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Awkward Moment Created By Dad

Barefoot In The Snow

By Carolyn LeonelliPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Awkward Moment Created By Dad
Photo by Naitian(Tony) Wang on Unsplash

I must of been about 14 years old at the time. A few weeks prior to this we moved into a new house. I had not met the neighbors yet, just knew that they were an older couple with three young sons. The oldest being just about a year or so younger than me. It had been snowing on and off for days now. This afternoon I found myself sitting in the front window, captivated by the image of my neighbor's son shoveling snow in the front yard and the driveways of the houses next to ours. Just then my father came in the front door, he had been outside talking to the neighbor. He chuckled and said why don't you go out and talk to him, you have been sitting in that window watching him for over a half an hour. To which I abruptly replied, no thanks I am good. He followed it up with when did you become so shy? I said I am not shy, I just don't have anything to say to him. Are you completely sure about that he asked while kind of laughing at me. To this I replied yes and stood up and headed toward the stairs to go up to my bedroom. My dear old dad who was still standing by the front door proceeded to push me out it as I was walking past him. Now I probably would not have minded so much if I wasn't barefoot and wearing just a t- shirt, and a pair of basketball shorts. Just knowing that my father was on the other side of the door laughing thinking he was funny, was extremely annoying to me. I heard through the laughter, you can stay out there until you talk to him.

When I thought that it was not possible for me to get any more irritated than I already was, the neighbor ( whose name I found out was John ) came ambling up the front steps. He took one look at me, shook his head and all he said was isn't it a little cold to be standing out here barefoot. To which my only answer was, while normally I would be inclined to agree with you, however it seems today that my father wants to be a comedian. This made him start laughing, so I looked at him and said I am so glad that I could add to your amusement. That's when he said no no I was not laughing at you, sorry it's just that I thought that my parents were the only one's that did things like that. I chuckled and said nope, part of the hindrance of being in an Italian family. Which made him laugh even more, I know what you mean, sometimes I wish I was anything but Italian. All I could do was shake my head at that point because I knew that feeling all to well.

He then introduced himself to me, told me his name was John and that he thought it was going to be fun living next door to us. To which I laughed and told him my name is Carolyn, but my friends and family call me Cal. To which he replied Oh are we friends now. This of course made me really laugh considering the completely embarrassing reason I was out there to begin with. This new found excitement of course brought out the inevitable question that I was dreading him asking. But sure enough it came next, so what exactly are you doing out here like that anyway? Well that put me in an awkward spot I say, my dad was having a little fun with me. To which he said I got that but what about, come on you have to tell me we are friends right.

At that moment even though it was so cold out I could feel my face flush and burn with embarrassment. Well I said that might be stretching it a bit, but here goes might as well get this over with. You know like ripping the band aid off real fast to get the pain over with. Well I said my dad caught me sitting in the front window watching you shovel snow. And since I refused to come out here on my own to talk to you, he locked me out until I did. John then asked what was so fascinating about him shoveling snow. I looked him dead in the eyes and told him that it was just him that I found captivating not the fact that he was shoveling snow. Although in my head I remember thinking that he didn't look bad doing it.

This brought a smile to his face and then he proceeded to invite me to his football game over the weekend. I remember telling him that I would think about it and it depended on what I was doing over the weekend. I added but if someone has his way then I will more than likely be there. I said he is probably in the house right now planning our wedding. I laughed and said just kidding about that last part, I don't think he will ever thin anybody is good enough to marry me. Although you are probably as close to that as anyone is ever going to get. Why is that he asked? Well I said you are Italian, play sports, and for whatever reason he has decided that he likes you.

And from that one awkward moment created by my cheeky dad, a great friendship was born. John and I started spending every day after school together, running, working out, and playing video games. Soon it became more than a friendship. This carried on for most of my high school days. But in the end as people often do as we grow John and I grew apart. We remained friends, still to this day almost 30 years. My father still thinks that John was the right one for me. But alas we will never know because our lives took us in different directions. But now we can look back on that day and laugh about how my dad created the perfect situation, although it may not been in the best way. The embarrassment that I felt then soon dissipated and allowed me to enjoy what life was offering me at the time. So I leave you with this thought that every awkward embarrassing moment in our lives can be turned into the most positive of situations, if it is approached properly. Although at that time I wanted to crawl into the nearest hole and disappear. But looking back I am happy about that silly moment in my life and would not change it for anything.


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