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The Gnawing Hunger Part Five

It had to have just been a strange dream. Weird people didn't just appear out of thin air, do they?

By Raphael FontenellePublished 7 months ago 10 min read
The Gnawing Hunger Part Five
Photo by Edson Saldaña on Unsplash

From the minute that Bo woke up, he thought Hawthorne was just a dream. And he wouldn't be in the spare room sleeping. That there would be nothing there. Only a stuffy room that they had rarely ever used. And that he definitely needed to clean it. He opened his eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them the best he could. Sitting up, he stared down at the floor. Surprised to find that there were dirty patches on the ground. Roughly around the size of a human foot. Almost like his visitor from earlier in the morning. He fully realized that this meant he hadn't been dreaming. That Hawthorne was really in the cabin. In a room, that anyone could find him in.

Pushing his covers off, he looked up at his friends. Neither of them were awake just yet. And a small part of him thanked everything for that. He slowly and carefully slipped his legs out from under the quilt. Right onto the floor of their bedroom.

Carefully standing up to avoid making the bed creak. He quickly and quietly walked out of the bedroom. Shutting the door as silently as possible behind himself. Fearing that he would wake either of his friends. And he didn't want to do that just yet. As Bo didn't know how to properly explain everything. Tell them everything about why he allowed the homeless, possibly homeless, man in. Let him sleep in the spare room and take his clothes. Sure, he was trying to be kind. It was really still a stupid reason. Bo knew that either of his friends would call him on it. Telling him how reckless it was to let someone random into the cabin. Which he knew but, he still couldn't help himself. Quietly, Bo walked towards to the spare room.

Praying that his Grandpa wouldn't be up just yet. As the older man could easily see through any lie he thought of. Like he did when he was a freaking child. Always seeing through whatever in the world he tried. Like taking things when he said he didn't and breaking a window.

He only breathed a sigh of relief when he touched the door. There were no sounds of other footsteps anywhere. It definitely meant he was in the clear. Though his heart wouldn't stop pounding against his rib-cage as he gripped the doorknob. A part of him was unsure of what he was going to say. Or how he was going to properly handle any of this. There were a ton of emotions bubbling up inside him. And he couldn't understand what any of them meant. Though he did his best to shove them down and open the door. Opening it slowly, Bo peeked into the bedroom. In a quiet and somewhat calm voice, he whispered,"You awake in there, Thorn?"

"Yeah, I am Bo.",Hawthorne answered. His voice sounded so very sleep addled and was pretty low. Carefully, he walked into the room that Hawthorne was in. Carefully shutting the door behind himself. Turning on the light to see Thorn sitting up. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with the back of his fists. Setting his hands down, Thorn asked,"What time is it?"

"I think it's around nine or so.",Bo hesitated. He had forgotten to grab his phone. It was charging in the other bedroom on the nightstand. So, he was really just guessing at this point. Taking a few steps forward, he asked,"So...what in the Hell were you doing outside like that, Thorn?"

"I got lost in the woods a couple of days ago.",Hawthorne explained. Bo sat down carefully on the bed. Doing his best to avoid sitting on Hawthorne's toes. Making a motion for him to go on as he did so. Thorn continued,"I went camping by myself and I got lost out there."

"Been out here for...geez. Two weeks or so? I ain't entirely sure.",Hawthorne stated. It sounded strangely plausible in his mind. Though two weeks seemed like a stretch. How hadn't people been looking for him? Why weren't people looking...he ignored that. It was probably because they didn't live anywhere near each other. And Bo didn't want to open any old wounds that he might have. Though there was something that was really starting to bug him. Bo couldn't put his finger on just what it was. For now, he didn't think of it. Just sat there as Thorn continued,"Lost everything that I owned around five days or so."

"My phone's probably broken in the woods somewhere.",Hawthorn sighed. Well, that explained a few things about the entire situation. Like how he hadn't just called for help. There also probably wasn't much of signal up in the mountains. And that would have made calling for help near impossible. Part of him wondered though, did Hawthorne have a car? Where was it? Bo asked,"Didn't you have a car or anything like that?"

"I think it probably got towed nine days ago or so?",Hawthorne guessed. Then explained that he had parked in a spot that wasn't really legal. As it was easier for him in the moment. Which would definitely had gotten it towed in that area. That really sucked for Thorn. Bo asked,"Didn't you have any form of food while you were out there?"

"I had packed for at least five days and a few snacks on me...they ran out six days or so ago.",Hawthorne informed. It was pretty lucky that he found their cabin then. Otherwise he probably wouldn't have lasted for too long out there. This definitely explained why he was so skinny. Well, somewhat explained why he was so skinny at the moment. As he wasn't sure people could lose weight like this. Unless he had a crazily high metabolism. Bo asked,"So you had nothing to eat while you were out there?"

"I ate some stuff that I remembered was edible. It wasn't good but, it was better than starving to death.",Hawthorne informed. That was terrible. The poor guy was eating whatever he could scrounge up out there. His body was just so malnourished thanks to this. He wondered just how long he could've lasted out there if he hadn't found them. The cabins were so spaced out. It probably would've taken him days to get to another one. As the other cabins were five miles or more apart. Bo tried to ignore those thoughts as he asked,"Do you want something to eat, Thorn?"

"I could make us some pancakes if you really want.",he offered. Feeling it would be for the best for Thorn. The poor dude might not have had something to eat in a while. And a hot meal would be a good start for him. Especially, after the whole near month he'd been outside. Hawthorne looked a little hesitant to accept. Almost as if he were feeling guilty or something. Bo continued,"I promise it won't be an issue, dude."

"There's enough mix to make more for two folks.",he assured. Giving the other man an encouraging smile as he got off the bed. This seemed to be all he needed as Thorn nodded his head. Pushing the covers off and getting off the bed. His bony feet hit the floor so very silently. The man moved as quiet as a church mouse. Following after Bo as silently as the other man had moved.

Luckily, no one else were awake just yet. So it was just the two of them. Otherwise it was going to be a very awkward morning for all of them. He motioned for Hawthorne to sit at the nearby table. Getting out everything he would need for pancakes. Setting out the frying pan on the stove top and carefully warming it up. While that happened, Bo started whisking the mix. He asked,"So how many would you like, Thorn?"

"May I have three please?",Thorn requested. It sounded pretty reasonable to him. As Bo generally only made that much for himself. And it probably was a good thing he asked for a little amount. He feared what would happen if he had more than that. Probably have a stomach ache at best. Or throwing up at worst. He put the first one down and quickly gave him some crackers. Figuring he needed something to nibble on. Feeling that not only would it help with any form of nausea he had. As it had helped him when he wasn't feeling great. So it could probably help Thorn as well.

While he flipped the first pancake, he heard some footsteps. Feeling his stomach twist as he listened to them approach the kitchen. He stared at the clock on the stove and knew it wasn't his Mom. It was only nine thirty in the morning. And she usually got up around ten thirty or eleven. His friends got up much later than that. Usually noon at the latest. It had to be his Grandpa coming to the kitchen. Probably smelling the food that Bo was making and wanting some. Freezing as he tried to think of what he should do. The one thought he had was to make Thorn hide somewhere. Before he could really make a decision, his Grandpa walked in. Looking like he just got out of the shower. Buttoning up his shirt with a small smile, he greeted,"Good mornin', Bo."

"Mornin', Gramps.",Bo greeted back. Staying in place as his Grandpa fully walked into the kitchen. Taking a second for him to spot Thorn at the kitchen table. Thorn had stared back at him for the briefest of seconds. Then dropping his gaze to the table. Nibbling on the cracker that he had picked up a second ago. His Grandpa asked,"Uh...hello? Who are you?"

"My name is Hawthorne, sir.",Hawthorne answered. Keeping his tone softer than it normally seemed to be. Bo quickly removed the first pancake from the pan. Setting it on a huge plate that he brought out. Turning around, Bo informed,"Last night, I found him outside the cabin. And he had been out there for two weeks."

"It was storming really bad last night and I let him stay the night.",Bo stated. Then he carefully got between the pair. His Grandpa definitely wouldn't hurt anyone for any reason. But, he had this strange feeling that Thorn would...he ignored this as he continued,"He ain't staying for the entire trip out here."

"Just until he's feeling a whole lot less weak.",Bo assured. Which probably wouldn't be for too long. The dude looked like he was good enough to go to town. Possibly get a hotel room there until someone could pick him up. After all, Hawthorne had a life he had to get back to. There was no way he'd want to stay with a bunch of strangers. Even if they had made him breakfast and let him stay in their cabin. Pushing that aside, Bo asked,"I mean if it's cool with you that is?"

"Of course it is, Bo. Kinda wished you'd woken me up for it.",his Grandpa stated. Well, at the time he didn't think of that. And it probably would have been wise for his Grandpa to know. He felt like sort of an idiot for not doing it. But he apologized over it. Stating that the idea completely slipped his mind entirely. The elderly man patted his shoulder and he informed,"It's fine. Just please don't do anything like this again."

"I promise I won't.",Bo stated. Walking over to the stove to make another pancake. It wasn't like he was going to just find some random dude lost in the woods again. At least he really hoped he didn't. And if he did, he hoped that person was going to be alive, too. Hopefully not too injured or anything like that. While Bo made the next pancake, his Grandpa apologized,"Sorry if I scared you, Hawthorne."

"Really wasn't expecting a visitor this early in the morning.",he added. Probably wasn't expecting a visitor at all. At least he wasn't expecting this kind of a visitor. He knew that he wouldn't if he were in his Grandpa's shoes. Bo put a few more dollops of pancake mix on the pan. Watching them as he listened to the pair speak. Some part of him hoped that his Grandpa would get along with Hawthorne. Though he wasn't entirely sure why. It wasn't like they were good friends or anything. Hawthorne stated,"It's okay."

"I probably would be a little uncomfortable to come across a stranger this early too, sir.",he added. He put some of the finished pancakes on the big plate. Along with putting more mixture down. Feeling that his Grandpa would want some for himself. And would make sure there was enough for three grown men. He stayed still as he spotted the elderly man moving from the corner of his eye. Getting closer to Hawthorne and gently patting his shoulder. As if to reassure him that he was fine. And the elderly man chuckled,"No need to be so formal, Thorn. You can call me Wayne."

"Of course, Wayne.",Thorn stated. And with that, his Grandpa sat down next to their visitor. Part of him was just utterly relieved they were getting along. Even if that seemed odd to himself. Why did he care if the stranger and his Grandpa got along? Why even care about it? Not thinking of this, he finished off the batter. Hurriedly setting the dirty bowl in the sink. Then filling it up with water to avoid the batter drying onto it. Soon as he was done with that, he flipped the pancakes over. Paying attention to that while listening to Hawthorne and Wayne speak. Just stuff about the woods around them and how they liked it. Bo put the pancakes onto a separate plate for Hawthorne. Walking it over to him and setting it down in front of him. Then he hurriedly snatched some forks and knives for them to use.

A second later, he plated his Grandpa's pancakes. Four with a spoonful of strawberry jam on top. It was one of Wayne's favorite ways to eat pancakes. Along with the maple syrup. Getting that out of the fridge, he set it in the middle of the table.

Bo got himself three pancakes before sitting next to Thorn. On the other side of him. Thanking Hawthorne when he poured some syrup on his pancakes before his own. All of them nearly eating in silence as they sat together. He prayed that the others wouldn't be up anytime soon. And that if his Mom got up he just hoped that she wouldn't freak. Otherwise it was going to be a long birthday week.


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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    Raphael FontenelleWritten by Raphael Fontenelle

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