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The Gnawing Hunger Part Two

His Mother and his Grandpa rarely got along when he got them together. No matter what, they always butted heads. Though they promised that this time they would be on their best behavior. He should've known better than that.

By Raphael FontenellePublished 7 months ago 6 min read
The Gnawing Hunger Part Two
Photo by Erin Larson on Unsplash

Bo had been in his room for the past few minutes. And he already wished they hadn't come at all. His Mom and Grandpa were already at each other's throats. And they barely were there for thirty minutes. He was already beginning to despise his own birth week and birthday. And everything to do with it. Laying back on his bed, he groaned,"Dudes. I told you they weren't going to last an hour out here."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll pay you that five bucks I owe you in town.",Xander informed. Sitting close to the birthday boy. Not sounding the least bit surprised either. Nor did he seem upset about losing the bet. Then again five dollars wasn't too much to lose. He was probably glad he hadn't bet more than that on this.

"So what are they even fighting about anyway?",Arthur questioned. Having sat on the floor near Bo's bed. Toying nervously with his glasses. He didn't like hearing people fight. It made him nervous. Something that Bo could entirely understand. As the guy's parents did the same when he was younger. His Mom and Grandpa fighting probably brought up bad memories. Pushing this down, Bo answered,"It's about what we're going to be doing this week."

"Mom wants to hike tomorrow and Grandpa thinks it's too cold out.",Bo explained. And he was on his Grandpa's side on this whole idea. It was the middle of January for crying out loud. Why in the Hell would they want to hike in the snow for? But he knew better than to voice this to either of them. As his Mom would be on his ass for weeks over it.

Telling him off for being on his Grandpa's side.

"I think it's a really bad idea, too.",he admitted. Knowing neither of his friends would tell his Mom. Since they knew what the older woman was like. A bit too snippy and wouldn't listen to reason. Quickly sitting up on the bed, he stared at Arthur and then at Xander. He added,"It's colder than Hell outside and she's not an experienced hiker."

"Yeah, I'd rather not hike in this weather either.",Xander agreed. It was something that he liked doing. Just not during the winter months. Not without a ton of gear at the very least. And not with inexperienced hikers. Both of them glanced down at Arthur for his input. Who pushed his glasses back up on his nose. Arthur stated,"I don't want to either."

"I'd be afraid of getting lost out there.",he added. It was his first time coming out to the property. And even if he had been out there a few times, it probably was justified. So, Bo and Xander said nothing more on the topic. Instead, they tried to think of ways to ignore the fight outside Bo's room. Xander was the one that came up with something first. He offered,"Anyone wanna watch the movies that I brought?"

"I think I got some that'll really scare the pants of you guys.",he teased. A huge grin on his face as he said this. And as much as he didn't like horror movies, it sounded kind of fun. This also seemed to be pretty good in his book. Bo glanced down at Arthur and saw him nodding his head. He seemed to also like this idea. With a nod, Bo stated,"Eh, why the Hell not. Beats just sitting here thinking."

With that, Xander hurriedly got off the bed. Walked over to the dresser that had the T.V on it and set everything up. While Arthur and Bo got the bed ready. Both men sitting against the wall as Xander walked back over. Grinning in an unintentionally creepy manner as he did so. Which they both elected to not say anything on. When Xander got that look, they knew he was up to something. And they were right. As the movie that played was called 'Ravenous'. It wasn't anything that terrified Arthur. And at first, it didn't really scare Bo in the slightest bit. Then after a little amount of time, there was actively more gore than he expected. Making him wish he had insisted on something else. Like 'Friday the 13th' or something like that.

He tried to act less than squeamish about the cannibalism. Or the amount of blood on screen. Despite the fact it nearly made him gag a few times. Bo did his best to remind himself that it was only a movie. Nothing more and nothing less. A simple movie wasn't going to hurt him. His friends, on the other hand, were acting like it was the funniest thing in the world. But, for the life of him, he just couldn't figure out why. He did his best to pretend that he wasn't disgusted with it. Grinning a little when his friends looked over at him. Praying that neither of them would notice his fear. And start to poke fun at him over it.

Part way through the movie, his Mom walked into the room. Looking sort of annoyed as she came in. Though she did her best to smooth her features when Xander paused the movie. Bo turned to her fully with a polite smile on his face. She asked,"Bo, would you and the guys mind going into town to get something for dinner?"

"I'm really tired and I don't feel like cooking anything.",she explained. Which was what she normally did when fighting with his Grandpa. And part of him was grateful she suggested this. As he wanted to stop watching the movie without coming off as a giant baby. Bo nodded his head in agreement as Xander turned off the movie. All of them hurriedly got off his bed as his Mom left the room. Pulling back on his socks that he pulled off a bit ago. As did his friends. The trio of them hurried to the entryway to put on their shoes and jackets. His Mom, Eleanore, did not allow them to wear shoes in the cabin.

A rule at her home that she enforced in the cabin.

And they were more than happy to go along with it. Bo hurriedly slipped on his shoes. While Xander took an extra minute to lace up his shoes. Arthur had to sit on a nearby bench to zip up his. Lacing it as quickly as possible. The trio then hurried out of the cabin soon as Xander tied up his shoes. Bo gave him the keys to his car before climbing into the front seat. Xander getting in a second after him. Arthur sat behind Xander in the car. None of them saying a word as they pulled out of the driveway. Right down the dirt street as Bo's music played. The birthday boy staring out his window as Arthur and Xander talked about superheroes. Something that he wasn't entirely interested in and sort of tuned them out.

Choosing to zone out while watching the scenery as they drove past. His mind was somewhat wandering as he stared at things. Comparing how much snow this place got compared to where he lived. And he was surprised how deep the snow was here. Somewhat wondering if where he lived would get that. A second later, he spotted something that was moving strangely in the woods. And at first he almost thought it was just snow dropping off a tree. Or some sort of animal just moving around. Then what he had seen stood up straight like a human being. Revealing that it was not any animal he ever saw in his entire life.

Sure, it was human shaped and stood on two legs. But, it seemed to be much too thin to be one. From the distance he was at, it was wearing tattered bits of something. Possibly rags. Though he couldn't entirely be sure. The thing had long, unkempt, brown hair that reached a little past its shoulders. If he could trust his eyesight it did. When the thing turned to him, he felt his heart drop to the floor. Its face wasn't easy to see from the distance. But, it looked fairly human. Just a little too gaunt and much too angular.

A terrible smile crossed its face when it met his eyes. Mouth full of horrifically sharp looking teeth. Sharp as a dog's and similar in shape. Nearly as white as its disturbingly pale skin. Soon as they passed it, he saw it waving at him from the side-view mirror. His heart did a strange flip when it went out of sight.


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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    Raphael FontenelleWritten by Raphael Fontenelle

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