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The Living Arc Angels

Part 1

By Timothy A RowlandPublished 10 months ago 42 min read
Photo by: Timothy A Rowland (Author). Created via

Hello. This is the start of a novel I wrote years ago titled, "The Living Arc Angels." I will be sharing the whole book with part at a time. This story contains adult content, so please ensure that you are old enough and okay with reading such content. Well.. here we go...

So It Begins

Tim sat upon the short stonewall that lined the apartment building where he and his friends all lived. It was yet another day. One, which, like all the others, he would see her and his heart would light up. But, as he laid his head down at night, he would once again regret allowing another day pass having not told her of his love. He thought of how it was strange, that most love struck people will turn away when the object of their affection catches them staring. He on the other hand was unable to look away. When ever his eyes would catch her from across a room or a field he was held in her eyes by a trance he could never define or explain. It was then that he looked up and saw her making her way out of the woods that were behind the building. He wondered what it was that pulled her back there so often, but never dared to enter there for fear of discovering some secret that would ruin any chance of earning her trust. But that and all other thoughts quickly dissolved as he watched her. He marveled at her petite form, covered by an elegant looking white dress that only partially clung to her 21 year old body. He loved the way that her mocha colored skin gave away her ½ Italian roots; offset by her Caucasian side, as did her almost black shoulder length hair. At that he wondered only briefly if anyone else noticed that her hair was in deed a very dark brown, but only a shade or two away from black. From the distance in which he sat he wouldn’t be able to see them, but in his mind he could see clearly her eternal brown eyes. She moved with grace and poise that never failed to astonish him. Her name was Andrea and to him she was unreachable and everything that his dreams held… and it was holding her that his dreams most often displayed to tease him. As she came a little closer, he could see that her lips were moving, most likely in thought he figured. Her gaze remained on the ground, but that was fine to him, after all if she did not look up then she wouldn’t catch him staring at her from a far once again.

She had come out of the woods and instantly noticed him sitting there on the wall as he had often done before. She was afraid that he would catch her staring at him again, so she simply looked to the ground as she started her way back to the apartment. She had caught him staring before, as he had her she was sure, but could never find the words to tell him what too many times she laid in bed at night wishing she could scream to him. She had watched him for so long, and she was sure that he had looked at her in the same way, but would take no chances. As she walked she began to pray, but as though she were talking to him. “Please just come over here. I want so much to tell you how I feel, but my heart could never take it if you don’t feel the same way.” She looked up but toward the side. She was relieved to see Christine making her way to her. She would allow for a distraction. She gave her a wave and a smile and hoped that she would hurry to her. Soon enough Christine came to walk beside her; she was almost to her when she glanced toward Tim and then back to Andrea. Through her soft laughter she said in a mocking tone, “You know, to be interested in him so much, you sure do a good job of making sure he never finds out.” Not sure what to say to that… since she knew it was true, she just gave her friend a ‘whatever’ look and then once again turned her attention back to ground in front of each step. It was another great relief on Andrea’s thoughts when Christine began to ramble on in a schoolgirl type of tone. “Guess what? I just met the most wonderful man on this planet! I’m telling you Andrea I think I could be in love! My heart tells me that he is the one for sure!” Then she gave a playful tap on Andrea’s arm and then looked upward with a down turned head at her. “Oh and there is one thing about him that you are just going to love!” Andrea stopped a moment at Christine’s outstretched arm and turned to her. “I doubt it, girl, but tell me anyway.” Christine took a step in front of her and then said with a big grin, “His name is Eric… and he’s best friends with Tim.” Andrea’s face grew flushed, against her best efforts to prevent it, and she was unable to stop her revealing smile at the news. “Well, Christine… I think it would be only proper to invite your new boyfriend over for dinner. And of course, mention to him that your best friend is coming over so he should bring a friend with him. Since they are best friends… I’m sure he’ll bring Tim.” With a failed attempt at silencing their squeal of both guilt and happiness they threw their arms around each other in a gripping hug.

Tim was still staring, but trying to make it look like he wasn’t, watching Andrea hug her best friend. He figured that they were best friends anyway. Christine, he knew her name only from hearing Andrea call her from across a room some two months ago, didn’t look to be her sister. Christine was fully Caucasian and only mildly tanned. She had blonde hair that went down to the middle of her neck. He admitted that she was pretty too, and being the same age as Andrea she still possessed her girlish charm but with all the best qualities of a woman… just like Andrea. However, standing next to Andrea she was barely noticeable to him. It was because of his thoughts and his dedicated attention on Andrea that he didn’t notice when Eric came up to him. He placed his hand on Tim’s shoulder, causing him to jump up off the wall and turn ready to defend him self. Eric laughed wickedly. “Jumpy? Or are you just lost in day dreams about a certain young lady again?” Tim gave him a sideways glance as he retorted, “You know the answer, so why do you bother to ask me?” Through another wicked grin he replied, “Because it gets under your skin.” Just then Eric said, “Well since I can see that she’s getting to you again and that’s usually when you take off on one of your walks, let me share some news with you before you take off for hours at a time.” It was uncanny to Tim how Eric could read his mind, since that was just what he was about to do. So, instead, he sat back down on the wall and sat so that he could continue to glance at Andrea at will and still give a little attention to what it was that his friend had to say. “Tim… I have to tell you, man. I’m in love.” That warranted a look from Tim. “Well, I’m happy for you. Maybe one day soon I can meet her.” To that Eric just gave a quick burst of laughter. “Well… there is more actually. A fact that I am sure that you will like about her too.” Just as he opened his mouth to give his friend the good news, he was cut off. “Eric, sorry to leave you in your peak of happiness, but I need to go for another walk man. I have got to get the courage to talk to her and tell her everything that she’s doing to me.” As Tim got up, his friend tried to catch him, but he was already on his way to the door that led to the apartments. Tim just yelled, “I’m going to go get my CD to help drown out some of my thoughts. I’ll see you when I get back.”

When Tim had gone through the doors, Eric said, rather to himself, “Here I am, 22 and in love. And there he is… 23 and tormented.” After that he let out one more rush of breath and then looked up to see Christine and Andrea walking toward him. The smile that appeared on his face was instant and with out any effort. He elated in the sight when Christine rushed to him and threw her self into his arms. Andrea walked up afterward rather slowly and jokingly said, “So, this is the infamous Eric who has stolen my friend’s heart.” Eric laid a tender kiss onto Christine’s lips before replying. “Yep, that would be me.” He saw Andrea shoot a look of what could only be a ‘hurry up’ and then Christine turned to him quickly and gasp, “Oh yeah! Can you come over to our apartment for dinner tonight?” Eric grinned; he knew by the look in her eyes and the tone of her voice that there was something more to this than she was telling him. “Yeah, I can make it.” She grabbed his face by the cheeks and loudly said, “Good! Come over around 6:00PM okay? Oh, and since Andrea has no plans tonight could you bring a friend with you?” Eric cocked his back and not bothering to conceal his grin, which stretched from ear to ear, said, “You can count on it, Love.”

As Eric walked toward the apartment door, Tim came out with his CD player in hand. As they came upon each other Eric took the CD player and said, “Change of plans.” Just as Tim was about to object, Eric held up his hand. “Trust me, you’ll thank me later. Now come on.” There was no use in trying to object anyway, it was obvious that he was determined, so Tim just went along with it and followed as they headed back into the building. “Might I ask what in the hell we are going to the apartment for?” Eric shot him a look that only further motivated Tim’s curiosity. “To get ready for dinner, of course.” There was no time for further questions before Eric walked off. So again he just followed. Once back in their apartment, Eric said, “Where something nice… we’re going out to eat.” Tim walked toward his room and yelled, “Are you buying?” He could hear the laughter. “No and neither are you. My new girlfriend is going to make us dinner.” “Well wouldn’t you rather be alone with her tonight?” Again the laughter came. “Well, she has a friend with nothing to do, so I told her that I would bring someone with me.” Tim just thought, ‘well, I’ll do him this favor I guess. But there is only one that I want and he knows that’ and then rolled his eyes to the ceiling and started to dress. They both dressed in their nicest button- up shirts and a pair of loose fitting comfortable slacks. Tim in black and Eric in dark tan. Then they both rushed the bathroom and brushed their hair and teeth. About then it was 6 o’clock. “I am just wondering: if you just got the invite… why would she make it for so soon. She couldn’t have had time to cook by now.” As he passed him swiftly, Eric quickly said, “Don’t ask questions about it...just be thankful that we don’t have to cook the food ourselves.” “Good point.” With that, they were out the door quickly.

They got on the elevator and Tim pushed the button for the ground floor. “Oh, no. That won’t be necessary.” Then with a low laugh to himself, Eric pushed the 2nd floor. Tim gave a side glance and tried to figure out why that seemed so familiar to him.” The contemplation only took him a minute to think of. The 2nd floor was the same floor that Andrea lived on. He suddenly got a mental image of her seeing him with his date for the evening and thinking that he was taken. Then he’d never be able to win her heart. However, he had a strong loyalty to his friend, and something deep inside him told him to just go on with the plan. And so it was that he followed when Eric started around a corner to the other side of the building from where they lived. And then soon after turning the corner stopped in front of the door. He looked at it for a moment and then in his mind thought about the location of Andrea’s apartment. They were on the other side of the building, so that meant that her place was not in view from here. He was thankful for that. Giving another wicked grin to Tim, Eric knocked on the door. And that is when Tim’s heart began to race out of control. Because, as the door opened he heard, “Oh, Christine… don’t forget my sisters are coming to visit me in a few days. So, I might not be around as much.” Innocent words, had they not rung out to him in Andrea’s voice. A part of him felt like running, but his body wouldn’t corporate. Then it mattered very little, as his eyes fell deep into hers.

Andrea opened the door and her gaze seemed to go through Eric and lock instantly with Tim’s. “Well, Andrea… are you going to let us in, or should we eat out here?” She shook her head a little. She hadn’t even realized that she was staring. He looked as he always did to her, bordering on perfect. His medium brown and fairly short hair was brushed neatly, and as they passed her she noticed, also squared off in the back at the top of his neck. His blue eyes had trapped her the moment she opened the door. And his body was toned but not enough to think he worked on his body too much. His 5 foot 11 inches made him taller, since she only stood 5 foot 6 inches. Another fact she liked about him… his advantage in height made him seem even more capable of protecting her. It was also another girlish effect he seemed to have on her, she knew, yet she still indulged in it. He was a sight in deed. She forced herself to look away from him before he caught her girlish stare again. She saw Eric taking a slow spin in the kitchen, with Christine looking him over. He was a fair looking man in her opinion. Being of equal height and muscle tone to Tim, but with very short blonde hair, much like Christine’s she noticed. He too had blue eyes, but they were a darker color than Tim’s. Oh, Tim’s… that mere thought brought her back to his gaze. When he had gazed into her eyes, she had felt naked to him. Yet, she wanted him to see all that she was, and hide nothing from him.

By Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash

Tim sat at the table and tried his best to think of something he could say that would hide the crack in his voice. There was nothing. Finally he saw Eric sit across from him. “Tim, wake up. She’s right there…why are you sitting here like a little boy?” Tim looked and watched as Andrea walked into the kitchen to join Christine in the effort to make dinner. Tim gave an upward glance with a downward chin and softly said, “Cause, I’m afraid as soon as I open my mouth, I’ll be having my foot for dinner.” Eric tried to silence his laugh, but didn’t seem to do a very good job of it. Just then Andrea yelled from the kitchen, “Damn it! Guys, we can’t reach this pot. Will one of you come get it for us?” Eric began to stand up and Tim quickly blurted out, “Sit down! I got it.” Then as he stood he added with a half nervous and half joking grin, “My angel beckons my help.” Eric just gave a nod and a grin as he motioned with a swoop of his hand toward the kitchen. As sure-footed as he could manage he made his way to the kitchen. He was not prepared to see Andrea on the tips of her feet stretching upward still trying to reach the pot that eluded her. He thought it strange but as he stopped to admire her, Christine brushed past him with a grin that was obviously filled with a type of guilt. As she stretched he could only stare in astonished adoration. That is until she noticed him standing there and spoke. “Oh good, could you please see if you can reach that for me.” The urge to say what he was thinking did not give him time to do otherwise. “For you, I’d do anything.” When he noticed the ever widening smile that came across her expression, and the look that appeared suddenly in her eyes, he was glad he had said it. Yet, he was embarrassed to have said it just the same. He quickly walked over and reached up. To his delight she did not move to allow him any more space, forcing him to stand and reach up while only an inch or two away from her body. He made more chore of taking hold of the pot than was really needed. He only wished to prolong the time so that he could take in the smell of her hair, and the heat coming from her body. He bathed himself in the smile that had still not left her. He was pleased to think that maybe his words had been the cause of that smile. He had brought her pleasure with his words, though he would not allow himself to see what was surely obvious.

She looked at him intently and took in the smell of him. That pure raw musk of a man. She felt the heat from his body and it sent surges of pleasure through her. Yet in her mind the words repeated in his voice… ‘For you, I’d do anything’, that was what he had said. She was sure of it. Somehow being close to him felt intoxicating…. it felt right. But then, he pulled down the pot and handed it to her. With no word at all he turned and went hurriedly into the dining room. Shortly after he had returned, Christine came through the door into the kitchen. “Well, any sparks flying?” And then she noticed the way that Christine was looking at her. It was then that she realized that she still retained the girlish smile that he had caused with one statement a moment ago. She quickly tried to hide it, but knew it was too late. So she turned back to her friend and in a loving tone said slowly, “Sparks? I think he set my body on fire.” She didn’t bother to wait for Christine’s reaction. She simply turned to on finishing the dishes she had agreed to prepare. So, Christine also returned to finishing her part.

Once it was all prepared the girls began to bring the food to the table. What the parts of the meal were, were of very little importance, since no one there even paid attention to the food. As the girls neared the table the guys stood. Once the meal was set on the table, Tim and Eric pulled the chairs next to them out a bit, and then slid them back to the table gently once the girls had sat down. Christine began to say the blessing, and everyone joined hands. Though he thought to lower his head and close his eyes, Tim could think of only Andrea. There she was sitting next to him, finally. Only now that the moment had come… he was unsure of what to do, or what to say. All thought seemed to take leave of him in one moment. And then the next thing he knew she was done with the blessing and everyone started to reach for various things. It was then that Tim realized that he was still holding Andrea’s hand. Even more to the point however, was that she had not yet tried to let go of his either. They exchanged a look of understanding and then turned toward their plates. It was only when Christine asks her to pass the bowl in front of her, which was heavy due to all the mash potatoes in it, that she released his hand reluctantly. With no thought other than his need to touch her, he allowed her to release his hand, but quickly dropped his hand to her leg. Again, she made no objections.

The dinner went quickly and not too many words were spoken. After all, it’s difficult to speak and also rude, while feeding your face. However, once everyone was done the girls rose to begin clearing the dishes. “Oh no. You girls cooked, let us do that.” Both girls shot a look at Tim, but it did not compare to the all out stare that he was receiving from Eric. And then Christine seemed to look past him and slyly remarked, “Okay, you’ll get no objections from us on that. However, the dishes can wait.” Then she walked around the table and past him. He didn’t bother to see what it was that she was doing. He looked over at Andrea while she watched Christine. Once again she enchanted him with out even knowing it. His attention was commanded elsewhere when he started to hear the soft melodies pour out of the speakers in the living room behind him. He was both excited and also very nervous. He would be afforded the opportunity to hold Andrea tightly to him… however, he was suddenly very aware that he did not know how to dance well at all. So, rather than embrace himself, he thought it best to tell her the truth. “Andrea, I would really be honored if you would dance with me. But I must warn you, I can’t dance very well at all.” She smiled at him and then raised her hand to touch his cheek. She hadn’t thought it would affect her as much as him, but indeed it did. She then reassured him, “Well, just hold me and that’s all I ask.” He had no need to hide his smile from her… not that he could have if he wanted to. With that he stood and outstretched his hand, which she then took gracefully. He led her to the floor and they exchanged another smile. It seemed to them both that they had begun to move in slow motion as they came together. His arms wrapped around her and came to rest on her middle and lower back. Hers came to rest around his neck. And slowly they began to sway to the music. Their eyes embraced each other’s and their hold became more intense and they held each other tighter. They both knew in that moment that something inside them had been awakened and there was no turning back or stopping it. Nor would they ever want to.

Neither had realized it but as they stared deeply into each other’s eyes, their mouths slowly moved closer. In an instant that lasted forever, their lips were brushing together, yet still not kissing. Then the magic took them over and tenderly their lips closed together and their kiss overtook every fiber of their being. She felt as though she were melting into him. In the magic of the moment, nothing could have taken the moment away. The four of them simply glided across the dance floor and held one another. Four newly formed loves becoming two entities in time. The night was theirs’ and it would be spent together. The guys were not to go home that night. In the morning they would awake to girls’ having gone out to the woods to some secret place, but at some point in the day, Tim would walk up to her or she to him… and they would kiss and tell each other the words they had dreamed of saying for so long. They would say it as often as they could, so that the other would never forget. Yes, life began for them on that day. They shared a fresh new love with no thoughts or way of knowing all that was to come.


“How Do You Talk to an Angel?”


The day was radiant and full of promise for Tim. He had been as lonely as they come in life. It was nothing new for him then to wonder why his heart was still his instead of where he thought it belonged. There was only one that he thought to be suitable for his love. But, today was the first day he awoke knowing that he was now hers and she was his. Fait had seemed to think he didn’t deserve her love. That was what he used to think all too often, but he had been wrong… gloriously wrong. They used to exchange looks, but never any words that would give him hope of her loving him as he did her. He started to dwell on it all in his mind, looking back on it as a horrible nightmare that he had finally awoken from the moment they kissed the night before… and then only hours later he had laid her upon the bed and curled up to her as they began to talk like old friends… he knew they would talk all night. And he laughed a little to himself when he thought of how then there was only one way to help him get the thoughts of her off his mind for a short while. That was to take a walk, which he often did. And he now knew that when he took his walks, he would think of the future with her as not just a dream, but rather as actual plans that he could already feel in the very core of himself. So, he put his shoes on and his jacket. On his way out of his bedroom, he grabbed the CD player and a few CD’s for a walk. Quickly, he grabbed his apartment key and walked out the door. He pushed play and began the familiar ritual which now held joy where once sorrow had dwelled. He would walk for the first time, alone… but knowing that his dream was now his reality. He would simply walk and think of future events that would become shared memories with the woman he loved…and loved him back with the fire only passion and true love can ignite.

Only a few minutes later he was standing ready to cross the road at the red light. He had passed by and saw Andrea coming out of the woods where she always submerged. He gave a quick smile and a wave. And then caught her kiss as she sent to him on the wind. He used his fingers to symbolize a walk so that she would know where he was off to and that he would return to her soon. He lip sank the words to the song as he watched for the light to change colors. In a moment the light across the road turned green and he stepped out to cross. He was lost in the music, and floods of emotions and thoughts that shot through him. He was still lip singing when the haunting screech of car tires blared out and pierced the air. He never saw the car speeding toward him. He only realized that everything was suddenly getting dark and that faint voices were talking close to him. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. None of the words being said could be made out, though. That is, until one voice came through to him clear as a bell. It was the voice of Eric; the one best friend he ever had in this world. He could feel himself start to slip from the world ever so slowly. In his head he was saying, “Eric, take care of Andrea for me.” He knew that his thoughts weren’t making their way to the friend he could not see, but knew was there. In fact, though his heart held an ever-sinking feeling at knowing that the very thoughts he had been thinking only moments ago…the future…the memories they would have shared, were sinking with him and further from Andrea, he knew that nothing was moving.

Andrea had heard the screaming tires of the car. The image of Tim walking in that direction only moments ago flashed horribly in her mind. Her heart suddenly sank deep into her stomach. “God, no! Please, don’t let it be him!” With out any other thoughts other than him, she made a dash for the scene of the accident. She was already half way across the parking lot when she heard her little sisters yell her name. She fell hard to the ground, but quickly picked herself back up and continued running as fast as her feet would carry her. Her heart seemed to hurt more and more as she neared the crowd that was formed in a circle in the middle of the street. Somehow she knew it was him lying there on the road. She caught a glimpse of the police officers pushing back some of the growing crowd. All it took was one moment with no one blocking the center of attention. Her body went weak as she looked upon Tim’s face blankly staring at nothing. She wanted to run to his side and scream her love for him in hopes that some part of him would hear her and come back to her. Only she couldn’t bear to see his body lying there with no life to give to the world. Instead she simply turned and ran to her apartment with blinding tears in her eyes. She was blind to the world. Nothing but tears and images of him were in her sight and mind. To her, now, nothing else mattered.

A bright white light began to shine all around Tim and figures started to appear in his sight. He was only a second or two from death. Just then a glorious image of Andrea was gracing his mind. When he looked around again the figures that had appeared in the light began to back away and waved at him. The light slowly descended back into darkness. He was aware that he was dying. It was in fact, his greatest fear coming true. He was dying… alone. Tears easily could have begun to streak down his face like a rushing river down the mountainside if his body would have allowed it. He was struck with grief and sadness as he lay upon the ground. He was confused when the darkness began to give way to blurred images. His sight was improving little by little. He thought maybe it was a dream. Then his vision came to normal once again. He shot his eyes open and smiled. He looked up at the tearful faces before him. Among them all, he could only recognize Eric’s. There were tons of other people too. Most likely the others were simply nosey spectators. All others were simply standing with their hands covering their mouths. He smiled up at them and said, “Hey, I’m fine guys. That was kind of strange though. Does anyone know how long I was out?” No one responded to him, though. In fact, they seemed to be staring straight through him. He jumped to his feet and then looked around. Everyone was still leaning over in a circle and all the cars were stopped where they had been. Cops were trying to push everyone back and had their patrol cars’ lights and sirens going. Tim looked down at the object of everyone’s attention. The sight made him fall to his knees. There upon the ground was his pale body; eyes blank; no movement, and lying in a great deal of blood. It was no wonder there wasn't any response to his words. He became scared as he wondered, ‘if he wasn’t sent back to life, then why did the angels leave him instead of taking him to heaven?’ In a mixture of shock and terror his head fell coldly into his hands. The images of Andrea were still in his mind acting as a double edge sword. It sweetened him, but also served to torture him. To himself but out loud he told the air, “This is a little unfair. Even dead, I can’t get her off my mind. I always said I’d love her forever. Guess I knew what I was talking about.”

When he looked back down at the crowd he was surprised to see that his body was no longer there. He shook the thought and curiosity out of his head. His body wasn’t going to do him any good anymore any way. He looked back toward the apartment and started to run toward Andrea’s apartment. Just as he approached the door, she came out her face wet with tears. The sight took his heart deeper into his chest. She lifted her head as she sat on a small wall in front of the building. She was still crying hard as ever. He couldn’t take it any longer. He sat next to her and watched her, her head in her hands again. He caught a tear as it fell from her grieving face. He stood quickly as he felt the wetness of the tear seep through his fingers. A thought came to him, but could it be so? ‘Could his being back have anything to do with the love that he and Andrea were destined to share?’ He wasn’t sure, but he was sure he had to find out. He approached her, standing before her and outstretched his hand. He put it to her cheek and a glow appeared between his hand and her cheek. She lifted her head and leaned her face into his hand. He could hardly believe what he was witnessing. Her tears stopped and she whispered his name before lifting her head completely for her eyes to come to rest on him. He smiled and stroked his hand across her other cheek. He was amazed once again as he once again felt the tear stream over his hand. He opened his mouth to speak to her, but she spoke first. “Tim, is that you? I must be crazy.” Tim looked at her for a moment unable to speak. Finally, he spoke, “you aren’t crazy. It’s me.” She jumped up and through her arms around him. He laughed a little and told her, “Everyone might think you are crazy if they see you hugging nothing. After all, I doubt they can see me.” She released him and laughed a little. He turned around for a moment looking for Andrea’s visiting sisters and parents. He saw nothing. No one else was around. That came as a shock to him. He was sure they would offer her some degree of comfort since they had certainly seen her crying. He turned and searched for them. He became angry for a brief moment, but then thought to himself, ‘why would they stick around?’ They didn’t even know him. Just as he turned back around to speak to Andrea again, he heard voices coming around the corner. Two people that had been standing over him were headed for the door of the apartment. He quickly stepped out of their way, then thought for a moment and began to smile as he thought how unnecessary that action was. The people were now all headed home. Tim knew that it must mean that his body had been carried away now.

By John Hernandez on Unsplash

He glared at the spot Andrea had been sitting. She was gone. He walked out to look up at the building. He gazed toward her bedroom window and into the late evening air he whispered, “I love you.” He was about to look away as he noticed Andrea’s silhouette in her window. He decided to look in on her. His love wouldn’t allow him to do otherwise. He quickly ran to the front door and reached for the door handle. His hand passed through it as if it wasn’t even there. He knew… it was his body that wasn’t there, though. Her room was on the 2nd floor. He looked down and wondered. “Well, it’s worth a try I guess.” He closed his eyes and imagined himself floating up to her window. In only seconds he felt his feet leave the ground. “Now this I can deal with.” Soon he was peering through her window. He reached his hand out and it was if the window wasn’t there either. He floated right through the window and then set himself down on her floor at the foot of her bed. She was lying face down on her bed. Andrea had cast herself away in her room, not even bothering to close the door. As she lay upon her bed, Tim stood himself in the corner of the room. Her face was buried in her pillow as her tears dominated her angelic face. Unable to withstand it any longer Tim took a step toward her bed to be at her side. However before he took another step he caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye. He turned and looked as Tina, one of Andrea’s sisters step foot into the room. She was crying too and equally as hard. With a quick and sobbing little shake of her head, though Tina ran from the room. Tim thought of how his death might affect her, but only for a moment. Fore, he once again heard Andrea’s sobs. In only a moment’s time he was at her side. He raised his hand to her check once again and just as before, a glow formed between his hand and her check. He could feel her skin… and her tears. The sun began descending into the earth as she looked up. Little more than a whisper he told her, “I hope that it’s not me that causes you so much pain.” Her head barely rose from the pillow she blurted out, “no, it’s not your fault.” Her words didn’t become apparent to him right away. Andrea slowly raised her head and turned toward Tim. Her eyes grew wider as she looked upon Tim standing before her. “Tim? Is that you?” With a great deal of joy he responded with a quick, “Yes, it’s me.” The final tears falling from her eyes, she smiled sweetly at him. She quickly sat up with her hands at her sides resting on the bed. He looked into her eyes and outstretched a hand for her. As she slowly and with slight hesitation reached up she softly said, “So it really was you down there a while ago. I’m not crazy am I?” He smiled sweetly and shook his head and replied, “no more than I am or the rest of the world.” Slowly their fingers interlocked. As the glow returned between their touch he could feel her hand in his. He could feel the warmth and the smooth skin. Only it wasn’t like touching her in life. It was a touch that was on a much different level than either had ever known. She stood gracefully and then took a small step toward him and reached for him cautiously. She closed her eyes as she took another step toward him. Tears fell from her eyes and she smiled as she felt his embrace. He understood. He too was almost brought to tears as he pulled her to him. As their bodies touched, the glow grew much brighter and shown through out the room. It was as though they stood in a white light with their bodies the only physical things in the world. He opened his mouth to tell her the three words he had wanted her to know for so long, but she quickly began to speak first. She whispered at a somewhat fast pace, “I don’t know how long I have to be with you, so I better tell you while I can. I love you. I’ve always loved you, but wasn’t sure if I could find the strength to tell you.”

He closed his eyes tight and took a deep breath. Words wouldn’t have expressed his love. He pulled her only slightly from him and caressed her smooth cheek as they kissed tenderly. She pulled from him, gave him another short gentle kiss and looked into his eyes and asks softly, “Are we dreaming this?” He lightly stroked his fingers down her arm and across her stomach as he told her, “If we are, then may God let us never wake.” They held each other tighter as if to reassure themselves that the other was really there. Slowly, their mouths neared each other once more and the two came together in a gentle kiss. As they kissed, the light turned brighter. Outside the bedroom door, Angela and Tina could be heard going into their rooms. They were speaking, but the words were too faint to make out. Andrea turned to him and said, “They’ll think I’m crazy. Maybe I am. Either way, we should get away from here. Just you and me.” Tim thought for a moment and agreed. Andrea said that she would sneak out after everyone was in bed and they could go somewhere and be together forever. Andrea looked out the door and noticed that all the lights were off in the apartment other than the room her sisters were staying in. “On second thought, my mom seems to be gone. Let’s go now.” She took Tim by the hand and quickly snuck out of the apartment and down the stairs, then to the back door of the apartment building. After they walked out the back door, they ran hand in hand toward the woods. “Andrea, where are we going?” She just said, “Trust me.” “I do trust you. I’d just like to know where we are going.” “There is a house back here. It’s been abandoned since I was a little girl. I always come back here to get away from everything. No one else knows about it. It’s beautiful back here. There is even a lake real near too.” Tim thought, ‘so that’s where she went all those times.’

They walked through the woods dodging limbs and brush. Then soon they came to a medium sized clearing. Before them was a somewhat run down two-story house. They both went inside and went different ways. As Tim looked around the apartment Andrea made her way to a radio resting on a chair against the far wall. Tim turned and marveled at her beauty as she approached him. A soft melody began to fill the room. She walked up and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt that nothing could touch them as his arms wrapped around her waist and his hands rested on her lower back. Ever so slowly they began to sway to the music. She rested her head upon his shoulder and they both quickly became lost in the beat of both the music and their hearts. He pulled himself away slightly and once again rested his hand upon her cheek. With her cheek leaning into his touch, they both knew that nothing could be wrong as long as they remained together. Closely they danced as they held each other. The music was nice, but had it ended they would have kept dancing. Nothing else entered their minds. Only holding each other mattered to them.

The sun was now at rest beneath the earth and there was no light other than the moon to illuminate the scenery. The room would have been dark if not for the light that continued to shine each time they touched. Tim now leaned against the wall beside the radio with his love resting her head on his shoulder and her body pressed against him. The blanket that Andrea had spread out only a few days ago was under them. It took a moment as he held her for Tim to realize that Andrea had fallen a sleep some time ago. A soft song came over the radio as he simply watched her breathe slowly and deeply. He had always felt that she was his life. That was his love talking, though. He knew that life was something that he no longer had to give. She opened her eyes slowly and then reached up to put her finger on his lips. She giggled a little. “I can’t sleep. I have been resting, watching the images of a life together flash before my eyes, but I can’t fall asleep.” He hid the shocking pain that seemed to shoot through him upon hearing those words. Images of a life together... but he knew that it could never be that way now. His life was over, and though thankful for the time he and Andrea shared now, he still didn’t know how or why. But he knew there was no need to bring up this painful fact when his one true love was now resting in his arms. She smiled at him sweetly as she sat up, and then took his hand in hers. She lifted her head up to meet his and their lips sealed passionately together in a loving kiss. Just after ending the kiss, Andrea smiled a bit and playfully cringed her nose. “Come on.” Tim got to his feet as she pulled him. “You’re not fond of telling me where we are going, are you?” She laughed at him and then pulled him again. Truth was he didn’t care where they were going. As long as they were going there together, that was all that mattered to him.

They walked quickly through the woods behind the apartment they had stayed. Then out of nowhere they came to rest beside a lake. The light from the full moon was shining off the water and glaring across their skin. Hand in hand they walked along the edge of the water. There were no other sounds to be heard anywhere else in the world. All that existed was the lake and the two of them. Andrea looked up at Tim sadly and said meekly, “I’m sorry that I didn’t express my love to you sooner in life.” They stopped walking as he took her other hand. “Living or not… your love is everything to me. Never forget that.” She nodded gently a few times and then kissed him tenderly. They took a moment to look up at the full moon hanging in the sky. She looked over at him to tell him she loved him again. Only her heart hurt as she noticed the tears coming from his eyes. “I didn’t know ghost could cry.” He laughed a fake laugh and then looked only at the ground. “I guess if the pain is great enough… they can.” She felt the pain build and her tears began to seep from the corners of her eyes. She was afraid to ask the question, but had to know the answer. “What pain is it that you feel now…here…with me?” He faced her, his hand once again resting on her cheek. She could tell that his words were going to hurt him as much as they would her. “Andrea, you know I love you more than I thought was possible. I love you more than life itself… after all, here I am.” Her tears came much faster as she let out only a weak, “Yes, and I love you too.” She started to continue, but he placed his finger to her lips. “I realize that all this love that I thought was my reason for holding on to you tightly…is the best reason for me to let you go.”

He cried harder as he saw the intense pain show upon her face. “No! I need you too much! Tim… I love you too much to let you go!” As she screamed she began to beat his chest frantically and tears rushed from her eyes as if magnetized by the sand beneath her feet. He tried to gather himself, to be the strong one as he caught her flailing hands by the wrist and pulled them to his chest. He then silenced her objection with another kiss soft upon her lips. “I love you too much not to.” She fell to her knees into the sand beneath them. “Why? Tell me why you have to let me go? I don’t understand! We just found each other why would you want to go?” He lowered himself to look into her eyes as he explained it to her. “You need someone you can share life with as you grow older. That is something that I can’t give to you. I don’t want to let you go, but it wouldn’t be fair for me to hold you with me.” She only cried as he continued, “Hey…don’t cry. We’ll be together again. An angel like you will certainly find her way back to Heaven again.” She looked up from the sand and found herself straining to breathe. He was slowly fading away. “No! Stop! Don’t go yet!” He looked down at his body. “I can’t… I’m not doing it.” She looked up at the same full moon that had been so beautiful just moments before. Now it looked all together different to her. It was cold looking and seemed to mock the pain in her heart. “No! God, it can’t be this way! Don’t tell me that letting him go is what I have to do! I’m not sure I can!” She reached out for him again. Just as their hands touched, he faded away completely.

Tim awoke feeling pain all over his body. Slowly he opened his eyes. It wasn’t easy to do, but he managed it anyway. Gradually Eric’s face came into view. “Tim! Man, I thought we lost you. You’ve been out for two and half days now. Doctors said it was close.” Tim took a moment and then tried to get up. The pain stopped him just as Eric grabbed hold of him. “Tim what the hell do you think you are doing? Didn’t you hear me? You were hit by a car... you have been out for almost three days. You’re not going anywhere.” Tim looked at him sternly and almost shouted to him as he rose all too quickly from the bed. His body alerted him to the fact that it was too quickly, but he didn’t care as only one face and one care was in his mind. “I have to go to Andrea’s apartment and let her know I’m okay! Help me or get out of my way!” The look that came across Eric’s face quickly got his attention. “What is it?” Eric pushed him back down onto the bed carefully. Then as he looked at the floor, Eric said, his voice little more than a whisper, “Tim… I’m sorry, man. When you got hit, Andrea ran to get to you. She only made it half way across the parking lot when …” Eric stopped a moment with out raising his head and then reluctantly continued with, “The man didn’t see her until it was too late. The doctors said that there was swelling in her brain. They really tried everything they could. I even stayed with her a little to keep updated on her progress so that maybe I could give you some happy news when you woke up. But there is none to be reported. I’m sorry…but… they lost her that same night.”

Tim aloud his tears to fall freely onto the bed in which his body now feeling like lead seemed to sink into. The pain in his heart was almost too much for him to bear. Eric reached down and hugged him as tight as he could as if he was trying to shield him from the pain. Through his tears Tim spoke. “We were in love.” Eric said lightly, “Yes, I’m sure she loved you too.” Tim pushed him back and stared at him. “No, I know she did. She told me herself yesterday.” He knew how the words must sound to his friend. “Tim, she’s gone. You couldn’t have talked to her yesterday.” “But I did. Eric, as my friend just trust me when I tell you I did.” Eric looked at the floor… the wall… then back at Tim.” “How is that possible? I mean, how do you talk to an angel?” Tim thought for a moment and then smiled a little. “With love. You talk to an angel with love.”


The man behind the cash register yelled out to an old friend who was walking through the door. “Hey! How’s everything going, Tim?” Tim smiled back and waved at the man. Once he was at the counter Tim responded. “Everything’s going okay I guess.” The man gave him a saddened look as he spoke. “Have you even tried to give some young woman a chance at your heart?” Tim held back the pain as he turned his eyes away from the elderly man. “Mr. Johnson, you know my heart belongs to only one person. The love I feel for her won’t allow room for anyone else. After all, I can’t give away my heart… it doesn’t belong to me. It will always belong to Andrea.” The man just shook his head in grief and then gathered another smile. “So, what can I help you with?” Tim raised a hand to point behind the counter and then started to speak. Before the words could come out of his mouth, a voice behind him shouted, “I’ll take the money in the register!” Tim spun around and before him stood a husky man aiming a shotgun at a very scared elderly man. Mr. Johnson threw the bag filled with the money toward the armed man, but his aim was off from the elderly man’s body shaking and the bag landed in Tim’s hands instead. The man looked sharply at Tim and then at the man behind the register. “You worthless old man! You can’t do anything right can you?” The barrel of the shotgun was quickly positioned at the cashier’s head as Tim noticed the man’s finger starting to pull on the trigger.

“No! Mr. Johnston, get down!” Tim threw his arms out at the man and flung his body between the two men. Tim heard a loud ringing and saw a quick flash of light in front of him. When he fell, he fell hard face down. Tim was surprised and confused when he landed upon a soft hill of sand. He lifted himself up and then took a look around. Stretched out in front of him was a lake. Behind him he saw only sand leading into woods. He thought for a moment and then realized that he was back at the lake he had left Andrea before waking in the hospital. He sat himself up in the sand. The shock wouldn’t allow him to stand yet. He looked out over the water at first and then at the full moon hanging above. Slowly, he lowered his head and allowed the tears to once again flow as so many memories of Andrea and that night crept through his mind. He had been here and fallen asleep several times before… but never had he encountered such a dream like the one he had just endured. He was not sure if it was being here… or it being a dream that gave him the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Either way… he knew he needed her to be happy again. Softly he whispered her name into the air that surrounded him much like he had done several times since that night. A thought began in his head… a thought of what would happen next. He would try to dry his tears so that he could rise and walk home against the familiar lonely winds. It was a walk he did not want to take tonight. Suddenly however, he felt a soft hand rest on his cheek. Again something familiar took place, but it was not the lonely walk. He could see a familiar bright light shine from the hand and cheek that joined. In an instant his tears stopped and he smiled bigger than he had ever smiled before. Just as he turned his head a love filled voice tickled his ears. “Welcome home, Tim. I’ve been waiting for you.” He looked up at Andrea’s loving face and a final tear fell from both their eyes. She reached down to him and they hugged tightly as she fell on top of him. As their lips touched once more they laid back onto the sand. When their kiss broke, she looked down at him and whispered, “I’m so thankful that you are back in my arms again at last.” He smiled back at her and whispered back into her ear, “I hope you keep feeling that way. Because, I’m never leaving you again, My Love.”

Tim sported a worried look a moment and asks, “Is this only a dream? Was the store a dream?” Andrea laughed a little and caressed his face softly. “No. You gave your life for Mr. Johnson, and now you are here with me…forever if you wish.” He laid her onto her back in the sand and kissed her neck… then her lips. “I’m right where I need to be, and I’ll stay forever if you allow.” They locked their bodies together and in a mockingly interrogating voice Tim asks, “How do know Mr. Johnston’s name and what I did?” Andrea laughed a little and then said; “I’ve been watching you since the day you left. You didn’t really think I’d let you go unsupervised did you?” They both stood together and took each other’s hand. When they looked up toward the woods a familiar two-story house slowly began to form. It was the house they had taken refuge in. “I thought it would be appropriate to stay in the same place. Only I don’t want us to ever leave the lake.” Tim leaned in, kissed her lips ever so tenderly, and smiled as he scooped her up into his arms. They began to talk of everything as he carried her to their new home… in heaven.

... Look for part two next.

ThrillerScience FictionScienceSagaRomanceRevealPlot TwistPart 1MysteryMagical RealismHistorical FictionFictionFantasyDystopianDenouementCliffhangerAdventure

About the Creator

Timothy A Rowland

I’m an every day human Xennial from the United States. I have many interest. I just want to improve your life and maybe entertain you. Available for editing and LeadsLeap projects at:

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Comments (1)

  • C.S LEWIS10 months ago

    Nice story you can also read the one I have prepared for you

Timothy A RowlandWritten by Timothy A Rowland

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