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The Gnawing Hunger Part Fourteen

God, the Hell was he going to do? Just what the Hell was he going to do? This wasn't how he was picturing things to go! Bo didn't want Hawthorne to be in the middle. Why was he there?!

By Raphael FontenellePublished 7 months ago 24 min read
The Gnawing Hunger Part Fourteen
Photo by Joseph Menjivar on Unsplash

Despite everything that he tried to not think of the creature. He couldn't stop himself from it. Hawthorne cropped up in every single one of his thoughts. Bo had walked outside for the briefest moment to combat them. As he feared what his Mom, Grandpa, and Xander would say about his facial expressions. Or the fact that he was so quiet while standing there for so damn long. Every part of his thoughts were centered around the idea of hi-it showing up there. Forcing him to do terrible things, worse then before. Not making him just watch it work this time around. Forcing him to do things that he would deeply regret. Since it seemed to have some strange hold on him that no one else did.

And that he could barely fight the damn thing.

It was another thing that absolutely terrified him. What the Hell could he even manage against the thing? Would he always be unable to fight Hawthorne? Just how long was he going to last with it? And it slowly dawned on him that he probably wouldn't last a year. Possibly only a little over six months if he were lucky. Which Bo was rarely ever so. If the past few days were anything to speak of.

He quite possibly could only survive four months if that.

And there was this small part of him that deeply resented this. For reasons that he couldn't or rather wouldn't want to think on. It thoroughly disgusted him that his own body was like this. That it was betraying him this way.

And knew it wasn't the wisest thing to be lingering on. That he should be more worried about his birthday party. As well as what this terrible creature would do when it starts. Thinking of where if he was going to be able to get help against this terrible creature. Whatever in the world it was, even it had no real idea. Which made him a little, well more then that if he were being truly honest with himself, worried. Just what in the Hell was...that didn't matter in the long run. All that mattered was that he needed help with the damn thing.

Just who in the Hell could help him?

That was another thing that Bo realized he couldn't tell anyone about. The thing would be so damn disturbing to know about. If he tried to tell anyone else in the cabin about it, he would be seen as deranged. And that was definitely going to be hard to prove that he wasn't. Hell, some part of him actually did feel as such. Despite knowing everything that had been going on. Along with the fact that he had been living the whole thing. It just still seemed like such a strange freaking dream.

He had to tell them despite this. Tell them there was a strange creature out in the woods. One that wanted to hunt each of them down and rip them to shreds. That he didn't know when it was going to happen. Before or after the party starts or not. Just that there was something in the woods out for everyone but his blood. As well as trying to convince everyone to leave. Though that might be more difficult than he initially thought. As Wayne had put a lot of money into this vacation. Sure he had too. But not anywhere near as much as his elderly Grandfather had done. He definitely would be upset with Bo if he made them leave early.

Not without a decent reason for why they had to go, too.

Some part of him debated on what he should be saying. Whether or not he should lie on what's going on. Or if he should tell the truth about the situation. It made him cringe at imagining that scenario and how it would go. He was fairly certain that his Mother would force him to go to a psychiatrist or something to that effect. Quite possibly be involuntarily committed to a mental hospital. If that were the least bit possible. Bo wasn't entirely certain if it was but didn't really want to tempt fate in the slightest bit.

So how in the Hell was he going to lie about this?

What kind of lie would make them leave a day early? And wouldn't disappoint his Grandpa that they were? Tell them that he couldn't be in the cabin any longer? As the place was reminding him of Arthur's death? It was starting to be difficult to be in the room his friend had slept in? That could possibly work if he said it carefully enough. As he was feeling somewhat uncomfortable with still being there. Not just because that creature had its sights on him and its claws metaphorically buried in his brain. The fact he had somewhat witnessed his best friend's death and couldn't do anything about it made him feel sick. Like he had been a monster before Hawthorne forced this transformation into him.

If he had to, he would cry to get Wayne to listen to him. Something that he absolutely hated doing. Crying to get his way. As it felt completely immature to him.

And emotional manipulation was something he never wanted to do. The idea of emotionally manipulating his elderly Grandfather sort of sickened him. To the point that his stomach twisted at the idea. Especially when it would make the elderly man feel terrible. It just wasn't anything that he ever really wanted as an adult. When he was younger, he used to feel nothing about it. Then his Mom sat him down and told him how unfair it was that he did that. Just...fuck, that wasn't important to dwell on.

He had to get them all out.

And he wasn't entirely sure of how to word the lie. One that wouldn't make him seem to damn melodramatic. Or like he were faking it in some way. Which was something that he was very much worried about as he stood outside. Toying with his hair as he thought of the proper wording. What he could be telling his Grandpa and Mother. Just how to not say it without coming across as disturbed either. It was sort of difficult as he turned around a little bit. Calmly, he murmured,"Just tell them that we should be leaving because you don't like being around a place of a freaking murder."

"It will work. It just has to work.",he added. Otherwise he wasn't entirely sure of what he was going to do. There wasn't anything else that he could think on either. His mind couldn't or rather wouldn't come up with a better lie. And Bo hated that he wasn't this good under pressure. Hated that he couldn't come up with anything better than that. Though felt it would be good enough to get them out of there.

Even if his family would be a little disappointed with him. Hell, maybe they weren't comfortable either. And they just didn't know how to express themselves about it.

He wasn't entirely sure.

All he knew is that he had to get them out of there. That way he could properly grieve his late best friend better. If he could somehow make himself do that. Part of him felt that he would be getting to normal if he did. Even if that was the dumbest thought in the world. And there really was no evidence of this in the slightest bit. Bo's mind sort of clung to his as he turned to the cabin. Quickly walking back into it as he tried to not think of it. His brain was clinging to the hope that if he properly grieved his friend he would go back to being a normal human.

Or somewhere close to being as normal as he got. Bo chewed his bottom lip as he thought of how to properly word his lie. Which wasn't entirely one as he made his way through the kitchen. Trying to make sure that it didn't sound over-dramatic or like he was losing it. To himself and to everyone else. Hoping that it would work as he made his way towards the living room.

Praying that the elderly man wouldn't be angry with him for it. For wanting to leave just one day early. And that he would understand why he wanted to get home so damn early. Or at least believe the lie that he was trying to sell him. That his Grandpa wouldn't stop talking to him after this. Even if he had a decent reason for why he wanted to leave.

When he stopped to enter the living room, he froze. Any words that he intended on telling his Grandpa just flew out the window. As the scene in front of him made his eyebrows raise in surprise. Making him all sorts of uncomfortable as he stood there. In the living room was his Grandpa. Standing in front of the couch but not yet noticing his grandson having entered the room. Looking down at someone that was sitting on the couch.

This person was a brunette with their hair braided.

He knew that braid. As he had done that braid not too long ago. It made a icy cold wave of fear wash over him as he stared at the pair. Listening to them talk about something that he didn't know about. Bo cleared his throat and his Grandpa finally noticed his presence. A small smile came to his face as he stared at his grandson. Hawthorne turned around on the couch with a giant grin on his face. Wayne stated,"Hi, sweetheart. Your little friend here says that you had invited him to your party."

Luckily for him, his face conveyed no anger at this fact. Nor did he seemed to be annoyed that Bo hadn't informed him of this either. Just a little surprised that Hawthorne was there at all. And it looked like he wasn't wearing Arthur's clothes. Which made him wonder where in the Hell he got them in the first place. And he couldn't really ask that in front of his Grandpa at all. The shit eating grin that Hawthorne was giving him made him realize that Thorn knew that, too.

"Hello, Bo. I am so sorry for not calling from my hotel room.",Hawthorne apologized. It almost sounded sincere to him. Bo almost felt that he could believe him. Just nearly could. If it weren't for the shit eating grin on his face ruining it. One that his Grandpa definitely couldn't see from his position. And that was another thing that Bo knew that he knew about. That Wayne was never going to see it or believe that Thorn is a manipulator. Mostly thanks to how much of a sweetheart he acted like. Looking like a tiny fragile angel with a soft voice. It nearly made him want to puke as he stared down at him. Bo answered,"That's perfectly fine, Thorn. I can understand that, you're a busy guy."

"But can we speak in private?",he asked. Wanting to get them away from prying eyes and listening ears. Fearing what his Grandpa would hear. As well as trying to explain himself. Which was something that he didn't want to do in the moment. Trying to keep a calm look on his face as he stared down at the tiny man. Hawthorne's shit eating grin slowly dropped from his face. Causing his expression to be blank for a few seconds. And a faux concerned look came across his face as he tilted his head to the side. In an oh-so-concerned tone, he questioned,"Sure, I can. But is everything alright Bo?"

"Oh yeah, everything's fine. I just want to touch base with you is all.",Bo answered. Forcing himself to give a gentle smile at those words. It was difficult. And he wasn't entirely sure if he was doing it right or not. As his Grandpa was looking a little bit worried about him. Not enough to say a word about the situation. Just enough for him to watch him closely. He continued,"I mean I gave you my number and you haven't called me in a little while."

"Just want to talk about what you've been doing since then.",he lied, trying to keep his tone light. It was a very stupid lie. Only like two days had passed since they last spoke from his Grandpa's perspective. So why would he be so allegedly worried over that? This made him feel like a total moron as he stood there. But it was the first thing that had come to mind. And he couldn't make himself say anything else in that moment. Bo was just relieved that his Grandpa wasn't questioning this. As he had no idea what Hawthorne would do if Wayne did so.

Well, he somewhat did. He just really didn't want to think of it.

"Oh, sorry. I've just been real busy with getting in contact with my family and stuff.",Hawthorne lied. Which was way better than his lie. And it sounded a whole lot more realistic than his as well. Seeing is that Thorn was away from home without his things. Mostly didn't have a phone from his Grandpa's perspective. Wayne probably thought that Bo was being an idiot for being upset with that. Though he wasn't going to tell him that until they were both alone. As the elderly man didn't really like to cause drama over anything. Even if he had good reason to.

Their talk would come sometime later behind a closed door.

"It's fine but, can we still talk in private?",he pleaded. Hating how super whiny his voice sounded to his own ears. Just how much a fucking infant he was sounding as well. And his Grandpa looked to be a little more worried about this. Raising his eyebrow as if he were debating on talking with Bo in private. Which he really hoped that he wouldn't. He didn't really need to be talking with his Grandpa right now about this. Right now he had to get this horrible people eating creature away from his freaking elderly grandfather. By any means necessary.

Even if he had to drag the little creep away by his fucking hair. He would do it.

Which definitely would cause a whole lot of drama. And he knew that. Bo bet that Thorn was banking on him not doing it at all. It made his stomach twist as he stared deep into the creature's eyes. Fully realizing just how much power this horrible bastard had in the moment. And that it knew it had him by the metaphorical balls as it stared at him. Then for the longest moments they trio stood there in silence. Which was becoming more and more smothering as he stood there. For a second, Bo thought that Hawthorne was going to not agree with being alone with him.

That he was going to make Bo ask stuff quietly with Wayne around. Which was something that he didn't want to do. And he wanted to avoid it at all costs. Then the little creep nodded his head in agreement as he turned around. Getting off of the couch and hurriedly walking around it. Thorn answered,"Yeah, Bo. Of course. Let's go talk wherever you feel most comfortable."

"I'll be ready to answer anything you want to ask me.",Hawthorne continued. His tone was sort of polite. Just shy of sounding like he were mocking him. And for the most part, Bo felt that he was mocking him. It didn't matter. All that mattered was that he agreed to leave the room for a bit. The both of them walked to the bathroom. Bo allowed him to walk in first before following after him. Locking the door quickly behind him as soon as they got inside. Keeping his voice low, he demanded,"What the Hell are you doing here, Thorn?"

"Weren't we supposed to be meeting tomorrow morning for hunting?",he added. Just why in the Hell was Thorn there early for? It just felt so strange that he was there. Or that he knew it was his birthday. He hadn't told the creature that it was his birthday today. Hell, he hadn't even remembered until his Grandpa pointed it out. Which was surprising for him as he crossed his arms. Glaring deep into Hawthorne's eyes as he did so. Hating the look on the other man's face. It was so much more calm then how Bo was feeling. There was just this eerie air of calmness about the thing.

Which was something that was really starting to piss him off. Why in the Hell was Thorn so damn calm about this?

Shouldn't Hawthorne be more afraid of Bo then this? Or afraid at all? After all, he had him trapped in the bathroom. Was much bigger then him and quite possibly stronger, too. Possibly. He really didn't want to test this theory at all. But absolutely would if he had to.

Though he hoped that he didn't have to. Not with his family and Xander being around. They just wouldn't understand why he was doing this. Or what the reason would be behind that either. None of them would ever really understand why. And he sort of doubted that he could convince them that Hawthorne was evil. That he infected him with some weird 'virus' that was swiftly turning him into another version of the little creep. And that he had to kill him to keep them safe.

In fact, it seemed his Grandpa seemed to love the little freak.

Something in him told him he had a better chance at flying then convincing him of the truth. So what chance did he have of convincing everyone else? Probably a snowball's chance in Hell if he were being honest. Thorn definitely knew that. As he smirked up at him with his hands on his hips. Hawthorne explained,"I had this feeling that you wouldn't be around forever."

"And I had gone through Arthur's stuff to find out why...he had a planner with your birthday written on it.",he continued. It never occurred to Bo that Arthur would have done that. As he had never kept one in his entire life. Nor had he ever seen Arthur ever use one in the past. Thought it would make sense as to why he was always so much put together than Bo. This also made his skin crawl as he hated the idea of Hawthorne going through the dead man's belongings. This sort of angered him more than the fact that he stole them in the first place. Shaking his head, he put on a stern look as he crossed his arms. He warned,"I don't care about this. You lay one hand on any of them, Thor-""You swear that you'll beat the shit out of me and possibly kill me.",Hawthorne finished. Rolling his eyes in annoyance as he did so. It seemed like he predicted that Bo would do this. And probably hoped that this conversation wouldn't end up like this. But how else did he think things were going to be going?

That Bo would just be fine with his presence at the cabin on his birthday? Talking to his elderly Grandpa that he clearly loathed with all his being?

Hell no he wouldn't be!

And he despised that Hawthorne was acting like this towards him. Treating him like he were some misbehaving pet instead of a genuine threat. Probably never did the whole time they were out here. Maybe before Bo even got a good look at him. Before Bo could so much as blink, Hawthorne grabbed his left shoulder with one hand. Gripping Bo's throat tightly with the other. A nasty sneer crossing his features as he raised him into the air. Swiftly pinning him to the door in one quick motion. In a low, creepy, and very angry voice he whispered,"Never threaten me like that again, child."

"I am the one that is in control of this situation. Not you.",Hawthorne added. Leaning forward he did so. Further pinning him to the door with his whole body. Keeping Bo from being able to even move a little finger. Or draw a decent amount of air into his lungs. Softly, he whispered,"We are moving our time table up by quite a bit."

"After the party, we'll both be leaving this cabin to the woods.",Hawthorne explained. There was no way in Hell he was doing any of that! Not with this horrible creature! He was going to destroy this nasty creature and go home. Find a way to deal with his new condition without Hawthorne. Maybe if he were lucky, he would be back to normal once he killed him. But, Bo wasn't feeling confident about that. And he shook his head as he glared deep into Thorn's eyes. Showing that he was refusing to do anything with this creature. Hawthorne tilted his head to the side with a smirk. Calmly, he informed,"You absolutely have no say in the matter, Bo."

"You're going to be doing whatever I tell you and you're going to like it.",Thorn cooed. In a tone that made him feel like he was this thing's pet. Not a fellow creature that they liked at all. Making his gut twist even further with anxiety as Hawthorne pinned him there. Hating the grin that was crossing his features.

But he was going to fight as hard as he could. No matter what he said.

"No matter how much you try, you're going to love it.",he added. Slowly letting him down on the floor. Releasing the grip that he had on Bo's throat. Which he took the opportunity to take several deep breaths at. Coughing a little as the strange creature stared at him. Still smirking as they had done so. Then it said something that made his skin crawl. Quietly, Hawthorne explained,"When the time is right, you're going to kill your best friend."

"And I'm going to kill that harpy of a woman you call 'Mom'.",he informed. Then he carefully kissed Bo's cheek. Nearly putting his lips on his ear as he leaned forward. Keeping him from moving as he held him still. He stated,"When that's done, we'll kill your Grandpa together."

"If...if I try to refuse or tell any of them about this?",Bo questioned. Trying to understand just what would happen if he tried. Did anything that sort of resembled defiance. This seemed to be angering the creature. Its eyes briefly grew blank before they narrowed at him. Letting go of him as he backed away from Bo. In distorted animalistic voice, he growled,"You won't have a choice in the matter, Bo. You will do it and you will like it."

"Now be a good little boy and act like nothing is wrong at all...",he demanded. Popping his claws for a disturbing emphasis. Making Bo's eyes wide with fear as he stared at him. Showing his horribly sharp teeth as he stared at him. With that horrific animal voice, he threatened,"Or I will start our plans without you."

"Yes, Thorn.",he found himself saying. It made him even more disgusted with himself as he stood there. Bo couldn't understand why he couldn't stop himself. Or even force himself to try to attack the monster in front of him. To somehow lock the thing in the bathroom and yell for everyone to leave as quick as they could. His own mind screamed at him to do it as Hawthorne calmed himself down. Making his terrible claws go away. The terrible fangs that he had slowly withdrew until his mouth looked normal. Stupidly kissable but completely like any other human being.

Something that somewhat disgusted Bo as he stared at him. Watching his expression return to the calmer one. A sweet smile on his lips as he commanded,"Now, go."

"I want to get our plan started as soon as your party is in full swing.",he explained. That, thankfully, wouldn't be for at least five hours or so. He had some time to warn someone. Anyone of what Hawthorne had planned for the three of them. To find a way to get Xander out of the line of fire. And to not have to kill his only living best friend. Something that was making him feel so...he didn't even know on the inside. A good portion of his mind was terrified at the prospect. Yet there was this insidious little voice telling him that its fine. That killing Xander would be for the best for him and Xander somehow.

It was how he had to survive. Killing humans like Hawthorne did. So why bother fighting something like that?

Nothing and everything about that didn't and did make sense. It was something he really couldn't understand. Yet on some strange level he had found himself understanding it fully. Along with nodding his head slightly as he reached behind himself. Unlocking the door and pulling it open to walk out of the bathroom. Turning towards the room that he shared with his best friend. Slightly hoping that his friend wouldn't be still sleeping in his bed. That he could talk to him about what was going on. In a way that wouldn't sound entirely like he was trying to mess with his friend.

That he wasn't doing some morbid and wholly inappropriate prank.

That he was entirely serious. And that he wanted to warn him of the new guest who was in the bathroom. One that wanted him to murder him by himself. But as soon as he stepped foot into the bedroom, he couldn't open his mouth. Nor could he make any form of noises with his mouth closed. Not even a muffled grunt or whine of any sort. All he could do is stand in the middle of the room as Xander got out of bed. Rubbing his eyes with the backs of his fists as he did so. Soon as they were away from his face, he focused on Bo. A tired smile coming to his face as he stated,"Good afternoon, Bo. And happy B-day, man."

"I was thinking that after I take a shower, we go into town. We go see a movie and have lunch after? My treat.",Xan offered. It was a tradition that they started together years ago. Not him, Arthur, and Xander. Just him and Xander. They would pay for each other's lunch on their birthdays. Sometimes they would also pay or make the other person dinner. A tradition that normally would have made him happy. Feeling some form of normality during a trying time like this. Yet, he didn't really want to. All he wanted was to get out of the cabin. Go back to the town they both lived and get food there.

Yet he couldn't make himself freaking say that. Nor would he as it would sound utterly suspicious.

"Yeah. That sounds like a plan, Xan.",Bo answered. Or rather heard himself answer his best friend. As he hadn't really wanted to say this. Yet, at the same time he sort of wanted to. But without whatever this hold Hawthorne had on him compelling him to do so. He watched as his best friend walked over to his own bag. Digging through it to get some clothes out quickly. Then watched him walk around him and turned as he headed down the hall to the bathroom.

Bo briefly remembered that Hawthorne was in there. Possibly still in there. And that Xander was going to be bumping into him any second now. It was both awkward and completely terrifying in his mind. His mouth tucked into a frown as he watched him open the bathroom door. Walking in a second afterwards. He heard the faint click of the bathroom light and realized something very quickly. There was no sound of Xander asking someone why they were there. Or who the Hell they were either. All there was, was just the sound of the shower starting.

So Bo assumed that the little creep left the bathroom just after him. Maybe a second or two after he did. Which was both good and bad.

Good as he didn't have to introduce the pair to each other. Or explain to him how they met either. Which was something that Bo didn't know how to do. Nor could he begin to understand why. As not only would it be extremely awkward as Hell. It would be terrifying as well. Because Xander would definitely think he was a total moron for letting some freaky stranger in. Even if he weren't a monster that looked like a frail, sick, person.

And it would be entirely fair for him to think that. He even thought that now.

But the bad part of it was the fact he didn't know where Thorn was. Or what in the world he could be doing in the cabin either. Nor did he know who he was speaking to at all. The idea of him going anywhere near his Mother or Grandpa sent shivers of fear down his spine. Especially not his Mother. He didn't want Hawthorne to step anywhere near her. Fearing just what he would do to the poor woman. What he was going to tell her, too.

And he really didn't want her to put up with that. Or to subject Eleanore to someone or rather something like Hawthorne. As she definitely didn't need to be exposed to any of that.

But also hoped that Wayne wasn't talking with him again. Which wasn't all that realistic in the slightest bit. As he couldn't control who the elderly man talked with. Or the fact that his Grandpa seemed to adore the little creep. Or at least the pretend soft spoken lost little lamb human version of him that he portrayed himself as.

Something that Bo wondered how many times he had done this.

How many well meaning people that he had lured in with it. If any of them realized that there was something off about the terrible creature. Then Bo realized that it really didn't matter in the short or long run. What mattered was finding that annoying little asshole in the cabin. Find him as quick as humanly possible and make sure he didn't try anything. Bo quickly left the shared bedroom, down the hall, and towards the living room. To see if he were there with his Grandpa or not.

When he saw that neither of men weren't in there, he felt terrified. His stomach dropping to the floor as he froze on the spot. Making him afraid of where the Hell the elderly man and the creature where in that moment. Did, did Hawthorne decide to just go ahead and kill his Grandpa by himself? Had he been lying about waiting for the party to start?

No, no, no...his Mom would have been screaming bloody murder if that were to be happening. Scream for Bo to either come help her or to call the police from the locked bedroom. Then the idea of Thorn hiding Wayne's body someplace cropped up. And he smothered it to the best of his ability. Just where? He didn't know how big the cabin was. But it wasn't like Hawthorne had a ton of places to hide a body.

The place wasn't exactly super tiny nor was it giant.

There were limited spaces for him to go here. And that seemed to calm him down as he stood there. Sort of. He forced himself to take a deep breath to settle himself down. And he reminded himself that maybe they were in the kitchen. Possibly eating something that either his Mom was making or his Grandpa. As they probably insisted that Thorn eat something since he might not have eaten.

Well, eaten human food.

When he actually started to listen for their voices, he heard them. They were definitely coming from the kitchen. He was too far away from the room to properly hear what any of them were saying. But from what Bo could tell, their voices sounded to be genuinely happy. There was also the aroma of pancakes drifting down to greet him. Something that he guessed Wayne offered Hawthorne. As they were the best thing that the elderly man ever made. And it was another thing he would push a nun into traffic for.

But doubted that Hawthorne asked for them and he just offered. As his Grandpa was pretty generous like that. So he would have definitely insisted that Thorn eat them. As he probably asked him if he had eaten breakfast yet. Which Hawthorne probably didn't lie about or did. He would also be slightly worried about Hawthorne being so skinny and so pale.

Though he wasn't anywhere near as pale as they first met.

Which was probably a side effect of hunting people. Maybe. He felt that Thorn might have told him about that already. But he honestly couldn't recall if he had or not. But, it was another thing that really didn't matter right now.

He had to get the God damn kitchen to keep an eye on that horrible bastard.

With this in mind, Bo hurried straight to the kitchen. As fast as he could without running and worrying either of his family members. The sight before him was slightly sweet but mostly horrifying. There was the terrible creature sitting at the kitchen table with his Mother. A plate of pancakes in front of him along with a nice mug of steaming hot coffee. Which Bo guessed that his Mother insisted on him having. And that Hawthorne just, for some reason, didn't say no to.

"Yeah, it's been hard being away from home for so long. But my Mom's coming to get me tomorrow and I promised to not do these sort of trips for a long while.",Hawthorne lied. And Bo resisted the urge to roll his eyes at this. The way that he was lying so well made him angry. Act like he actually liked any of them either. Instead of showing his anger, he kept a calm smile on his face as he walked over to the table. Sitting down between his Mom and Hawthorne. Smiling genuinely as Eleanore kissed his cheek. Barely noticing the brief look of jealousy that crossed Hawthorne's features at this. And it dawning on him how much that Thorn might have feelings for him. He ignored it as he sat between the pair. Debating dragging Hawthorne with him and Xander to keep him away. Apologizing to him sometime during the movie. As he feared what the monster would be doing if left alone.

Or rather, what he could come back to if he did.


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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    Raphael FontenelleWritten by Raphael Fontenelle

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