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The Gnawing Hunger Part Eight

What was wrong with him? Why was he feeling like this? Was this something that normally happened after a concussion? Or was it something...worse?

By Raphael FontenellePublished 7 months ago 16 min read
The Gnawing Hunger Part Eight
Photo by R ARCHITECTURE on Unsplash

The idea of leaving the cabin had come up briefly in passing. As some of them didn't want to be in there anymore, he didn't want to be. Not after Arthur's murder. Death. Animal attack? Or whatever you could call that. Bo wasn't entirely certain what happened to Arthur could be classified as.

Is it still a murder if people think an animal did it?

That was a problem within itself. Was it truly an animal that did it? Or was it an alien of some kind? If so, where in the Hell did it come from? Why in the world did it force feed him? Then kiss him on top of that? Was it even really considered an actual kiss? What else could he even consider that? It certainly felt like one in his mind. The tongue pressing against his the way it had done. Just what else could he call that? If it wasn't a kiss, then what in the Hell even was it? Fuck, why did he even really care for?

The monster tore open his best friend for fuck's sake! Fed him a part of him that he didn't even know! Smashed his head on the ground and gave him a minor concussion! Which he was still reeling from. If he was his normal self, he would be freaking out thanks to this. It didn't matter if it kissed him for real or not.

Who gave a damn if it did?

Maybe it was just the trauma of it all? His brain is focusing on something else to take it off the death of Arthur? This seemed so very plausible in his mind. Or at least he didn't want to let go of the idea. As what else could he possibly call any of this? What in the Hell was wrong with him? Just what in the world was going on with himself? His gut was strangely still aching from all of this. In ways Bo didn't entirely understand or didn't really want to. Didn't know why it was hurting like this. Why in the Hell did he feel like he was starving?

Normally, Bo didn't feel like this. In fact his appetite would diminish when he got this stressed out. So why in the Hell did he feel, empty? It didn't make any form of sense to him.

Also it wasn't all that important right now.

What was important was what they were going to do with Arthur's things. Mostly, who was going to be taking them to his home. Bo felt that he should do it. But Xander insisted that he should do it. As the hospital suggested that he not drive for a while. Even with a minor concussion, it wasn't all that wise.

Probably, not for a few days at the most. Maybe, a week or so.

Though a week felt a little bit like overkill in his mind. Since the doctor had only suggested at least forty-eight hours. And then longer if he couldn't turn his head. Which his Mom said they would go back to the Emergency Room if he couldn't. Another thing that Bo had felt was a little bit overkill.

Though he didn't dare voice this to his Mom. Of course. Instead he just let her worry over him. Letting her take him to the room him and Xander were in. The room that Arthur had formerly slept in. Which was still unmade from when his best friend had gotten up earlier in the day. He ignored it as he climbed into his bed. His Mom gave him some pain medicine along with a cup of water. He quickly took them as she watched him the whole time. It was stuff that he wished he had gotten in the hospital. As his headache had been pretty bad then. They hadn't even given him an ice pack when they were there. But, that didn't matter. What mattered was getting a nap in and hopefully ridding himself of it. Eleanore took the cup from him once he finished taking his pills. She stated,"Get some sleep, baby."

"I wake you up later for dinner.",she promised. Which he wholeheartedly agreed to as he laid down on the bed. Giving her a small nod before laying his head on his pillow. Closing his eyes as he listened to his Mom turn off the light. Quietly shutting the door behind herself. He didn't know how long it was until he felt himself drift off. But he must have at some point in time. As not that long later, there was an odd noise that slightly jostled him up.

There were odd noises not that far away from where he laid. And for a moment, Bo had nearly freaked out. It was the sounds of someone digging through something nearby. Fabric rustling along with a zipper being pulled. Light foot steps walking around that area. Someone breathing so very quietly as well. Then it hit him, it was Xander. Gathering Arthur's things to take it back to his family. Well, back home. Whatever. Either way, he didn't bother opening his eyes for this. All he did was turn away from the noise. Pulling his blankets a little bit higher. Wishing that Xander had been a little quieter while doing this. But figured they could talk about it later. When he wasn't feeling so very tired and his head wasn't just throbbing with pain.

For now, he was going to try to sleep for a little while.

Well, until Eleanore was coming to get him for dinner. And that probably would be a couple of hours. More than likely it would be about two hours. Either way, he needed to get a nap in. And with this, he found himself drifting off. The nightmare he had was nothing short of horrific. Seeing the creature tear into his best friend. Throwing his organs around all three of them. Not eating them like it had done before.

Just tossing them up in the air like confetti. With the same enthusiasm of an overly energetic toddler.

The whole time, Arthur cried out for someone to help him. Begging Bo to do something, to do anything. Pleading with him to just move. Save him from this horrible creature. Then he started shrieking at him. Screaming at how much of a dirty coward he was. As Bo couldn't make himself move an inch. Unlike in real life, he was completely frozen. Unable to snap himself out of this strange state he was in.

All he could do is stand there and watch. Eyes wide as his friend was being dismembered. Yelling at him until his voice became a wet gurgle then tapered off.

With this, the creature finally turned around to him. Its big and creepy pale eyes locked on his. Large grin growing on its face. The thing took a step towards him. Yet, Bo couldn't force himself to move away from it. Not a step in one direction. Despite him trying his hardest to do anything. To just move in any direction to run from the thing. He thought that it was from fear, yet he didn't really feel anything like that. His stomach wasn't twisting in anxiety. There was no cold chill going down his spine. Or anything remotely like that. Instead he felt his heart racing as it got closer. Bo felt his face burning as it neared him. More specifically, his cheeks were. Mouth suddenly running dry as well. This wasn't a normal reaction to something like whatever it was. He should be trying to fucking run from it.

Shouldn't he be afraid or disgusted by the thing? After all, it ripped his friend to pieces a second ago! There was still fresh blood on its face, mouth, and claws. That were still so very warm. Dripping onto the freshly fallen snow and coloring it bright red. This alone should have disgusted him yet, he wasn't. A smile was sneaking onto his face as it neared him.

Hell, he could practically smell it on the thing.

Despite all of this, Bo couldn't bring himself to run. Not out of fear or anything like that. Because...because he found himself just not wanting to. Like there was no urge to bolt or scream or anything. Instead Bo felt this strangely overwhelming desire to-to touch it? Pull it down to his level and press his lips to its. Once it was within a few inches of him, he reached for it. The creature did the same as its horrifying smile grew a little. Carefully leaning over to him. Right until they were pretty much eye level with each other. It gently took his shoulders in its hands. Face carefully inching closer to Bo's as it tilted its head.

Right until their noses were touching each other. The creature didn't move after that. Didn't try to pull away from him either. Almost as if it were waiting for something. For him to do something. Then he found himself moving again. His head tilts upward in a quick motion and he pressed his lips to its. Pressing gentle at first, then more firm and way more possessive. Surprising it and himself with how deep he was kissing it. In fact, he was surprised to be kissing it at all. Considering what it had just done to his best friend. He could even taste Arthur's blood on its lips for crying out loud. Which should be freaking him the Hell out. And he knew that he shouldn't be doing this. Petting its body as they kissed. Leaning into the thing's terribly strong embrace. Its claws were lightly grazing his back.

Maintaining some care with his body as it did so.

Those pale eyes never left his as they kissed. A second later he shut his eyes and touched its waist. Then he noticed there was something strange happening. The creature was getting a lot smaller somehow. So much so that he was holding it up by its waist to kiss it. Its body was still so very lanky but, not as stick thin as it had been before. The skin was still so very cold but, no where near as freezing as it was a second ago. Flesh his hands had been touching went from leathery to soft. Like baby soft or something like that.

When he opened his eyes, he pulled out of the kiss.

Instead of that strange lanky creature in front of him, he saw someone else. A person that he had been trying to not think of all day. It was Hawthorne. Face a very light pink as he stared back at him. Grinning ear to ear. Showing off those strange werewolf-like teeth. Panting softly as the kiss must have left him breathless or something. In a soft voice, Thorn asked,"Well, Bo. What in the world brought all that on?"

"Just felt like it is all, Thorn.",Bo answered. Which was true. He strangely had felt like kissing the creature. The creature not Hawthorne. What in the Hell was going on here? Where did that thing go? Why was he kissing some guy that he had barely known? And just why was this bothering him so much? That it wasn't the creature from earlier? All of this was so surreal. Then again this was a dream after all. So it shouldn't be too odd that he went from kissing an abomination to someone else.

But why in the world did it turn into Hawthorne for?

He racked his brain to think it over as he stared at the other man. Who was giving him the sweetest smile as he stayed still in his grasp. Not even bothered by the fact he was barefoot in the snow. Or being held so closely by Bo. All of this was absolutely confusing for him. Then it hit him, he was thinking about him so much. Pretty much had to force himself to think of something else entirely. That's why the creature had turned into Hawthorne. This was the only explanation that made any form of sense to him. As just what the Hell else could any of this mean?

"Lucky me, then.",Hawthorne chirped. Acting so very happy about this whole thing. Probably was. As he definitely was feeling cheerful over this as well. Kissing a strange man that he had barely known. One with such peculiarly alluring eyes like Hawthorne's. Which were so very wide and so very...very strangely familiar in the moment. That weird pale blue that he felt he had seen before. A little bit before he had actually met Thorn. Though, Bo couldn't entirely place why he was thinking about it.

Before he could, he felt a strange shake go through him.

"Bo? Bo, it's time to get up. Dinner's ready.",Hawthorne whispered. With Eleanore's voice and not his odd baby soft one. This thoroughly confused him for a long moment. All he could do is stare down at the smaller man as he blinked. Unable to process what was just said to him. Raising an eyebrow, Bo asked,"What was that, Thorn?"

"It's time to get up, baby. You need to eat something.",Thorn continued. Giving Bo a light shake as he grinned widely. What in the Hell was going on here? With this, he found himself sitting up in bed. Opening his eyelids to see his Mom standing next to his bed. Looking a little bit worried as she still had her hands on his shoulders. The second that she noticed he was awake, she let him go. Then she backed away from his bed. Almost as if his Mom was trying to not crowd him. Probably worrying that she was being smothering. Though this was something he was a little bit grateful for. Her smothering and worrying so much over him.

It felt sort of, calming and secure for some reason.

Pushing the covers off, he thanked his Mom politely. Telling her that he would be there in a minute or so. There was a look of slight panic on her face. But she schooled it into something so much calmer. Nodding her head in agreement before turning to leave the room.

Soon as Eleanore left the room, he got out of bed. Bo noticed Arthur's bag was gone from the room. And that the bed was made. Xander must have gotten it not that long ago, possibly made the bed before he left. Which was weird but, nice. And he really wished that his friend had been quieter about it. As it somewhat made him annoyed to think about it. But Bo decided to just not dwell on it. After all, what was done was done and he could sleep sometime after dinner. As well as get more pain medication to help with his lingering headache.

After a second, he walked to the kitchen to eat. Noticing that there wasn't the smell of lasagna. Instead there was the lovely aroma of McDonald's instead. Part of him guessed it had been way too stressful for anyone to want to cook. Not that he minded in the slightest bit. As he wasn't sure he wanted to eat that. Considering what Arthur had looked like not that long ago. He wasn't sure if he could eat or make it ever again. Hell, he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to even buy a frozen one from Wal-Mart either.

Not after...he tried to not dwell on it. As Bo was way too hungry to want to. He hurried into the kitchen and straight to the table. Everyone was already eating what they bought at McDonald's. His Mom had a Big Mac. While his Grandpa and Xander were eating nuggets. His food, a Quarter Pounder, was laid out in his spot with a straw in his soda. Which was probably a diet coke. Since he had never been a huge fan of the regular.

It didn't matter to him what it was. Bo was too hungry to think it over.

Ripping open the wrapper of his sandwich soon as he sat down. Hurriedly eating it. Hoping it would help with the pain that was in his stomach. Barely noticing everyone watching him as he did so. As the pain wasn't subsiding just yet. In fact, it seemed to be getting worse as he ate his food. Though, Bo couldn't entirely understand why. He found himself frowning as he finished the sandwich. A second later, he dug into his fries with the same enthusiasm. Still, the pain wasn't subsiding from his stomach. All of this just felt so weird. When he started drinking his soda, his Mom asked,"Bo? Did you not eat breakfast or something?"

"I-I did. I'm just so hungry is all.",Bo answered. Which was the truth. Though there was no way in Hell he would tell her the entire truth. How his stomach was still hurting as he drank his soda. Which wasn't even doing anything to it. Not even slightly filling him up either. But, despite how much he wanted to, he couldn't bring himself to tell her. To tell any of them what he was feeling. That this was happening to him. Instead, he just shrugged his shoulders with a small smile. He continued,"I mean I did skip lunch. It's probably just that."

"I'm okay, Mom. I promise I'm fine.",Bo assured setting his drink on the table. Which had been mostly the truth about everything. That he was fine aside from the stabbing pain of hunger. It felt like something was clawing the inside of his gut. Wanting more. Demanding that he give it more than just what he had given it. So much more that Bo couldn't figure what it was. Or where he could even get the stuff. Unsure of why he wanted something like that either.

Eleanore seemed to allow this as she returned to her food. While Bo got off of his chair and picked up his garbage. Walking over to the trash can, he shoved it in. Then hurried over to the cupboard with their snacks. Opening it, he got out a small bag of pretzels. Shutting it afterward and taking the treat to the table. Snatching the diet coke off of the kitchen table. He headed towards the bedroom he shared with Xander. Not noticing anyone watching him as he went back to the room. Figuring the snack would help with the worst of it.

At least settle his stomach or something like that.

Soon as he got into the room, he sat down on his bed. Setting his diet coke on a nearby nightstand. Then he hurriedly opened the bag of pretzels with a huge smile. Taking a handful out of it and shoveling it into his mouth. With the same ferocity he had just eaten his dinner. A few bites into the salty treat, he stopped. Chewing the stuff in his mouth so very slowly as he sat on his bed. This was disgusting. Not anywhere near as nice as it normally was. In fact no where near as good as it had tasted before. He swallowed what was in his mouth as he let go of the pretzels. Setting the bag of it on the bed next to him. In a soft voice, he mumbled,"What in the Hell is going on?"

"It tastes so weird.",Bo mumbled. Just why was the food not tasting right? Why was the mouthful of pretzels tasting so gross? It hadn't made any sense in his mind. Was it something to do with the concussion? Do concussions do this to you? Fuck up your senses until they actually healed? Bo made a mental note to look that up later on his phone. For now, he just rolled the pretzel bag over. Putting it on the nightstand to put away later. Grabbing his soda, he decided to finish it off first. That way he could toss it into the trash.

Just the empty soda cup, not the pretzels.

Feeling that even if he couldn't eat it, someone else would. And Bo didn't like wasting food just because he couldn't really eat it. Thanks to whatever had happened to him during that attack on Arthur. The head injury that had messed with his taste buds. Even the diet coke was tasting sort of gross to him. Much too sweet that Bo couldn't find any enjoyment in drinking it. Almost as if the drink was regular instead of diet. But, he drank the whole thing as fast as possible. That way he could toss the soda cup sooner. When he was done, Bo got off of his bed and grabbed the pretzels.

Hurriedly heading to the kitchen to toss the soda cup. Xander was walking towards him in the hallway. But, he didn't pay him any mind as they passed. Just continuing towards the kitchen with his small goal in mind. Once there, he noticed that neither his Mom and Grandpa weren't there. Briefly he noticed that they were in the living room together. Watching something on the screen. Bo ignored this while he shoved the soda into the trash can. Putting the pretzels back where he had gotten them from. Making sure they wouldn't get stale for someone else to enjoy. Turning around, he spotted something outside of the kitchen window. A pale something that he thought was the monster come back. Then he noticed the braided light brown hair and headed towards the back door. Opening it, he saw Hawthorne standing in the snow. Bright blue eyes fixated on his face as he stood there. Wearing clothes that he remembered belong to Arthur...yet, he had no shoes on.

Before he could even ask him a question, he heard his name being called. Xander's voice calling after him and he briefly turned to see his friend entering the kitchen. Looking confused as he asked,"Dude. What're you doing?"

"I thought I saw...",Bo answered. His voice trailing off as he turned to look back at Hawthorne. Surprised to see that there wasn't anything there. Or any evidence he had been there at all.


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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    Raphael FontenelleWritten by Raphael Fontenelle

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