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The Queen's Knight (ch8)

Final Chapter

By Koda RedPublished 7 months ago 5 min read

“Heyya buddy.” Silas sat on a stool in Taryn’s room, which sat at the end of Lord Emerey’s hall. The doctor that tended her wounds assured Silas that she would be alright, as long as she kept breathing, and was hydrated when she woke. He then told him to please stop asking questions so he could retire to bed. “It’s been pretty quiet without you,” Silas continued, rubbing his beard and glancing out the window. “At least- you know- in the several hours you’ve been unconscious.

“The intruder’s dead. A few guys tried to interrogate him, but he wouldn’t say anything. Probably because he doesn’t have a tongue. Yeah, whoever sent him didn’t want anyone finding out. I think he was from Montes, though. I say that of course because he had terrible taste in clothing.” he chuckled to himself, and went quiet for a moment. “My kids were worried when I told them, but I wasn’t. I know how tough you are. Oh yeah, and the Queen is getting married next week.”

Taryn’s eyes fluttered open. “What?” she croaked. Silas did one of his wheezing laughs.

“You old bastard! I knew you were awake!”

Taryn groaned, and rubbed her head. “What happened?” her voice was crackling, and hollow. Silas started, remembering the doctor’s instructions, and handed her the cup of water on the dresser, beside the pitcher. He pushed it into her hands so fast that it splashed a little onto her shirt. Taryn took it and gulped it down even faster than she had the whisky. Water was underrated, she decided. After downing the rest of the pitcher’s contents, she swung her legs over the bed and stood up. It was too fast, and she fell back onto the bed almost immediately. Her head throbbed, and when she reached to touch it, she noticed bandages.

“Who is she marrying?”

“Prince Izel, if I’m not mistaken. And I’m doing great, thanks for asking.”

Taryn pulled her friend into a bear hug. “Thank you for helping me, Silas. I suppose I’ve been a bit of a sod to you lately, haven’t I?”

Silas laughed, and punched her shoulder. “Oh, shut up, I’m just glad you’re alright!”

“How long have I been out?”

“Just a few hours at first. Then you woke up for a bit, and slept through the night.”

“And the Queen has already decided to get married?”

“Yeah I heard her mention it last-”

A faint knock sounded at the door, though it already hung ajar. Taryn looked up and felt her heart skip a beat when Queen Dahlia poked her head into the doorway.

“Pardon,” she said, as though she didn’t own the entire castle. Suddenly Taryn was all too aware of the fact that she wore only a night gown. Dahlia barely seemed to notice. “I wonder if - once you’re dressed, I might have a moment with you?”

“Of-of course, you’re majesty.” she bowed, and Silas stood and bowed with her.

“Thank you.” she smiled, and closed the door. Silas turned to Taryn and raised his eyebrows.

“I guess I better leave you to it,” he said, and, after adjusting his trousers, headed out the door.

Taryn dressed quickly, and met the Queen out in the hall. She stood in a modest, but elegant gown of silver fabric, and she had those pearls in her hair again. She stood so tall and gracious as she smiled and talked with a servant. Taryn thought she was falling in love all over again. When she locked eyes with Taryn, her smile grew.

“My lady,” Taryn bowed as she approached, and the servant bowed as they left. “You wanted to see me?” she swore she could hear her own heart pounding in her chest.

“Yes, but I’ll make it brief, because I will meet with a few new nobles in the throne room shortly. She took a deep breath. “Taryn, I just wanted you to know that you were right. As Queen, I have power over what I do.”

A slight panic rose in Taryn’s chest as she wasn’t sure whether to be skeptical or wildly hopeful. “Of course, nothing will be perfect, but I’ve talked with the council, and… it's going to be okay.”

Taryn looked at her blankly. “I don’t understand-”

Dahlia wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. Taryn could have cried when she felt her touch. But then a moment later the Queen stepped back and cleared her throat. “I have a few more things to announce to the new nobles in a half hour,” she said, “And I want you at my side when I do.” she smiled once more, that genuine, sweet smile, before turning and hurrying down the hall.

Taryn had never been more confused, and the head injury certainly didn’t help, but regardless, she entered the throne room at the promised time, looking as well as she could in the situation.

Sunlight poured in from outside, just as it did on the day she was knighted. Lords, ladies, dukes and duchesses filled the hall, gossiping and sipping wine in their intricate fashion. Taryn worked her way to the front, where Queen Dahlia of Shale sat upright on her throne, overlooking the display with a quiet satisfaction. She wore the same jewelry as she did earlier, but with a necklace Taryn didn’t recognize.

With slow, controlled movements to avoid passing out again, Taryn stepped on the dias and stood on the Queen’s left, opposite Onra.

Dahlia nodded to her, and adjusted her skirts around her ankles. It was then that Taryn saw the flash of something from the corner of her eye. She glanced at the hem of the Queen’s skirts and saw something silver catching the light.

It was an anklet.

The anklet.

Dahlia stood up and raised her hands. A hush spread throughout the crowd, and when she spoke, her voice carried easily, as always.

“Citizens of Shale. As many of you may have heard, I will be marrying Prince Izel of Montes.” Taryn tried to ignore the sinking feeling in her chest. The Queen continued, “However, due to a recent threat to the crown, the wedding will be delayed until we establish a firmer solidarity with Montes. Until then-” she turned and extended a hand towards Taryn. Taryn froze as all eyes in the room turned to her. Dahlia nodded, beckoning her forward.

She hesitated for a moment, then moved to stand next to Dahlia. Dahlia smiled. “This is my knight, Taryn of Westwood. But after the wedding, she will also be my new lover.”

Taryn’s gasp was drowned in the eruptions of applause at the announcement. Was this happening? She turned to look at her in bewilderment.

“I’m willing to try,” she whispered, those cannon eyes now earnest, “Say you’ll wait?”

Taryn smiled, and blinked as her eyes began to water.

“For you?” she said, “Whatever it takes.”


About the Creator

Koda Red


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