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The Gnawing Hunger Part Nine

Just like that, Bo's mind was filled with thoughts of Hawthorne. It was hard to understand why. Or how to stop them but, he couldn't.

By Raphael FontenellePublished 7 months ago 16 min read
The Gnawing Hunger Part Nine
Photo by Douglas Fehr on Unsplash

Hawthorne. The skinny man was consuming his every thought as he sat on the bed. More then this painful hunger was doing deep in his stomach. Or whatever he could actually consider this terrible pain inside himself. As it felt so much stronger than simple hunger. As his dinner hadn't done anything to stop it. Neither did the pretzels that he had been munching on. Which seemed to only make his mouth run dry. The taste of the savory snack was so utterly disgusting to him.

Then there was the image of him that he thought he had seen. The image of Hawthorne outside in the snow. Barefoot and wearing Arthur's clothes. Yet, he hadn't been there when he took a second look. Before all of this, Bo never hallucinated. Was this another side effect of his minor concussion? It didn't seem all that likely. Nor did the change in his tastes. He was fairly sure that this isn't what a minor concussion can cause. Wouldn't the doctor have told him if it did?

Just what had the good Doctor told him again? He wasn't all that certain at the moment. At least in that regard he wasn't entirely sure. Though he was somewhat certain this wasn't part of it. Nor were the strange dreams he had. But, that was probably from the trauma of everything that happened.

If he remembered it right, trauma did screwy things like that.

Messed up your dreams among other things. Bo wasn't totally confident that that was all it was. Then again he wasn't all that confident in much at the moment. What was real and what was not. Wait, the Hell was he thinking? This was just him being over-dramatic. Over-dramatic and stressed. Everything was fine and he was going to be fine. He was just seeing things earlier. Hawthorne wasn't outside the cabin in this weather. And he certainly wasn't wearing his deceased best friend's clothes. There just was no way that he could have been. After all, there was really no evidence that he was there. No disturbance in the snow. Like footprints or anything like that. So that would mean that Hawthorne wasn't there at all.

Yet, his mind wouldn't let this whole thing slide. Something in him believed that the shorter man was there. Really there somehow and wearing Arthur's clothes. Despite how impossible that would be for him. After all, he was at a Motel Six in town. A thirty minute travel by car and a two hour travel on foot. He probably having already called his Mom sometime. She probably already bought him a room there. Also probably wired him some more money to get some food. Was also probably finding a way to send him clothes to wear. And the man was probably finding a way to get back on his own.

Which meant that he was probably going to mail Bo his shoes. That Hawthorne would probably send him some texts soon, too. Bo hoped that he would be texting him soon. As he found himself to be really liking them. Maybe more than just liking. Way more than that. If he were being completely honest with himself.

Some part of him didn't really want to be.

As this would be admitting more about himself than he desired. Way more than he desired. And he didn't know how to handle that. In the slightest bit. Being gay wasn't really a problem for him. Or anything like that. But, he had felt that he was straight for the longest time. Since he had interest in girls before this. Went on a few dates with women. Thought he had been a lesbian before he transitioned.

Which was a confusing time within itself.

As were the crushes along with the gender dysphoria. Trying to be femme. Something that just felt utterly wrong then. Unfortunately being butch didn't do him any better. As it just made him feel like he wasn't enough. Or rather, made him feel like he wanted the look but it wasn't entirely right. That it was nearly missing the mark and why the Hell was he thinking of this? His best friend had been murdered right in front of him. He was even possibly force fed a piece of his corpse. And now there was this horribly painful hunger deep inside him.

One that didn't go away despite how much he had ate.

Even if he drank something the pain didn't lessen. Which sometimes had happened in the past. Drinking a ton of water. Not that he ever intended on doing that. It just sometimes had happened. This wasn't the problem. What was the issue was the fact he was starting to, starting to like the sensation deep in his gut. That the pain was starting to feel so very, good? Another thing that Bo wasn't able to understand in the slightest bit. Just what was any of this. What did it even mean? Why was he starting to like it? These thoughts churned in his head as he sat there. Everything was just so very messed up.

There were a few moments where he was sitting there. Just lost in his thoughts over the whole situation. Then a second later, he was pulled from them by someone shaking his shoulders. He found himself staring into his other best friend's eyes. Calmly, he asked,"Hey, where's Arthur's stuff?"

"Didn't you come in here and get it earlier?",Bo questioned. Vaguely remembering what he had heard earlier that day. If he was really remembering it right or not. Frowning, he asked,"You did come into the room earlier today, right?"

"No, that wasn't me.",Xander answered. That was odd. Very odd and more than a little scary the more he thought it over. If it hadn't been Xander then who was it? Who the Hell came into the room and took Arthur's stuff while he laid there? His mind ran to different scenarios before he could calm himself down. The answer was simple. His Mom probably had done it while he was sleeping. She was probably doing it to make Xander's returning it easier. And he bet it was near the door in the hallway. Right in the bag that Arthur had packed not that long ago.

It was the only thing that had made sense.

"So wait, who touched Arthur's stuff then?",Xander questioned. Looking a little concerned as he stared at Arthur's bed. Looking just as freaked out as Bo had felt. Bo offered,"Maybe my Mom moved Arthur's stuff to the hallway?"

"She probably just forgot to tell you. So why not ask her about it?",Bo added. Feeling a little stupid for not thinking of it sooner. As it was obvious. His Grandpa didn't like going into people's rooms while they slept. Neither did his best friend. So, his Mom was the most obvious suspect. Xander seemed to have this thought to. Giving a little nod of his head as he stood up straight. He stated,"Yeah, I'll go ask her to see if she's done that."

"Sorry for disturbing you.",Xander added. It wasn't like he hurt him or anything. And it was good to be out of his head for once. Bo informed,"Nah, dude. You're fine. I was just sitting here overthinking stuff."

"You wanna talk about it?",Xander asked. Looking a little concerned about his friend's mental state. As anyone would be. Bo didn't want to burden his only remaining friend with his worries. Since he wasn't sure how he even felt about his thoughts at the moment. Everything felt just way too much at the moment. So, he shook his head at his friend. Then he answered,"Not right now, Xan. I really don't want to speak about it."

"Well, when you do you now where to find me.",Xan informed with a small reassuring smile. Reaching over to his shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. Then leaving the room after he patted his wrist. It was nice having someone not hover over him at the moment. Despite how much his Mom had wanted to. Some tiny part of him felt it was understandable. As according to her, he barely survived an animal attack. She was going to be very protective of him for the next few weeks or months. Still, it made things so much more difficult. Bo decided he needed a distraction from everything that was going on.

Getting off of his bed, he headed over to his suitcase. Quickly opening it to get out a DVD that he had packed. It was just season one of Courage the Cowardly dog. But, he felt that it would help him relax a little bit.

Or at least take his mind off of things for a little bit.

Taking it out, he went over to the T.V in the room. Popping the DVD into the player with a small smile. Things were going to be fine. So long as he didn't overthink it, he was going to be alright. Bo went back to his bed and plopped down on it. Watching the DVD turn to the menu screen. Immediately hitting play once it had, Bo leaned against the headboard of his bed. Starting to feel somewhat better as he did so.

Well, aside from that horrible hunger in the pit of his stomach.

Which was something that he was trying to desperately ignore. Feeling that it would simply go away after he went to sleep later. Or that he could just easily ignore it until tomorrow. When he could make himself a giant breakfast, which he hoped would help. As he didn't know what else to do about it. Aside from going back to the damn hospital about it. An experience that he would rather not repeat. Especially, when the visits would be so close together. He didn't want to terrify his Mom anymore than she already was. Also it was going to cost him a ton.

Probably an arm and a leg.

Something that he didn't really want to consider right now. So, he shelved it in his mind to deal with later. A lot later. When everything wasn't so fucked up. Just when things weren't Like after Arthur's funeral or something. Another thing that he flat out refused to dwell on in the moment. His best friend's funeral that was definitely coming up. Though he didn't know when exactly it was going to be. Or how his friend's parents were going to be able to afford it. If necessary, Bo and Xander would try to crowdfund it. Go through every legal channel that they could. Sell things if the really, really had to. He would do just about anything to help his best friend's family.

Well, almost anything. Except tell the truth about how he really had died. As there was no way in Hell that he could actually do that. No one would believe him for starters. And it just wasn't appropriate to tell them.

'Hey, your son was ripped apart by a monster and I couldn't stop it.',Bo thought bitterly. Yeah, that would have gone over really well. He totally wouldn't get screamed at by either of them. Called an insensitive crazy bastard or nothing. Curling into himself, he thought,'They would never want to see me again if I tell them that.'

'Hell, they might not want to see me even if I don't tell them that.',Bo added. As it probably would remind them of the worst day of their lives. That they would probably not want to see Xander either. Part of him felt entirely sick as he sat there. Watching the allegedly scaredy cat dog on the screen. An episode that he wasn't entirely focused on. His thoughts were starting to drag him back into them. And he was utterly hating it. As he couldn't properly focus on the episode anymore. With a sigh, he decided to pause it to wander for a little bit.

Get his mind cleared before continuing to watch the cartoon.

Soon as he got off the bed, he heard something outside the room. Some very light footsteps. Like someone was trying to tip toe past the bedroom. He raised an eyebrow as he hurried over to the door. Opening it quickly, he spotted someone turning the corner. Like the briefest flash of their clothes. Despite how little he saw of them, he felt that he knew them. That the clothes were...Arthur's? Yet, that didn't seem right. They were probably being taken back to his parents or something. So why would someone be wearing them and walking around the cabin for? With this, Bo hurried after this mystery person. Quietly keeping pace with them the best that he could. Almost as if he were afraid that they would run off or something.

'What in the Hell is going on here?',Bo thought. Feeling a little uncomfortable that someone else was here. It just had to be his imagination. He just had to be imagining that someone was in the cabin aside from him and everyone he knew. So what in the Hell was going on here? What if...what if it had to do with the freaky creature? The one that had brutally murdered his best friend? No, that would be too much of a coincidence. Way, way too much of one.

But, still. Bo had to just find out about this person. Why where they in the cabin and who were they? As he was definitely sure they weren't anyone that he loved. They wouldn't be doing this kind of weird sneaking around.

Or whatever the Hell this was.

Soon as he started gaining on them, he frowned. As he noticed that they looked a little like Hawthorne from the back. Their hair was similar colored and in a braid like his. Though the hairband wasn't there anymore. This was like...this was like earlier in the backyard. Where Bo had imagined seeing that shorter man. Yet, it couldn't be him. He had taken him into town and he doubted Hawthorne would have walked so long back. Not without calling him from the Motel first. There just was no way that he had done that. Whatever this person was, it couldn't be Hawthorne. It just couldn't be him, right?

There was absolutely no way in Hell that it could be!

That's what he kept telling himself as he stared at the person's back. Reaching forward and grasping their shoulder tightly. Then spinning them around to face him, hoping it wasn't who he thought it was.

His heart sank to the floor when he saw the person's face. It was who he had hoped it wasn't. Hawthorne. Dressed in his deceased friend's stolen clothes right in the hallway. Smiling ear to ear as he stared deep into Bo's eyes. This couldn't be real. This just couldn't be really happening to him. There just was no way that this was real. He had to be just dreaming that the man he took into town earlier in the day was there. All he had to do was pinch himself and he'd wake up with Courage the Cowardly dog being over. That was all he had to do. Though, when Bo pinched himself he winced at the pain. It took less then a second for him to realize that he really wasn't dreaming.

And that Hawthorne really was in front of him. This was real. Before he could even open his mouth, Thorn asked,"Are you feeling alright there, Bo?"

"You want something to eat? I think I have something that could help, if you want.",he added. That made him pause as he stood there in shock. What did the shorter man mean by that? How in the world did he get in the hallway? And just how in the world did he know that Bo was hungry? His stomach hadn't even made a noise just yet. Despite all of these questions buzzing around his skull, he found himself nodding.

This seemed to please the shorter man as he dug into Arthur's hoodie pocket. Just why was he wearing that? How in the Hell did he get his hands on that? Did, did he steal his best friend's clothes from their room Why wasn't he able to ask Hawthorne about that? Just why couldn't he make himself speak? Bo couldn't even get himself to open his mouth to do so. Before he could ponder on this longer, Thorn pulled something out of the front pocket.

"Here you are, Bo. You will feel right as rain as soon as you eat this.",Hawthorne promised. A soft smile on his face as he held it out for him. The treat was some strange pink lump that didn't look all that appetizing. Well, it shouldn't look appetizing. Yet his stomach rumbled once he stared at it. Then Bo took it from Hawthorne without any form of hesitation. Immediately popping the soft object into his mouth. Chewing the disturbing meaty mass as he stared at his hand. Seeing a small puddle of what he believed to be blood pooled in the palm of his hand.

Some of it dripping down his wrist while most ran down his throat. Feeling so nicely warm that he couldn't help but moan softly. The tiniest bit of the warm liquid running over his bottom lip. Which Hawthorne immediately wiped away with his thumb. Licking it off of the pad of it as he smiled at him. Soon as he swallowed the lump, the painful feeling in his stomach slowly stopped. It was confusing but nice at the same time. Why was it happening and just what did he give him? Looking at Hawthorne, Bo asked,"J-just what even was that?"

"What in the Hell did you do to me, Thorn?",he demanded. Grabbing Hawthorne by his shoulders roughly then shoving him hard against a nearby wall. More roughly than he was intending on. But, he didn't give a damn right now. This man had done something to him. Was wearing his dead best friends clothes and broke into the cabin. Why was he even here in the first place? Just what was any of this? It made no sense to him and he wanted some answers. No, he needed answers. And he was going to get them out of this scrawny little creep one way or another.

"I will tell you once you let me go.",Thorn answered. His tone was strangely calm despite the situation. And it somehow just irked him even more. Why was he so calm in this? After he just fed him more of whatever that was. A part of him that he hoped wasn't something out of Arthur. He really, really, really hoped that it wasn't part of Arthur.

Despite everything in him saying to not let him go, he did. Taking a step back for added measure. Settling his hands on his hips as he stared into his eyes. Hawthorne answered,"You are becoming like me, Bo."

"You will need to feed like I do and hunt like I do.",he added. Hunt? Feed? The Hell was he? A vampire or something? When he noticed the confused look on his face, Hawthorne explained,"You are not a vampire, Bo. Truth be told, I cannot remember what I am."

"Aside just from something that needs to feed on humans from time to time.",he added. As if it were no big deal. That made his stomach twist as he tried to not back away. Or show any form of fear on his face as he stared into Hawthorne's eyes. What in the Hell was he even talking about? He was human, too. Wasn't he? Then the grin on his face grew a little bit more. In a low voice, Hawthorne informed,"I saw you from the woods the other day."

"You looked so beautiful from a distance and I knew you were more like me than the others.",he added. His tone sounding a bit deeper than before. Teeth becoming sharper than he had ever seen them. Less like werewolf and more like...more like that creature from before. What in the world did that mean? Just what was going on here? And what in the world did he mean by he saw him from the woods? Had he been walking through the woods during that time? If so, why didn't he call out to him then?

Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. This wasn't some human who got lost in the woods. The person standing in front of him was the creature from the woods. Bo's heart dropped as he stood there in total shock. Why...he thought he was like him? Just how did he think he was like him?! Bo snapped,"How am I like you at all? I'm not some monster that eats people."

"You are now, Bo.",Hawthorne informed with a smug smirk. Something that nearly made him punch him. But, stopped himself as he feared the others would find them fighting each other. And he didn't want them to see him there. See him wearing Arthur's clothes and explain why he hadn't told them about him. Then there was the worry that Hawthorne would do something to them. Kill them and eat them. Or way worse, kill them then force HIM to eat them. Reaching over to grab his shoulders, Thorn gripped his wrists and forced him to the floor. Pinning Bo down as he quickly sat on his chest. Knees pressing into his ribs as he stared into his eyes. Not looking the least bit angry either. Just so very amused he would try that again. Quietly, he informed,"Whether you like it or not, we are alike."

That made Bo squirm as he stared straight into Hawthorne's eyes. Unable to understand what exactly he meant. Did, did this mean he was going to turn into something like him? A huge pale creature that was cold as ice? Which was another reason he didn't want to be under Thorn. His skin felt so cold it was starting to burn. Leaning over to him, Hawthorne adds,"I was once weak like you. Everyone used to walk over me like I was nothing."

"I know you did not want to be here and that your Grandfather insisted on this.",he stated. Like he somehow knew everything about him. That wasn't. It wasn't entirely untrue. This was something that Wayne had talked him into. Despite how much he didn't really feel like coming out here. How much he just wanted a simple birthday that year, too. Part of him wished that he had a stronger spine. If he did, then Arthur would be alive. Arthur would be alive and he wouldn't be under some human eating creature that fed him a piece of another human being. Hawthorne kissed his temple to bring him out of his thoughts. A smile on his face as he instructed,"When I let you up, you will not fight. Instead you will put on your jacket and shoes."

"We will take a walk and chat about what will happen to you."


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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    Raphael FontenelleWritten by Raphael Fontenelle

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