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The Queen's Knight (ch6)

Chapter 6

By Koda RedPublished 7 months ago 5 min read

At the end of the month, Taryn was given leave to visit her family in Westwood. Her parents and brothers thrived in the country, far from class and court politics. Taryn decided to leave it that way, and let them keep their blissful ignorance.

While there, Taryn helped her father make his jewelry, which was almost as tedious as it was nostalgic. This time, though, Taryn found herself wondering what the queen would like. She remembered how much Dahlia preferred elegance to extravagance, so she twisted a metal band and embedded pearls at the ends, like the ones Dahlia often wore in her hair at parties. She kept a gap in it, so one could bend it to fit around the wrist, or, in some scandalous circumstances, the ankle.

In Shale, ankle jewelry was often a symbol of a secret lover, especially in the upper classes, where skirts or trousers could easily cover it. Taryn knew she and Queen Dahlia could never wear the rings of a traditional marriage, but she still wanted to offer her something after the night they shared.

So she rode back to Oaksbury, carrying the anklet in her pocket, and the excitement of seeing her lover once more.

Queen Dahlia paced her study, hands clutching a stack of papers she had yet to sign. She thought moving around the room might help her focus, but so far had little success.

King Voss’s letters were growing more and more frequent. At almost every meeting, Onra insisted that Dahlia marry and secure an alliance, or else continue the trade.

But she couldn’t! One option felt like betrayal to Taryn, and the other was a betrayal of everything she stood for.

She would have to marry eventually, she knew that. But Voss’s son? And now, when she finally found love of her own?

True, royalty was allowed concubines, and mistresses, but those came with their own clauses, and duties and waivers that would surely get in the way of Taryn’s career of knighthood, which was already a legal scandal. To switch her knight’s career, Dahlia would need both her knighthood paperwork, and do the paperwork required for a mistress, and she wasn’t sure that the former even existed. Even if it did, Taryn would have to adhere to an entirely new set of rules, which would prevent her from tournaments, outdoor training, or even having much of her own life. No, she couldn’t ask that of her.

And every day Dahlia swore she could feel Onra getting closer and closer to finding out their secret. Or worse, looking into the validity of Taryn’s knighthood. It was all such a mess, and on top of that, she had a precarious alliance to maintain.

With a sigh, Dahlia collapsed into her chair and rested her head in her hands. Where would she even begin?

Just then, a knock came at the door. Dahlia sat up and tucked a strand of hair from her face. “Come in.”

Taryn entered, face still flushed from the chill air outside.

“Taryn!” Dahlia rushed to her side and hugged her tightly. “I missed you so much! How is your family? Are they well?”

“Very well, thank you,” she said, and shut the door behind her. Taryn was beaming, relieved to be back in her Queen’s presence. She hugged her back, then lifted Dahlia into the air, and spun her around. “God, I missed you,” she buried her face in the Queen’s neck sighed at the familiar scent. “How fares the fair lady?”

“Much better now,” Dahlia released her and stepped back to her desk. “Aside from all this, of course.”

Taryn moved toward the desk and tilted her head to look at the stacks of scrolls scattering it. “Christ on a cross,” she muttered, “Is all this about Montes?”

“Most of it,” Dahlia said, “Apparently I ought to marry this Izel fellow and let King Voss take over our kingdom.”

Taryn smiled. “Either that, or you take over his.”

Dahlia laughed, then paused. “That’s actually not a bad idea.” She furrowed her brow, and looked back at the papers. “Oh, but who am I fooling? I can barely handle one kingdom, let alone two.”

“I believe you can do anything you set your mind to,” said Taryn, and reached into her pocket. “By the way, I made something for you while I was with my family, and I can’t wait another moment to give it to you.” she placed the piece of silver in the Queens hand and waited.

Dahlia looked down at the jewelry for a moment. Taryn swore she could hear her own heartbeat.

“Do you… like it?”

“This is an anklet.”

“Yes, I suppose it is.”

Dahlia’s gaze finally met hers. Her eyebrows quirked. “I… I’m sorry, Taryn, I don’t-”

Taryn’s face fell. “Oh.” What happened? What had she missed? Was the night in Oaksbury castle just a dream? Had the past few months been a dream?

Dahlia held the anklet out to Taryn, but she didn’t take it. “I don’t understand.” Dahlia took a shuddering breath, trying to steady herself.

“I don’t think you know what this means, Taryn.”

“What?” Taryn took a step forward, but Dahlia turned away. “Dahlia-”

“Your majesty.”

“It means I love you!”

“No you don’t.”

“I am at your mercy. For the rest of my life, I will either be with you, or ache for you.” Taryn took the Queen’s hand in her own. “And I guess it means I was foolish enough to hope you felt the same.”

Dahlia could offer nothing but a sad smile. “I can’t accept this.”

“Why not?”

“It cannot be, Taryn. I am your Queen.”

“You are the Queen. You are the most powerful woman in the country, don’t you get some power over what you do?”

“No!” Dahlia’s tone sharpened, and Taryn stepped back. This time, Dahlia stepped forward. “I am your Queen, but that does not mean the whole country serves me. It is my duty to serve the country. I am their sworn protector, and everything I do is to keep them safe, and ensure an heir. That is my purpose. Nothing I do is for myself, or you, for that matter.”

Taryn stood still. The air seemed to cool between them. “Nothing?” Taryn repeated. She held the Queen’s gaze in her own, wondering if that was the most intimacy they would share from then on. Dahlia sniffed, and glanced over the balcony.

“Almost nothing.”


About the Creator

Koda Red


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