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The Gnawing Hunger Part Seven

Bo put Hawthorne out of his mind. Feeling so weird about the man he had dropped off. And he couldn't understand his feelings. Nor did he really want to.

By Raphael FontenellePublished 7 months ago 14 min read
The Gnawing Hunger Part Seven
Photo by James Wheeler on Unsplash

For the rest of the day, Bo kept an eye on his phone. It was kind of dumb for him to be hoping for something. After all, he just dropped off Hawthorne at that hotel not that long ago. And there was no way his Mom could get his stuff to him so quickly. Yet, there was a part of him that couldn't stop hoping for it. Or wondering how long it would be until Thorn could talk to him.

Just how long until then?

He wasn't entirely sure when it was going to be. But Bo wished that it would be sometime in the near future. As he just wanted to be able to talk to him. This weird stranger that he'd barely known for half of a day. It was hard for him to explain about it. Or even fully even understand why he had felt this way. There was this strange pull that he felt towards him. One that wasn't easy for Bo to understand in the slightest. And tried his hardest to ignore it. Trying to remain present in the moment and not scare his friends or family. Faking a smile as they got ready to take a hike.

Eleanore had insisted upon it as there was only a limited amount of sunshine. And it was something that his Mom had really wanted to do. She all but begged Wayne to do this. His Grandpa was against it at first. Feeling that it just wasn't all that wise. Since the snow outside was still pretty deep. But, he relented and they got on a lot of snow gear. Bundling up before heading out for the trail. Bo nearly started laughing at the look on his Grandpa's face as they did. It was clear he liked it but, he wasn't going to admit it to his daughter-in-law.

They all didn't say anything as they walked through the trail.

While the group walked, Bo noticed that Arthur was getting way behind. To make sure that his best friend wasn't alone, he kept pace with him. Fearing that the other man would get lost. Or worse, injured. While the pair walked, they started chatting about minor stuff. Some of the movies that they wanted to watch next. Along with T.V shows they were watching back at home. And then they started talking about foods they wanted.

"I was thinking that we could make lasagna tonight? I got the strangest urge to have some.",Bo suggested. It was kind of an odd urge but, he really wanted it. And figured everyone else would like that, too. Looking at his best friend, who nodded his head in agreement. A tiny smile on his face as he did so. Arthur agreed,"Yeah, that sounds pretty good. I think we got the stuff for it."

"It should be pretty fun to make.",Arthur continued. Which was true. Making lasagna from scratch would be fun. The other man was falling the tiniest bit behind him. Not too far behind that Bo felt the slightest bit worried. After all, he was close enough to touch and hear. There really wasn't anything to be worried about. And he would know if he got suddenly quiet on him. Though it made him a little worried about both of them being out of sight of everyone else.

"So, we got anything to watch that isn't a horror movie?",he questioned. It wasn't like he was too terrified of them. Just wasn't a huge fan of anything horror related. As it made him highly uncomfortable. Especially since it seemed like horror movies had a lot of gore in them. And he just hated that. Arthur answered,"I snuck in a few comedies and stuff like that."

"Like 'Spaceballs' and 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'.",Arthur informed. It was good to know that they weren't just watching horror. And it was really good that Arthur had brought those along. As they were some of their favorites. Especially, 'Spaceballs' as the pair had done a Barf and Lone Starr for Halloween. With Arthur as Barf and himself as Lone Starr. It was one of their favorite things as a teenager. Bo sighed,"Good, I was really worried we didn't have anything."

"Well, anything else to watch.",he clarified. A small smile on his face as they walked. It was so good to know they wouldn't be dealing with that. With that, they fell into a comfortable silence. Just looking ahead for the rest of their group. Barely managing to see Xander's bright orange hair in the distance. They were surprised how far ahead they had gotten. And the pair tried to catch up with them. Feeling really weird about getting so far behind in the hike.

They tried their hardest to catch up with them. But despite all of their efforts, they fell very far behind. Both of the men were annoyed at this. Feeling they could have at least waited for them. Or tried to slow their pace so they could catch up. But, they kept walking as fast as they could. Figuring that if they kept up a quicker pace, they would catch up soon. Hopefully they would catch up with the rest of the group soon.

While they were walking, Bo had the strangest feeling they were being watched. That someone or something nearby was eyeing the pair. Sending a shiver of fear down Bo's spine. Yet when he glanced around, there wasn't anything that he could see. No human being that was around. Not their friend, his family, or even a random stranger he could see.

Still, there was this odd feeling that he couldn't shake.

One that was urging him to start walking faster. That they both had to start walking much faster.

"We probably should move faster, Arthur. At this rate we'll never catch up.",Bo informed. Not wanting to worry him about his feeling. And that he was probably just being paranoid about the whole thing. All he knew is that they had to move faster. Faster and now. Or something was going to get them. Someone was going to come after the both of them. Who? It didn't matter. What mattered was getting the Hell out of that place.

And fast!

The thing was coming for one or both of them. And Bo was grateful that Arthur was moving faster. Not asking him questions about what was going on. As it seemed the other man was feeling the same way. That was something they could talk about later. Way later, when they weren't in danger of getting hurt. By what, Bo wasn't entirely sure of. Nor did he want to stick around to find out. Neither of them took a look back as they hurried along. Then Bo heard something that made his heart drop. A deliberate breaking of a branch. Deliberate as an animal, a predator would not make that noise. They would have attacked them so much more quietly.

This terrified him even more as they moved along. What the Hell was even out there? It was something he didn't try to linger on as he started sprinting. With Arthur hot on his heels. Both running as fast as they could. Not once did they look back as they fled. Bo felt that at any moment, something would catch one of them. He just prayed they could get to everyone else first. And he didn't want either of them to die.

A few seconds later, there was the sound of crunching snow. The sound of something that growled so very loud near him. Along with air pushing behind him. And then he heard a crash followed by his friend screaming in pain. He immediately turned around to see the creature. The one that he had seen the other day. Attacking his best friend right before him.

Tearing deeply into Arthur's guts as he screamed. Begging Bo to stop the thing and help him.

This made Bo snap into action immediately. Grabbing a nearby heavy tree branch and swinging it hard at the thing's head. Screaming, well just screaming at the top of his lungs. Trying to stop the thing from hurting his best friend. Hitting it over and over again as hard as he could. While Arthur fought under it as best as he could. Hitting it in the face with a rock he had grabbed from nearby. To Bo's horror, they weren't doing anything to the creature. It made his heart sink as he slammed the branch down once more. Snapping it in half on the back of its skull. The thing froze when that happened. As if surprised that Bo had managed to do that.

Pulling its mouth off of his best friend for once. Arthur screamed out in pain as he started to drag himself back. While Bo wielded what was left of the branch in front of him. Taking a step back from the creature. Intending to hit it once more if it tried anything. Before he could even move an inch, the creature reached back and grabbed Bo's head. Whole bony hand wrapped around his head tightly. Lifting him off of his feet and slamming him onto the ground next to him. His head hitting a rock so hard that it stunned him.

Struggling to stay conscious as he laid there. Unable to push himself up as he watched his friend struggling. Pulling himself backward with one hand. The other pressing hard on his injury. A slight pink peeking out from between Arthur's fingers. It didn't take a lot of thinking to know it was his best friend's guts. And he was desperately trying to keep them inside of himself. Screaming for anyone to come save the both of them. He couldn't make a noise as he laid there on the ground. Vision slowly blacking around the edges as he tried to fight it off.

The last thing he was aware of was the thing advancing on Arthur. His best friend screams ringing in his ears as he was pulled into unconsciousness.

Then he was just adrift in this horrible emptiness. For who knew how long. It felt like short of forever before he felt something touch him. Something terribly cold and strangely familiar. Two hands gripping the sides of his head. Palms the size of either of his cheeks. Giving Bo's face a gentle squeeze as it moved his head carefully. Pulling him up the tiniest bit for some strange reason. There was cold breath blanketing his face for a brief moment. What the Hell was this? Just what the Hell was any of this? A pair of very thin lips were pressed to his. They were coated with something that was hot and...and sticky...there was something wetter being forced between his lips. Jaw being pulled open to allow for this. The thing was...was a tongue? Maybe? It didn't feel like a normal tongue. This thing felt too long and way too slimy. Then there was this weird sticky thing being shoved into his mouth with it.

Hot something that tasted metallic.

It was rather familiar and disgusting. One that he didn't want to place at first. But he immediately knew some of it was blood. Just not what the soft, squishy, fleshy thing shoved into his mouth. His eyes snapped open as he struggled under the creature. That was using its weight to keep him pinned to the ground. Despite looking like a slight breeze could knock it over, it had kept him on the ground. One of its hands grabbed both of his. Pinning it to his chest as it kissed him deeply. Forcing him to swallow the blood and strange lump along with it. Which he doubted that he would ever find out was.

Was...why was it doing this?

Is this thing forcing him to eat something like that? Just what in the Hell was the thing from? Bo had the most horrified feeling it was from...from his best friend as he squirmed under the thing. Though it felt like the thing was kissing him? Not just flat out feeding him? He didn't allow himself to linger on this as he tried to get his hands free. Screaming into the creature's mouth as it kept rubbing its tongue against his. Looking extremely pleased with itself as it kissed him so deeply.

This thing had fed him some part of his friend. Made him taste his best friend's blood. For what reason, Bo didn't know. And didn't want to know in the slightest bit. He just wanted the thing to stop force feeding him. All he wanted was for this whole thing to stop.

A few moments later, the thing pulled its mouth away. There was this strange look in its eyes. One that looked like it was pleased with itself. As far as he could tell it was pleased with itself. What looked to be a sweet smile was stretching on its lips. Why? He wasn't entirely sure and he couldn't think of it for too long. It grabbed his head a little bit tighter and slammed him down on the ground once more. Knocking him out once more.

The next thing he knew, his Mother's voice was shouting his name. Several people were shouting his name. Xander and his Grandpa. He wondered where Arthur was for the briefest moment. Then reality crashed back down on him all at once. Bo tried to sit up the best that he could. His head felt like it was splitting in two. And that formerly bitter taste in his mouth was gone. He absentmindedly raised a hand to his mouth to find nothing. There was no evidence he had been force fed a part of his best friend. No blood dripping down his chin and drying. Or rather frozen.

Slowly, Bo opened his eyelids as he turned to his side. Looking where his best friend had been attacked. Nearly instantly regretting his decision to look. And swallowing back bile as he tared at what lay ahead of him. As Arthur's body had been so thoroughly dissected. Blood, feathers from his coat, and guts were surrounding his body. Looking like something had exploded out of his stomach. Almost like a chest burster.

Guts were pulled onto the snowy cold ground. Possibly freezing there. For a moment, Bo thought a bear had attacked his best friend. Tearing him apart like he was nothing more than tissue paper. Then the thing came back to his mind as he tried to get up. His stomach twisting inside of him as he did so. His Mom immediately stopped him from getting off the ground. Making him sit down and sat down with him. Doing her best to prevent her son from getting up. Why? He couldn't tell at first, and then he noticed there was something freezing to the back of his skull. And realized that it was probably blood dripping down his head. Also the random bout of dizziness that suddenly overcame him. Nearly making him want to throw up what little was in his stomach. Yet, he somehow couldn't bring himself to do so.

His Mom shoved her face into his shoulder with a sob. Kissing the top of his head as she whispered nonsense. Telling him that everything was going to be okay. That everything would be alright. And that she was there for him. There to help him with everything. While that happened, Xander had gotten his phone out. Calling 9-1-1 to tell them what he could tell had happened. He said,"My friends were attacked by a-a bear or something. He's been torn to pieces and my other friend's head is bleeding."

"He's awake but he looks extremely out of it right now.",Xander explained. While Xander was talking to the cops, Wayne got close to his grandson. Looking extremely worried as he checked Bo's head injury. Afraid that the skull had been fractured or something. Then he told them both that he couldn't see it. But, felt that it probably was there. Wayne asked,"Bo, what the Hell happened?"

"Did you see what did that to Arthur?",he questioned, his Mom letting him go to answer his Grandpa. And Bo wasn't entirely sure of what to tell him. There were no words to describe the creature that did it. And that he couldn't make himself do so. Tell him that he didn't know what the creature was. Or what it had done. Instead, he heard himself answering,"I didn't see all happened so fast."

"One minute we were talking about what to have for dinner then...then I woke up on the ground.",Bo heard himself lie. So naturally and so smoothly that he almost believed himself. It was like, it was like another person was speaking through him. Lying to cover what the creature had done to Arthur. This whole thing should be unsettling for him. Should be traumatizing to him as well. Yet, he found that his sadness wasn't really real. It was like he was putting on a show for his Mom, Grandpa, and Xander. There was just this strange feeling inside of him.

One that he had never felt before in his entire life. Before he could properly think of it, it passed. Leaving him feeling cold and hollow as he sat with Eleanore. His Mom held him tighter against herself. As if fearing her son would disappear if she let him go. Kissing the top of his head while they sat together. Doing her best to then block Bo's view of what was left of Arthur. Wayne moving in a way that also blocked his view. A second later, Xander came over to them with the phone. Having hung it up as he informed,"The police will be here in about twenty minutes."

"They said that they'll be sending an ambulance for Bo.",he added. At this, Bo felt this strange pang of panic. The police weren't anyone that Bo trusted. Not even on a good day. He wasn't too sure what he was going to tell them even. That he saw some monster eating his best friend? And that he tried to beat the damn thing but it threw him around like a rag doll? Bo wasn't sure if that would even be wise. After all, he just lied about what really happened. Even if he hadn't, would they even believe he had seen that? That the thing had fed him a piece of his best friend?

Hell, he probably wouldn't believe it and would had thought he did it. Especially when he barely had an injury in the first place! There was no way that he could trust the police would believe him. As he sat there with his Mom's arms around him, he rested his cheek on her shoulder. Trying to think of what he was going to tell the police. Feeling anxious over what was going to come.


After the talk with the police, his Mom finally took him to a hospital. Making sure that his injury would be properly taken care of. Since Bo felt they didn't need to take an ambulance. As it would probably cost too much for them to really need it. And the one that showed up had taken Arthur's body inside. It was something that he didn't want to look at. Or be anywhere near his best friend's body.

It just...he felt so strangely numb to the whole thing. Not grieving just yet. In fact, he just felt the strangest bit of discomfort. Instead, he felt this odd pain in the pit of his stomach. One that, for a moment, he thought was just stress. Then it slowly dawned on him that he felt hungry.

So very hungry.

And not in a way that he had ever felt in his life. It was a stabbing pain in his gut. Like he hadn't eaten in weeks or something like that. Bo chalked it up to an adrenaline crash. From being attacked by the strange skinny creature. The fact that it had knocked him out. Along with it murdering his best friend. That it probably was that along with grief. Which he remembered had fucked with people in very strange ways. Grief did so very weird things to people. Bo didn't dwell on it for too long. As this hunger wasn't helping him right now. And he could handle it later. Right now, he just needed to focus on the Emergency Room trip. Getting treatment for the head injury that the creature had given him.


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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    Raphael FontenelleWritten by Raphael Fontenelle

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