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What Aroma can You Get from Green Tea?

Chinese Green Tea

By LBTEASPublished 3 months ago 4 min read

Green tea is a time capsule that captures the charm of spring.

A cup of spring tea can relieve irritability and moisten dry intestines. Tea lovers cannot live without a cup of green tea in spring.

Even if you don't leave home, you can still smell the fragrance of vegetation from thousands of rivers and mountains in a cup of tea.

The endless cups of spring tea don't stop, and the worries suddenly disappear.

Even in silence, a thousand words of natural dialogue can be opened.

In the course of thousands of years of history, various types of tea have emerged. And green tea is the original cornerstone.

How can a bud be transformed by the skillful hands of human beings into a gift of spring to the world?

This time, we will take you into the story behind Chinese green tea from the four dimensions of green tea: "production method", "flavor characteristics", "appearance characteristics" and "brewing method".

1. To preserve the charm of spring, start with the completion of green tea

Green tea is the only non-fermented tea among the six major tea categories. Due to its technological characteristics, it retains more natural substances in the fresh leaf state. Thus forming its characteristics of "clear soup with green leaves, refreshing and pleasant".

The basic technological process of green tea production is divided into three steps: greening, rolling and drying. According to the different methods of greening and drying, the green tea we usually drink is divided into four categories: "steamed green tea", "fried green tea", "sun-fried green tea" and "roasted green tea".

2. Fruity? Herbaceous? Floral? What aroma can we get from green tea?

Tasting a cup of spring green, in addition to the fresh and wonderful taste on the tongue, the rich aroma also makes people have unlimited expectations.

Fragrance is an important "index" to identify various types of green tea. Generally speaking, the representative aroma types of different tea types will also be different. LBTEAS is ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, and Organic Certified to provide the finest and healthy teas to global customers. LBTEAS Organic Green Teas are origin in the core scenic area of Mountain Emei at an altitude of 800 to 1,500 meters picked from gardens fresh leaf and buds at each Spring with light and bright with herbal notes, which can be enjoyed at any time of day.

LBTEAS Organic Green Teas offer in Premium Organic Single Bud, Pearl Green Tea, Organic Emei Mountain Maofeng Green Tea.

It’s the same green tea, why is there a difference in aroma?

Because there are aromatic volatile substances in the fresh leaves of the tea tree, there are more than 100 species. During the tea making process, these aroma substances interact and transform to form new aroma components. Different tea tree varieties, climate, season, soil and cultivation methods, as well as differences in production methods, will have a great impact on the content and composition of aroma components.

Make a cup of green tea and savor the aroma. Maybe you will have a deeper understanding of this magical leaf.

3. Green tea also has “various shapes”

The breath of early spring is brought by green tea. Diverse regions, different picking times and different techniques all make them present a variety of wonderful tea forms. In the hands of the tea maker, it becomes a beautiful scenery on the spring tea table of tea lovers.

4. How to make a good cup of green tea? Let’s take a look at some practical tips

Spring tea is delicious, and a cup of green tea that is pleasing to the eye is the most enjoyable.

But making tea is more than just putting tea leaves and pouring water into the pot. As the saying goes, putting tea in an orderly manner, especially when brewing green tea, whether you put the tea leaves first or pour the water first, all the details are very particular.

Different green teas have different brewing methods. Generally speaking, brewing in a glass cup is the most common. Taking a 300ml glass as an example, the amount of tea poured into it is about 2 to 3 grams of tea, and it is appropriate to fill it with water to the seventh point. If you are pursuing a strong fragrance, the water temperature should be boiling water; if you prefer a delicate fragrance, you can appropriately lower the water temperature to 85°C~90°C.

Nowadays, Chinese tea is gradually integrating into the younger generation. They are more willing to enjoy the cleanliness and convenience of spring green tea anytime and anywhere. Let us experience the cleanliness and flavor of Chinese green tea together!

The exported Organic Green Tea of LBTEAS has many advantages, such as excellent quality, high-cost performance, short delivery time, prompt after-sales service, even OEM service. Here, we sincerely invite you to be our partner and agent.

For more information, price offer, samples, inspection reports, OEM production, etc., please feel free to reach us via: [email protected] or voice to us: +86-28-8754-3505.


About the Creator


LBTEAS, as a part of EMEIXUEYA, which commenced operations in 2003, is a leading tea exporter for trading in luxurious organic green teas, expertly blended and original garden teas.

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