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The Gnawing Hunger Part Six

He wanted to know more about the other man. Know why he was out there and just why he wanted to be out there. And a little more than that.

By Raphael FontenellePublished 7 months ago 12 min read
The Gnawing Hunger Part Six
Photo by Steven Lewis on Unsplash

After a quick shower, Hawthorne seemed to be a lot better. A lot more alert than he did earlier that morning. Smiling ear to ear as he walked out. Wearing clothes that he borrowed from Bo. And Thorn promised to wash them before giving them back. He was so grateful that he had brought a belt with him. Otherwise the pants wouldn't have fit him properly. Though Thorn hadn't done much with his hair. It was washed and looked good but it seemed like a hassle. Bo asked,"Would it be cool if I braid your hair, Thorn?"

"Yes. I would really like that, Bo.",Thorn answered. With that, he followed him into the bathroom. Bo grabbed some hair bands that he brought with him for the trip. Then snatched up the hairbrush. He carefully brushed through Hawthorne's hair once again to get out any knots. A bit worried that he'd accidentally tug on his hair. After that, he started braiding the other man's hair. It was so much softer than he anticipated it would be.

Soon as he was done, Bo hurriedly wrapped the hair band around it. He asked,"So what do you think?"

"I really like it, Bo. Thank you.",Thorn thanked. Smiling a little as he admired the way he did it. Which Bo had politely stated 'you're welcome' and they walked out of the bathroom. Looking at Hawthorne, Bo asked,"So you need me to take you into town now?"

"I would really like that, Bo. There's a hotel that I'd like to stay at.",Hawthorne answered. That was good. A hotel which Bo could visit if Thorn was cool with it. Hopefully by himself. As a part of him didn't want to bring his friends with. Though, he wasn't entirely sure why he didn't want to share Hawthorne with them. He just didn't really want to.

It was just this strange gut feeling he had at the idea. Even if he couldn't entirely understand it. Bo just elected to not think it over as they walked together. Doing his best to keep his cool as they walked to the Hallway. Looking around for some shoes that Hawthorne could wear. As he had lost them somewhere in the woods after they had ripped to shreds. It made him wonder why they were so bad but, didn't ask. The dude had been through enough in the few weeks he spent out there.

And no one bothered coming looking for him which made him livid.

Though he wondered what someone would do if they found them. Getting freaked out and make a video about it. Stating the person probably was dead. Which would be interesting to see. A little funny, too. As he knew that Hawthorne was perfectly fine. And then they could see what happened with the shoes. Or if anyone found them, they would probably just walk past them.

Either way, Thorn wasn't getting them back ever.

Quickly, he spotted the pair of shoes that would fit him. They were in pretty decent shape despite how little he wore them. And they would be somewhat too big for the shorter man. Though that was going to be fine. He wasn't going to be using them for too long anyway. Just a short walk to his car and short walk to the hotel. Then he would be getting them back later. Hawthorne even promised to wash his clothes before giving them back. Not overthinking this, Bo informed,"These will be a little big on you but, I think they'll be fine."

"Thank you, Bo.",Hawthorne stated. Taking the pair from him and sitting on the bench to put them on. Slipping them on, he tightened the shoelaces the best he could. That way they wouldn't slip off too easily in the driveway. Which was good. It'd be embarrassing if they did. Bo snagged him a jacket as he got off the bench before they walked out of the cabin. Thank goodness they weren't easily slipping off. Either because they were somewhat around his size. Or that Thorn's ability to tie them was enough to keep them on. Either way, it was a good thing they were in the entryway closet.

The pair hurried into his car. Hawthorne getting into the front seat while Bo drove. Mostly because Hawthorne didn't have his ID with him. And they didn't want to risk getting in trouble if they got pulled over. Possibly getting arrested. Okay, definitely getting arrested for that. At least he thought it would happen if they attempted that.

"So, what hotel did you want me to drop you off at?",Bo questioned. A little curious as to where his new friend wished to go. And just how he would pay for it. As the other man said he lost everything in the woods. So that more than likely would mean his wallet was somewhere. Of course it would. If he didn't have his ID with him then he wouldn't have the wallet. Bo felt a little stupid for not realizing that. Reminding himself that he hadn't said it out loud, he felt a little better. Thorn answered,"Just the Motel Six. I'll call my Mom to send me some money to help pay for it."

"And hopefully she'll send me some clothes, too.",he added. This somewhat relieved Bo. And he hoped that Hawthorne could get a hold of his Mom quickly. That she actually gave a damn about her son. It still weirded him out that she hadn't come looking. Or that there wasn't police looking for Thorn. As he hadn't heard anything about a missing person coming up here. Nor did he see any form of missing person's poster with Hawthorne's picture. Part of Bo wanted to yell at his Mom for not caring more. And for not coming to look for him. But, smothered it. After all, he didn't know anything about their situation.

They could just not be as close to each other. Or Hawthorne had a habit of leaving for weeks on end. So she probably wasn't worried that he hadn't come home yet. Maybe she had a gut feeling something was wrong but, didn't want to come off as smothering. Since Hawthorne clearly was an adult and was probably fine.

Though it still annoyed him.

A second later, he pulled out of the driveway. Chewing his bottom lip as they made the drive into town. Being as careful as humanly possible. As the roads hadn't been properly plowed just yet. It was kind of good in Bo's mind. Since this gave him the chance to ask Thorn some questions. And enjoy his company for just a little longer. Bo asked,"So, Thorn. Do you live around here?"

"Nah. I'm originally from Aberdeen, South Dakota.",Hawthorne informed. That surprised Bo a little bit. They were currently in Piersmont, Maine. Why in the world would he go so far to just camp? It didn't really make that much sense to him. Though, he had seen weirder things in his life. Some of which he had seen when he used to be going to college. Bo asked,"Why did you come here by yourself?"

"That really doesn't seem all that safe.",he added. Trying to be polite about how he truly felt. As camping by himself in Winter seemed really stupid in his book. And it was a good thing that Hawthorne hadn't gotten frostbite or starved to death. Or gotten attacked by any form of wildlife. Which he had heard about in horror stories online.

Like bears or something like that.

"I've done it plenty of times back in South Dakota.",Hawthorne explained. Sounding a little sheepish about it. His cheeks turning a bit bright pink. As if knowing he was being stupid. He then went on to tell him about those trips. How he had spent weeks camping by himself back there. Though every time that he had done it, it had been in popular camping spots. That probably was why he was alright each time. And his relatives were easier to get a hold of if he did get lost.

Unlike those times, he had left his home state. Went to a very unpopular camping spot. And had been a bit too cocky for his own good. Way too cocky for his own good. Which was something that Hawthorne had freely admitted to being. Toying with his braid as he looked down at his feet. And he muttered,"It was the stupidest idea in my life and man am I lucky nothing happened to me out there."

"Well, nothing worse than what had happened to me.",Thorn added. This phrase made him think of other terrible camping trips he heard of. It was somewhat of a good thing that Hawthorne had been alone. Even if he had eaten things he had found. This was probably more healthy than having to do the unthinkable to someone else. And, and he tried to not think about it. The movie Ravenous had his brain just latched on to the idea of it.

Hawthorne was alone. He couldn't have eaten another person after killing them. Besides he had spent little time in the woods to need to. Two weeks with limited resources wouldn't be fun. But, he doubted that the other man would need to resort to it. There was no need to in two weeks. Also, Thorn couldn't have possibly been able to kill someone.

Dude was pretty darn frail looking. Even guessing that he was lean before this whole fiasco. So, he more than likely would have been killed and eaten. Maybe the first one done in. This made his guts twist in anxiety as they entered town. The idea of someone killing Hawthorne. Then cooking and eating his corpse. It was just way too much to bear for him. Pushing the thoughts down the best that he could. He barely knew the other man for longer than part of a day. It still made him terrified at the entire thought.

Bo tried to not entertain any of the thoughts. Driving down the road to Motel Six in near silence. Somewhat despising the idea of leaving Hawthorne there. It felt like ditching a friend or something like that. For a lot more reasons than he really knew. Other than he just wanted to be around the other man. More than he wanted any other man in his entire life. Another thing that was really becoming confusing for him.

For reasons he wasn't entirely sure on. Other than he never thought that he liked men. Not in the way that his mind was signaling. This was something that Bo didn't fully understand. Just what in the Hell was any of this? All of these were feelings he hadn't felt before in his life. He thought that he was completely secure in his sexuality. That he was straight. After all, he liked girls. He had found some of the girls in High School so very attractive. Though he didn't date because he feared they would view him as a lesbian. Not the man that he wanted other people to see him. Back in the state he used to live in. One that they all used to live in. Ignoring this, he focused on the road ahead of him. And not freaking out Hawthorne as they drove up to the place.

"Alright, here we are.",Bo stated. Pulling into the parking lot. Something in him wanted to spend a few more hours with him. To get to know this mystery Midwestern dude. But felt it would be a little awkward to ask him. That it probably wouldn't be the best time to do so. Something in him wished that he could give him his phone number. Anything to be able to contact the other man for a little bit. Either to hang out at the cabin or just talk. And he wracked his brain to come up with an excuse to give it. Hawthorne questioned,"Could I...could I get your phone number, Bo?"

"So I can contact you when I get my new phone. That way I can return your things to you.",Hawthorne added. It was almost as if he had read his mind. Bo felt his heart leap with joy. The dude wanted his number and wanted to talk to him. Well, to be able to return his things. But his mind couldn't stop lingering on the fact that Thorn wanted his number. Nearly grinning like an idiot as he got out a napkin and pen from the glove box. Soon as he got it out, he scribbled his number down. Trying his best to make sure it was legible.

Soon as he had it written down, he held it out to him. A small smile at the corner of his lips.

"Here. Hope to hear from ya soon.",Bo stated. Thorn took the paper from him with a sweet smile. Their skin made contact for a brief moment. Despite the amount of time he had been in warm places, he was still so cold. Still so, so strangely cold. It made him raise an eyebrow at this. Not commenting a word about it as Hawthorne exited his car. Quickly walking into the hotel. Why in the world was he still so ice cold? So freezing?

It didn't make any form of sense to him. They had been in the cabin for so long. Hawthorne had taken a very warm shower if he remembered it right. And made sure that the car was warm, too. Just why in the world was he freezing?

Bo pulled out of the parking lot towards the cabin. Not allowing himself to overthink things about Thorn. And his very strange body temperature. After all, it was probably something simple as low blood pressure. Or that he just ran cold naturally. Like how some folks ran very warm. Nothing more and nothing less. It wasn't anything to be worried about. So, he tried to not overthink it as he drove. Trying to get Hawthorne out of his head. But, he couldn't. It was like the other man was on repeat or something.

Surprisingly large and peculiar pale blue eyes. With a baby soft voice that probably couldn't get any louder then indoor. With those strangely cold tiny hands of his. He just wanted to know more about the other man. And he really wanted him at the cabin as well. For his birthday party. Maybe even a little bit before that.

If the other man got a chance to get anything from his Mom. Like his own clothes and such. Hell, even a new phone where they could chat with each other for a few hours at most. Maybe even arrange a time to hang together in the town.

Glancing up at the rear view mirror, he thought he had glimpsed Thorn. Standing on the curb and looking at him with those weird eyes. But why would he be doing that when he wanted to talk his Mom? Especially, if he needed some money and clothes from her as well. Part of him felt that he was seeing things. Like with the strange creature from before. When he turned his head a little to the side to recheck, no one was there. And, of course he wouldn't be there. Why in the Hell would he have been?

Just like the creature that he had seen the day before. Which he wondered if he could find it or not. As it had been in one place. One specific place. The woods near the road leading to the cabins. While he was driving back, he wondered if he could spot it or not. Maybe even get a video of it to share with Xander and Arthur. Get their opinions on whatever the Hell it was and why it was there. So, he carefully positioned his phone with the camera on to his side. Driving slowly as he kept a careful eye on the other side. Not wanting to get into an accident as he drove towards the cabins. Though, despite how hard he looked. He couldn't spot the lanky, paper white creature from before.

Despite how he glanced around the area, he didn't spot it. Not one piece of its strange ragged clothes. Or its weird scraggly hair. This made him wonder if maybe he had been more tired than he thought. That maybe the creature had really been all in his over tired imagination. And that it was probably nothing to worry about in the slightest bit. Provided he keep getting a decent night's sleep. Locking his phone, he put it back in his pocket and resumed driving back to the cabin. Not paying attention to his surroundings as he drove.

Arriving at the cabin much sooner than he anticipated. Bo parked it before taking his phone out once again. Somewhat hoping that maybe Thorn had texted him. Despite it only having been forty-five minutes since the last time they spoke. A part of him was hopeful the other man had sent him a text or something. Anything to tell him that he was doing okay. Or just wanted to speak to him. Chewing his bottom lip as there were no new messages in his inbox. And probably wouldn't be for a good long while. With a sigh, he shoved his phone back in his pocket before getting out of the car. Heading to the cabin as he hoped that Hawthorne would text him soon. Along with hoping he could contact his Mom to get everything he needed.


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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    Raphael FontenelleWritten by Raphael Fontenelle

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