammation response without NSAIDs or painkillers…

- And they can even trigger your body’s feel good hormone³ known as GABA… which acts as an all-natural painkiller and mood booster that works naturally (without side effects).

The reason why you’ve never heard of these remedies…

Is because doctors, physicians, and even pharmacies have been BOUGHT over by big pharma.

The hippocratic oath that doctors swear by… has NEVER protected you.

Nazis even used the hippocratic oath to justify their cruel experiments… simply because they thought it was ‘right’... and that it would ‘help’ their patients.

Now big pharma is using the exact same hippocratic oath - to hold pharmacists and doctors at ‘gunpoint’, so that they can raise their drug prices while you pay the price.

More than ever, doctors and pharmacists are being used as ‘distributors’ in the big pharma cartel…

Exploiting you when you need medical care the most.

One pharmacist in New York in 2019, was forced by a ‘Gag Order⁴’ Contract that legally silenced him from showing patients cheaper and more affordable drug options in the market.

For example, the standard diabetes drug metformin, would normally be sold at $4…

But with big pharma’s Gag Order contract⁵… they were forced to artificially raise prices to $10 a bottle.

Why could they do this?

It’s simply because they control the entire pharmaceutical supply…

And if pharmacists and distributors don’t listen and play nice… big pharma will take away their rights to sell their product… and pass it on to the next pharmacy that’s willing to raise their price.

This short presentation is my confession to being part of the Big Pharma Scam.

Dr Freddie Masaki… or you may know him as Mr Freddie Masaki, has recently spoken up about the so called “Big Pharma Scam.” Here is his story:

Very soon, you’ll find out why I gave up my medical profession because of the harm that it was doing. I saw how corporate greed had completely taken over big pharma…

In fact, the CEO of the hospital that I used to work at was making 1.43 million dollars⁶ EVERY single year,

While I was just getting by barely being able to feed my beautiful wife and 2 kids.

And I was feeding his machine…

Harming my patients with big pharma’s prescriptions… and it was so bad, I wanted to throw up at their malpractices…

Big Pharma’s ‘Head Honcho’ executive Martin Skhreli had

jacked up the price of Daraprim from $13.50 to $750… bankrupting the patients who needed it most.

And my faith in the healthcare system was torn apart when I saw the consequences of following the ‘system’ that I had learned in med school.

When I was working at the hospital…I had a patient come in with a bad case of rheumatoid arthritis.

Johnny’s joints were aching, and his immune system was eating into his cartilage.

He was living in pain, every single day - he couldn’t walk, he barely could move and he had his life taken away from him by this terrible disease…

And I administered the ‘usual advice’ which was to provide him with Oxycontin, and NSAIDs.

In Just Weeks, My Medical ‘Advice’ Had Torn Him Apart.

I saw his condition get progressively worse… and every time he came back,

He needed a higher dose of painkillers, as his body had grown used to the dosage.

I told him that I couldn’t give him any more prescriptions…because he was going close to overdosing…

And he didn’t stop when I said no.

Soon after, Johnny began doctor shopping, hopping from physician to physician, just so that he could get his dose of pain-relief medicine.

And as his addiction grew worse…

His wife would call me to help him… and I didn’t know the answer.

It was as if she couldn’t recognise him anymore, and she had to be on call 24/7 just to support him throughout the day.

His dependence on painkillers made him drowsy, impairing his ability to speak… and he even needed her help to tie his shoes.

What started off as a case of RA… turned into a life-stealing opioid addiction that made him a walking ‘zombie’.

Something Was TERRIBLY Wrong With The Healthcare System.

And while doing my research… filled with doubt about my very own medical profession…

I discovered that most of our doctors and ‘procedures’ were secretly killing America's seniors!

In a study where doctors went on strike in 1976 to 2003⁷… they found that the mortality rate had dropped, because there were less surgeries, less ‘emergency treatments’...

And patients had the opportunity to recover on their own.

With Johnny set on the dark path filled with opioid abuse…

I Questioned My Values…

‘Was I Part Of This Broken System… Designed To Exploit The Most Needy And Vulnerable For Profits?’

I remembered that on the day I graduated from medical school…

I had promised to care for my patients, to give them only the best… and to nurse them back to health.

Never once could I even imagine being someone who was part of a system that preyed on the weak and vulnerable…

And this guilt began to eat inside me.

I no longer knew what I was fighting so hard for.

In that dark moment, I remembered my grandma’s precious words of wisdom… to go back to my roots, and to do what was right- no matter how painful that choice would be.

With my prestigious position as a doctor, came great responsibility to heal the sick.

I decided to pack my bags, and begin my journey to save America’s Healthcare system.

Read the rest of the shocking article by clicking here. Dr Freddie Masaki has a brilliant solution to this problem, a solution that has changed many lives and will work for you, if not there is a 60 days tp request a refund of 100% of what you paid!

Learn more about how Dr Freddie Masaki’s story and how this could benefit you, by clicking here.


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